Happy New Year From Seattle

Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

Thanks for sharing the video and hats off to Howard Wright.
Happy New Year to everyone.

Right back at'cha. And all. I spent till 1:00 this morning holding on my lap our nervous dog that's afraid of fireworks.

I used to have to do that too. For both New Years and the 4th of July.

He was a rescue and had been very horribly abused his first 2 years.

So when there were fireworks or any sound like that he would shake very badly and be terrified. I had to hold him for hours.

I tried medication but he was a mini shitzus and barely 5 lbs so the drugs were way too much for him even though the pills were cut into quarters. He couldn't even stand.

So it was me holding him for hours while he shook badly. I was always afraid he was going to have a heart attack.
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

Thanks for sharing the video and hats off to Howard Wright.

You're welcome.

He did a very good job.
I used to live on Queen Anne hill so all I had to do was walk to the space needle. No problem finding parking.

It was always a fun evening.

I hope we will be able to go back to it next year.

I've done a lot of work with the Experience Music Project through the years. It's now renamed MoPop.

The only reason that museum exists is because Paul Allen bought a Jimi Hendrix guitar. He wanted to put it and a statue of Jimi in the Zoo but the old people on the city counsel in the 80s wouldn't allow it.

So to let the city counsel know what Paul Allen thought of them, he bought some of the most prime land in the city. Right there on 5th avenue at the Seattle Center.

He built that museum for that guitar and a statue to Hendrix. The city counsel hated it.

The rest of us LOVED IT.

What happened to the guitar and statue? That's the best part.

That guitar is in the museum with other guitars.

The statue of Jimi was made and it's in the Zoo exactly where Paul Allen wanted it.

We voted a new city counsel in the 90s. Who then allowed the statue in the Zoo.

A copy of the statue is also on Capital Hill on Broadway outside an art store.

I knew about the Hendrix guitar purchase but cool backstory on the rest! I'd have loved to spend a few days with Paul toward the end of his life. He was by all accounts a genius, a really good guy, a music lover like me, and an amazing philanthropist!

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I used to live on Queen Anne hill so all I had to do was walk to the space needle. No problem finding parking.

It was always a fun evening.

I hope we will be able to go back to it next year.

I've done a lot of work with the Experience Music Project through the years. It's now renamed MoPop.

The only reason that museum exists is because Paul Allen bought a Jimi Hendrix guitar. He wanted to put it and a statue of Jimi in the Zoo but the old people on the city counsel in the 80s wouldn't allow it.

So to let the city counsel know what Paul Allen thought of them, he bought some of the most prime land in the city. Right there on 5th avenue at the Seattle Center.

He built that museum for that guitar and a statue to Hendrix. The city counsel hated it.

The rest of us LOVED IT.

What happened to the guitar and statue? That's the best part.

That guitar is in the museum with other guitars.

The statue of Jimi was made and it's in the Zoo exactly where Paul Allen wanted it.

We voted a new city counsel in the 90s. Who then allowed the statue in the Zoo.

A copy of the statue is also on Capital Hill on Broadway outside an art store.

I knew about the Hendrix guitar purchase but cool backstory on the rest! I'd have loved to spend a few days with Paul toward the end of his life. He was by all accounts a genius, a really good guy and an amazing philanthropist!


I lived on Queen Anne hill when the EMP was being built. It was so cool to watch that building be built. It's such an unusual building. It's a perfect testament to rock and roll. It doesn't conform to anything. It breaks the rules. It's so different from all other buildings in the city. I just love it.

Everyone in the city followed the whole thing from start to finish. Most of us were very upset when the city counsel denied that statue and guitar at the Zoo. The issue was brought before them a couple times and every time they said no. Everyone I knew and myself were upset with the counsel about it. It was just a guitar and statue. There was no reason to deny it at the zoo.

I have a friend who worked for Paul Allen. He was a fantastic employer. He treated all his employees so well.

I never directly worked for him or with him but did a lot of work with the EMP or what is now MoPop many times.

