Harriet Hagerman Provides A Battle Cry For Conservatives - Amazing Speech

Only the super wealthy can live there.
I'm not "superwealthy". I was living in Costa Rica with a $1800 monthly income from my work online. I hardly ever earned over $2000. I've lived in other countries as well, with around that income. You can live in other countries for less than that. I met Americans in Costa Rica and in other countries, that were living there with less than $1000, from their Social Security. You're arguing with someone that lived it.
Biden spent 3 trillion in his first year, that would track to 12 trillion in his 4 years….But I’d bet you don’t think that is excessive…right?
If Biden were a conservative I would think that is excessive yes… Is Trump a conservative? If he isn’t why are you supporting him?
I'm not "superwealthy". I was living in Costa Rica with a $1800 monthly income from my work online. I hardly ever earned over $2000. I've lived in other countries as well, with around that income. You can live in other countries for less than that. I met Americans in Costa Rica and in other countries, that were living there with less than $1000, from their Social Security. You're arguing with someone that lived it.
That’s Costa Rica.
How about Cuba or Columbia?
If Biden were a conservative I would think that is excessive yes… Is Trump a conservative? If he isn’t why are you supporting him?
1. So, it's OK when a dem spends like that?

2. Trump isn't a conservative, he's a reformed dem...and still better than any dem socialist.
I don't want communism and I don't hear many Leftists saying that. I'm thinking you don't speak for the Left.

No, most leftists don’t say that, but it isn’t because their policies don’t support that ideology, but rather, they are ignorant of where the polices they support ultimately lead.

I have said this many times, but it is worth repeating. Immigrants who have escaped Comminust countries and were not part of the Communist Party that come to the US are ardently opposed to the Democratic Party. They start with a clean slate as far as US politics go and they are able to see that the Democratic Party most closley resembles what they escaped. I only wish Democrats moving from blue states to red states were as wise and would stop voting for the same nonsense which forced them to leave their home states for the greener grasses in the red states.
That’s Costa Rica.
How about Cuba or Columbia?

In Cuba, due to the sanctions, you can't do any banking or adequately access the internet. There are no ATMs there that you can use so traveling there is trickier and of course, thanks to Trump, illegal. If you go there, you might get in trouble with the US government, so Cuba is avoided by most Americans, especially as a place to live. Colombia, is actually affordable. You can live very well in Colombia with $1500 monthly, especially if you have an income over $2000 monthly. My mother's husband (he doesn't like me calling him "step dad", we met as adults), gets $2500 monthly in Social Security. He worked practically all of his life (since the age of 14) in a well-paying trade, so he gets a good chunk of change from Social Security, and hence can live practically anywhere in Latin America and much of Asia, with maybe the exception of Japan. Even in Japan, you can survive on $2500 monthly. You don't need to be anywhere close to wealthy to live abroad as an American ex-pat. As I said, I did it with less than $2000 monthly.
There are no open borders, so you lied about that.

Don't be a child and call people liars because you disagree with them. The word you are looking for is "incorrect", but it's you for whom it is an appropriate adjective.

What speech specifically has been censored? You mean terrorist threats on social media? Do you think terrorizing people on social media is freedom?

War on fossil fuels? Where to begin? There is no such thing as a war on fossil fuels. There is a war for clean air and adequate/clean drinking water. Do you know they are cutting water use in Arizona 21%, and Nevada 8%? Do you know why? Because 80% of that water is used for commercial farming, reducing the amount of available water in the region. Fossil fuels are of little value when our water supply has been reduced.
Read and learn. You know this already, but you are in denial....

As for drugs, tell me how the $740 billion dollar inflation reduction act isn't going to help prescription drug prices?
$740B is over $2000 cost for every man, woman and child in the US. If you pay taxes like half the population it's $4000. If there are three taxpayers in your house, it's $12000!

I know of no responsible/traditional family who would allow AR 15s in their home? If you do you're a complete idiot. Beyond that, guns aren't going anywhere.

We're going to take this country back in November 2022, 2023 in Virginia, and 2024 for the White House.

Thanks for providing another example of what I said.

Liberal world order” is a decades-old term referring to a system of global cooperation. A Biden administration adviser used the term to explain why gasoline prices are tied to the war in Ukraine. But social media posts use the adviser’s comments to misleadingly claim Biden is pushing a “new liberal world order” to make Americans pay “high gas prices forever.”
It's a good analysis on your part, but as you know, both are true as the Biden Admin has unapologetically told us we are going through a great transition to "clean energy."
No, most leftists don’t say that, but it isn’t because their policies don’t support that ideology, but rather, they are ignorant of where the polices they support ultimately lead.

I have said this many times, but it is worth repeating. Immigrants who have escaped Comminust countries and were not part of the Communist Party that come to the US are ardently opposed to the Democratic Party. They start with a clean slate as far as US politics go and they are able to see that the Democratic Party most closley resembles what they escaped. I only wish Democrats moving from blue states to red states were as wise and would stop voting for the same nonsense which forced them to leave their home states for the greener grasses in the red states.
Or maybe they were fleeing from authoritarian regimes and may come to view the GOP and it's authoritarian leanings to be exactly what they don't want?
It's a good analysis on your part, but as you know, both are true as the Biden Admin has unapologetically told us we are going through a great transition to "clean energy."
If global warming is true, and much of the world agrees it is, Biden is just preparing us for the future, whether we want it or not. It is science and economics, it shouldn't be political.
If global warming is true, and much of the world agrees it is, Biden is just preparing us for the future, whether we want it or not. It is science and economics, it shouldn't be political.
The science and economics say we aren't going to move away from fossil fuels in the foreseeable future, so therein lies the problem - it was simply a vapid narrative.

If it made scientific and economic sense, then it would happen naturally, but Tesla sure does appreciate the green vehicle $7500 subsidies and so do the rich people buying Teslas.
If it made scientific and economic sense, then it would happen naturally, but Tesla sure does appreciate the green vehicle $7500 subsidies and so do the rich people buying Teslas.
Naturally doesn't mean smoothly. There will be winners and losers so it makes sense to minimize the damage the changes will bring.
Or maybe they were fleeing from authoritarian regimes and may come to view the GOP and it's authoritarian leanings to be exactly what they don't want?

They tend to vote GOP, so this makes no sense. The Democrats want the government to be you only authority figure, thus why they want to remove God from everything. In case you didn’t know, this is the first thing Communist regimes do. Worship them, not God. Clueless Democrats are like sheep to slaughter.

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