Happy Valentine's Day: Emperor Trump Signs Repeal Of Frank Dodd Provision

Fuck Trump.

as his "glory" team drops like files amid their lies ..
'Trump Signs Repeal Of Frank Dodd Provision'

I for one would like oil and gas companies to have to report when they pay foreign governments cash. Theres a lot in Dodd a frank not Tol like so not sure why this common sense provision is the first to go.
Well, at least the neanderthal O/P has something right: Trump sees himself as a monarch and not a public servant.
Fuck Trump.
as his "glory" team drops like files amid their lies ..

Awwww, someone is a bitter, butt-hurt wittle snowflake.....

Cheer up, buttercup, the erasure of the mistakes and stains of the past, as well as Obama's 'Legacy', has just started. :p

It's going to be a looooooooong 4 years for Liberals.
Fuck Trump.

as his "glory" team drops like files amid their lies ..

Yeah, I think the Anorexic Policy Adviser Kellyanne Conway is going to get the axe next. They've got Stephen Miller a.k.a. Goebbels-look-alike taking over for her since she's been caught lying twice in the last week.
Well, at least the neanderthal O/P has something right: Trump sees himself as a monarch and not a public servant.
His privilege allows him to do so!

No, sorry Sparky, he has no right or privilege to become king. Quite the opposite, if you recall the battle to get rid of the last one, George III. Oh, that's right you never got past the 6th grade.
What a glorious leader he is! Making America Great Again, that's what he's doing.

Yes, because if there's one thing that's been standing in the way of ordinary Americans getting jobs it was the oil companies having to disclose payments to foreign governments, many of which are hostile to the USA.

I'm getting sick of all this winning.
Trump supporters vote against their own best interests in favor of handing everything over to billionaires. Are they stupid, brainwashed or both?
What a glorious leader he is! Making America Great Again, that's what he's doing.

What a glorious leader he is! Making America Great Again, that's what he's doing.

Yes, because if there's one thing that's been standing in the way of ordinary Americans getting jobs it was the oil companies having to disclose payments to foreign governments, many of which are hostile to the USA.

I'm getting sick of all this winning.

Then stop whining.
Fuck Trump.
as his "glory" team drops like files amid their lies ..

Awwww, someone is a bitter, butt-hurt wittle snowflake.....

Cheer up, buttercup, the erasure of the mistakes and stains of the past, as well as Obama's 'Legacy', has just started. :p

It's going to be a looooooooong 4 years for Liberals.

Hahahaha....Trump is the first president in American history to fire a National Security Advisor in less than a month. And it's going to get worse when there's an investigation into the Russian connection between Trump, Flynn, Tillerson and Manafort and god knows who else once we peel this onion.

You'd better stock up on Vaseline, honey. And turn the A/C down to around 40 degrees. You're the new butthurt snowflake.
Fuck Trump.
as his "glory" team drops like files amid their lies ..

Awwww, someone is a bitter, butt-hurt wittle snowflake.....

Cheer up, buttercup, the erasure of the mistakes and stains of the past, as well as Obama's 'Legacy', has just started. :p

It's going to be a looooooooong 4 years for Liberals.

Hahahaha....Trump is the first president in American history to fire a National Security Advisor in less than a month. And it's going to get worse when there's an investigation into the Russian connection between Trump, Flynn, Tillerson and Manafort and god knows who else once we peel this onion.

You'd better stock up on Vaseline, honey. And turn the A/C down to around 40 degrees. You're the new butthurt snowflake.

Sure.... sure, that's it.
Awesome! This will help get the economy moving by removing a lot of lender restrictions that are prevent companies from getting loans for capital investments.

Apparently we are going to have to drag the scumbag Dems into prosperity.

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