When I die all my work and equipment will be on indefinite loan to the EMP and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The EMP will get first pick of it all. I was born and raised in Seattle. My fellow music lovers in Seattle will have first pick of all of it then what is left will go to Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was weird when the director of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame asked for my equipment too. Then my lawyer laughed at me when I didn't get it and said the following "How much is a camera worth that was used to photograph Sir Paul McCartney?" I then got why they wanted the equipment too.
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Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

Thanks for sharing the video and hats off to Howard Wright.

You're welcome.

He did a very good job.

He is a class act and always has been, I have had the privilege to speak and work with him and even now when most of his businesses are hurting he is still willing to go all out.
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

Thanks for sharing the video and hats off to Howard Wright.

You're welcome.

He did a very good job.

He is a class act and always has been, I have had the privilege to speak and work with him and even now when most of his businesses are hurting he is still willing to go all out.

Yes he is.

I've never worked directly with him.

I was the photographer for the Seattle International Film Festival for nearly a decade. He was at the festival a few times. I photographed him on the red carpet but that was about it. Never really got to talk with him or spend time with him.
I used to live on Queen Anne hill so all I had to do was walk to the space needle. No problem finding parking.

It was always a fun evening.

I hope we will be able to go back to it next year.

I've done a lot of work with the Experience Music Project through the years. It's now renamed MoPop.

The only reason that museum exists is because Paul Allen bought a Jimi Hendrix guitar. He wanted to put it and a statue of Jimi in the Zoo but the old people on the city counsel in the 80s wouldn't allow it.

So to let the city counsel know what Paul Allen thought of them, he bought some of the most prime land in the city. Right there on 5th avenue at the Seattle Center.

He built that museum for that guitar and a statue to Hendrix. The city counsel hated it.

The rest of us LOVED IT.

What happened to the guitar and statue? That's the best part.

That guitar is in the museum with other guitars.

The statue of Jimi was made and it's in the Zoo exactly where Paul Allen wanted it.

We voted a new city counsel in the 90s. Who then allowed the statue in the Zoo.

A copy of the statue is also on Capital Hill on Broadway outside an art store.

I knew about the Hendrix guitar purchase but cool backstory on the rest! I'd have loved to spend a few days with Paul toward the end of his life. He was by all accounts a genius, a really good guy and an amazing philanthropist!


I lived on Queen Anne hill when the EMP was being built. It was so cool to watch that building be built. It's such an unusual building. It's a perfect testament to rock and roll. It doesn't conform to anything. It breaks the rules. It's so different from all other buildings in the city. I just love it.

Everyone in the city followed the whole thing from start to finish. Most of us were very upset when the city counsel denied that statue and guitar at the Zoo. The issue was brought before them a couple times and every time they said no. Everyone I knew and myself were upset with the counsel about it. It was just a guitar and statue. There was no reason to deny it at the zoo.

I have a friend who worked for Paul Allen. He was a fantastic employer. He treated all his employees so well.

I never directly worked for him or with him but did a lot of work with the EMP or what is now MoPop many times.

When I die all my work and equipment will be on indefinite loan to the EMP and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The EMP will get first pick of it all. I was born and raised in Seattle. My fellow music lovers in Seattle will have first pick of all of it then what is left will go to Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was weird when the director of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame asked for my equipment too. Then my lawyer laughed at me when I didn't get it and said the following "How much is a camera worth that was used to photograph Sir Paul McCartney?" I then got why they wanted the equipment too.

Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret :confused:

I used to live on Queen Anne hill so all I had to do was walk to the space needle. No problem finding parking.

It was always a fun evening.

I hope we will be able to go back to it next year.

I've done a lot of work with the Experience Music Project through the years. It's now renamed MoPop.

The only reason that museum exists is because Paul Allen bought a Jimi Hendrix guitar. He wanted to put it and a statue of Jimi in the Zoo but the old people on the city counsel in the 80s wouldn't allow it.

So to let the city counsel know what Paul Allen thought of them, he bought some of the most prime land in the city. Right there on 5th avenue at the Seattle Center.

