Harriet Hagerman Provides A Battle Cry For Conservatives - Amazing Speech

The sad thing is, that's really all they have. No ideas. No principles. No values. Just impotent rage.

They're fed up!
I‘m in a thread about Facebook and the right wants the government to intervene and the left is good with a business dictating free speech based on politics, and still wants the government to reinstall the fairness doctrine but not on the internet.

The left and right have no principles, they just go with whatever their party wants. I disagree a lot with the ACLU however I respect them because they have principles and are consistent.
Please show me where I claimed anything of the sort. Read my post. I believe you may have problems with reading comprehension.
My bad. I didn't notice you had joined the thread. It was a previous poster, kyzr, that claimed "FNC is provably the least biased cable news outlet, as proven by Harvard". In my defense, many on the Right sound alike, I guess they all use the same sources.
Nice retort, PeeWee.
Are US Citizens running to Mexico?

Many are, you'd be surprised. I lived in Costa Rica for a few years and there were many American ex-pats there, "running" away from America. A LOT. The world is full of American ex-pats.
Harriet Hagerman succinctly explains the countless reasons America has headed in the wrong directions on so many issues since the Democrats have taken over the legislature and White House in an amazing speech.

She really summarizes so many positions which greatly appeal to me and undoubtedly other Conservatives, and she explains why we are going to take this country back...

I listened: she has a good anger tone there. That's sure how I feel.
Damn, your boyfriend is really giving you the donkey-punch there.
Due to my punches, you were incoherent and unable to recognize that it was you who was getting punched.
giphy (1).gif

I have better things to do with my time than continue going back and forth with you, so have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something. Bye loser.
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