Harriet Hagerman Provides A Battle Cry For Conservatives - Amazing Speech

Many are, you'd be surprised. I lived in Costa Rica for a few years and there were many American ex-pats there, "running" away from America. A LOT. The world is full of American ex-pats.
Not running away as the dollar goes much further there.
Mexico is fraught with runners and gang murders.
If you have money, you have little to fear.
Do you have dementia and believe you've said something you haven't? Easy to prove...
You haven't addressed the issue of Brown people in the 2nd half of the 20th century and up until now fleeing Brown leaders.
I assume you don't live in a slum surrounded by gangs so it's easy for you to be a bleeding heart LibTard.
My bad. I didn't notice you had joined the thread. It was a previous poster, kyzr, that claimed "FNC is provably the least biased cable news outlet, as proven by Harvard". In my defense, many on the Right sound alike, I guess they all use the same sources.
It is the same on the left as well. You folks don't see your flaws either. Take a look at Biden.
Just a typical list of hatreds which is all republicans offer their people. No ideas that can help the average family. Maybe bring down the cost of drugs? Have a plan on how to end school massacres like we had in Texas awhile back. They certainly don't want cuz they love guns, the more the merrier and in reality, fuck the kids. I can't see one thing the republicans do for the average American.
I supposed you could look at it that way, or look at it like a list of things where Republicans would do counter things which would help the average American like:

  • Close the borders
  • Not force (coerce) dangerous and ineffective experimental vaccines and boosters on everyone. Or wear a stupid mask for years.
  • Cease censoring speech in social media and colleges and allow freedom of speech in the spirit of Democracy.
  • Quit weaponizing law enforcement
  • The war on fossil fuels has come to reality and the cost of all goods and inflation have increased to a painful level. - E.g. cancel the Green New Deal, The Paris Climate Accord, and rely on abundant and relatively clean American energy of all forms.
As for lowering the cost of drugs, the Dems have been in complete control of the Legislature and White House for a bit now. But Big Pharma is their biggest donor, and it also provides about 50% of FDA funding to pay a lot of people to approve dangerous drugs.

As for guns, we're good. You Dems need to get your cities in order, and it has nothing to do with guns; it has to do with the breakdown of the traditional family and law and order. That's the real problem, but for occasional madmen, it's normally guns that stop them, not gun laws.

If you get your information about the Left only from Rightwing media you are the one without a clue. They are giving you a biased view of the Left while I'm an eye witness to it.

From msn.com.....

CNN: "What do you say to those families that say, 'listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?’"

BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm."

So it's unclear, do you support this Liberal World Order with $4 gas or not? :)
Harriet Hagerman succinctly explains the countless reasons America has headed in the wrong directions on so many issues since the Democrats have taken over the legislature and White House in an amazing speech.

She really summarizes so many positions which greatly appeal to me and undoubtedly other Conservatives, and she explains why we are going to take this country back...

Taking it back from what? Right-wing lawlessness? Because you failed to steal an election? Because your insurrection to destroy Democracy failed? Because the fake elector scheme failed? Because Trump got caught stealing classified documents? Because he got caught colluding with Russia? Because he called Covid a hoax? Because he had to pay millions for stealing charity money from children with cancer? Because he got caught in a campaign finance scheme, inflating his assets, cheating on his taxes, violating the emoluments clause, etc? So what are you taking back exactly?
I supposed you could look at it that way, or look at it like a list of things where Republicans would do counter things which would help the average American like:

  • Close the borders
  • Not force (coerce) dangerous and ineffective experimental vaccines and boosters on everyone. Or wear a stupid mask for years.
  • Cease censoring speech in social media and colleges and allow freedom of speech in the spirit of Democracy.
  • Quit weaponizing law enforcement
  • The war on fossil fuels has come to reality and the cost of all goods and inflation have increased to a painful level. - E.g. cancel the Green New Deal, The Paris Climate Accord, and rely on abundant and relatively clean American energy of all forms.
As for lowering the cost of drugs, the Dems have been in complete control of the Legislature and White House for a bit now. But Big Pharma is their biggest donor, and it also provides about 50% of FDA funding to pay a lot of people to approve dangerous drugs.

As for guns, we're good. You Dems need to get your cities in order, and it has nothing to do with guns; it has to do with the breakdown of the traditional family and law and order. That's the real problem, but for occasional madmen, it's normally guns that stop them, not gun laws.

There are no open borders, so you lied about that.

You do know, that when Covid was peaking, hospitals in Indiana were over run with the unvaccinated with Covid right?

What speech specifically has been censored? You mean terrorist threats on social media? Do you think terrorizing people on social media is freedom?

" Weaponizing law enforcement?" Elaborate?

War on fossil fuels? Where to begin? There is no such thing as a war on fossil fuels. There is a war for clean air and adequate/clean drinking water. Do you know they are cutting water use in Arizona 21%, and Nevada 8%? Do you know why? Because 80% of that water is used for commercial farming, reducing the amount of available water in the region. Fossil fuels are of little value when our water supply has been reduced.

The cost of goods is a direct result of Covid. Supply and demand have not been met in recent years because of it, driving up costs. That's not a political thing, that's a country thing.

As for drugs, tell me how the $740 billion dollar inflation reduction act isn't going to help prescription drug prices?

I know of no responsible/traditional family who would allow AR 15s in their home? If you do you're a complete idiot. Beyond that, guns aren't going anywhere.
Democrats shut down the government over cuts. Especially the cuts to services for illegals. Do you not remember that? Or are you just a fucking moron?
And there are the excuses...right on cue.

Meanwhile back in reality:

“We shouldn’t shut down the government over a dispute,” said Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader.

“The last time, Chuck, you shut it down,” shot back Trump, referring to Democrats’ brief shut down over immigration earlier this year. “If we don’t get what we want … I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck.”

Thanks for the batting practice
And there are the excuses...right on cue.

Meanwhile back in reality:

“We shouldn’t shut down the government over a dispute,” said Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader.

“The last time, Chuck, you shut it down,” shot back Trump, referring to Democrats’ brief shut down over immigration earlier this year. “If we don’t get what we want … I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck.”

Thanks for the batting practice
Congrats on striking out on a tee-ball.
Not running away as the dollar goes much further there.
Mexico is fraught with runners and gang murders.
If you have money, you have little to fear.

Yes, running away from the US. They don't want to live here anymore, due to how expensive it is and they feel more free in these Latin American countries.

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From msn.com.....

CNN: "What do you say to those families that say, 'listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?’"

BIDEN ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm."

So it's unclear, do you support this Liberal World Order with $4 gas or not? :)
Thanks for providing another example of what I said.

Liberal world order” is a decades-old term referring to a system of global cooperation. A Biden administration adviser used the term to explain why gasoline prices are tied to the war in Ukraine. But social media posts use the adviser’s comments to misleadingly claim Biden is pushing a “new liberal world order” to make Americans pay “high gas prices forever.”

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