He built that museum for that guitar and a statue to Hendrix. The city counsel hated it.

The rest of us LOVED IT.

What happened to the guitar and statue? That's the best part.

That guitar is in the museum with other guitars.

The statue of Jimi was made and it's in the Zoo exactly where Paul Allen wanted it.

We voted a new city counsel in the 90s. Who then allowed the statue in the Zoo.

A copy of the statue is also on Capital Hill on Broadway outside an art store.

I knew about the Hendrix guitar purchase but cool backstory on the rest! I'd have loved to spend a few days with Paul toward the end of his life. He was by all accounts a genius, a really good guy and an amazing philanthropist!


I lived on Queen Anne hill when the EMP was being built. It was so cool to watch that building be built. It's such an unusual building. It's a perfect testament to rock and roll. It doesn't conform to anything. It breaks the rules. It's so different from all other buildings in the city. I just love it.

Everyone in the city followed the whole thing from start to finish. Most of us were very upset when the city counsel denied that statue and guitar at the Zoo. The issue was brought before them a couple times and every time they said no. Everyone I knew and myself were upset with the counsel about it. It was just a guitar and statue. There was no reason to deny it at the zoo.

I have a friend who worked for Paul Allen. He was a fantastic employer. He treated all his employees so well.

I never directly worked for him or with him but did a lot of work with the EMP or what is now MoPop many times.

When I die all my work and equipment will be on indefinite loan to the EMP and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The EMP will get first pick of it all. I was born and raised in Seattle. My fellow music lovers in Seattle will have first pick of all of it then what is left will go to Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was weird when the director of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame asked for my equipment too. Then my lawyer laughed at me when I didn't get it and said the following "How much is a camera worth that was used to photograph Sir Paul McCartney?" I then got why they wanted the equipment too.

Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret :confused:


No I'm not Annie Leibovitz.

I could be described as the Annie Leibovitz of the west without the fame.
Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret
Bing Crosby is from Spokane, by the way. Not Seattle.

Neat light show at the Space Needle. They can't keep heroin addicts from crapping in the street and
leaving their needles in the park but nice light show.
Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret
Bing Crosby is from Spokane, by the way. Not Seattle.

Neat light show at the Space Needle. They can't keep heroin addicts from crapping in the street and
leaving their needles in the park but nice light show.

I've spent many weeks in Seattle and never saw anyone crapping in the street or their aftermath.
All big cities have homelessness and drug problems.
Perhaps you should sniff around your own hole?
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

I was in Seattle, December of 2019 returning from Juneau, Alaska and wanted to see the Space Needle but ran out of time.

Thanks for sharing!
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

Looks like something from out of a strange combination of "Close Encounters..." and "Aliens". Maybe appropriate for 2121.
I've spent many weeks in Seattle and never saw anyone crapping in the street or their aftermath.
All big cities have homelessness and drug problems.
Perhaps you should sniff around your own hole?

Well evidently the people who live and work in Seattle just don't know what the hell they are talking about.

All big cities have problems. Not all big cities have turned their backs on their problems they way Seattle
has. But I guess you and your little doggie know better.

My relatives live in Seattle. My son worked for the city for awhile. My brother lived in the suburbs for years.
But I guess as a tourist there you know everything. Never mind my "hole". Check your own pompous inflated
claims. They are absurd and so ignorant, which is how I guess you go through life.
I used to live on Queen Anne hill so all I had to do was walk to the space needle. No problem finding parking.

It was always a fun evening.

I hope we will be able to go back to it next year.

I've done a lot of work with the Experience Music Project through the years. It's now renamed MoPop.

The only reason that museum exists is because Paul Allen bought a Jimi Hendrix guitar. He wanted to put it and a statue of Jimi in the Zoo but the old people on the city counsel in the 80s wouldn't allow it.

So to let the city counsel know what Paul Allen thought of them, he bought some of the most prime land in the city. Right there on 5th avenue at the Seattle Center.

He built that museum for that guitar and a statue to Hendrix. The city counsel hated it.

The rest of us LOVED IT.

What happened to the guitar and statue? That's the best part.

That guitar is in the museum with other guitars.

The statue of Jimi was made and it's in the Zoo exactly where Paul Allen wanted it.

We voted a new city counsel in the 90s. Who then allowed the statue in the Zoo.

A copy of the statue is also on Capital Hill on Broadway outside an art store.

I knew about the Hendrix guitar purchase but cool backstory on the rest! I'd have loved to spend a few days with Paul toward the end of his life. He was by all accounts a genius, a really good guy and an amazing philanthropist!


I lived on Queen Anne hill when the EMP was being built. It was so cool to watch that building be built. It's such an unusual building. It's a perfect testament to rock and roll. It doesn't conform to anything. It breaks the rules. It's so different from all other buildings in the city. I just love it.

Everyone in the city followed the whole thing from start to finish. Most of us were very upset when the city counsel denied that statue and guitar at the Zoo. The issue was brought before them a couple times and every time they said no. Everyone I knew and myself were upset with the counsel about it. It was just a guitar and statue. There was no reason to deny it at the zoo.

I have a friend who worked for Paul Allen. He was a fantastic employer. He treated all his employees so well.

I never directly worked for him or with him but did a lot of work with the EMP or what is now MoPop many times.

When I die all my work and equipment will be on indefinite loan to the EMP and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The EMP will get first pick of it all. I was born and raised in Seattle. My fellow music lovers in Seattle will have first pick of all of it then what is left will go to Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was weird when the director of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame asked for my equipment too. Then my lawyer laughed at me when I didn't get it and said the following "How much is a camera worth that was used to photograph Sir Paul McCartney?" I then got why they wanted the equipment too.

Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret :confused:

JIMI. Get it right
Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret
Bing Crosby is from Spokane, by the way. Not Seattle.

Neat light show at the Space Needle. They can't keep heroin addicts from crapping in the street and
leaving their needles in the park but nice light show.

Nothing in your post is true.

Bing Crosby is from TACOMA. NOT Spokane.

No one is messing in the streets.

Just stop the lies.

This thread is supposed to be about New Years and that wonderful show.

You really should get your facts straight.

Grow up.
Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret
Bing Crosby is from Spokane, by the way. Not Seattle.

Neat light show at the Space Needle. They can't keep heroin addicts from crapping in the street and
leaving their needles in the park but nice light show.

I've spent many weeks in Seattle and never saw anyone crapping in the street or their aftermath.
All big cities have homelessness and drug problems.
Perhaps you should sniff around your own hole?

It's obvious that person has never been to Seattle.

Or any large major city in our nation.
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

I was in Seattle, December of 2019 returning from Juneau, Alaska and wanted to see the Space Needle but ran out of time.

Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome. I hope you liked the laser and fireworks show.
Every New Years there's a party and fireworks at the Space Needle. There wasn't a party this year but we got treated to something I think that is very cool.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Watch this video it's so cool.

I was in Seattle, December of 2019 returning from Juneau, Alaska and wanted to see the Space Needle but ran out of time.

Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome. I hope you liked the laser and fireworks show.

I absolutely did.
Seattle has such a rich rock/pop/grunge history. From Bing Crosby to The Ventures to Ray Charles to Nirvana to of course Jimmy.

I think I asked you once if you were Annie Leibowitz and you said iksnay.
Would love to see some of your photographs. I dabble as an amateur and have won a few national awards.
Had a scholarship to Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara but opted for marketing.
Sometimes a mild regret
Bing Crosby is from Spokane, by the way. Not Seattle.

Neat light show at the Space Needle. They can't keep heroin addicts from crapping in the street and
leaving their needles in the park but nice light show.

I've spent many weeks in Seattle and never saw anyone crapping in the street or their aftermath.
All big cities have homelessness and drug problems.
Perhaps you should sniff around your own hole?

It's obvious that person has never been to Seattle.

Or any large major city in our nation.

Eric's one experience with "the big city" was on a second grade field trip to a dairy in Mayberry. :laugh:

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