Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

Thank you, Harry!
hey your welcome lakota.....glad i could help!.......
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
The insane left is why Trump is moving into the White House
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

Sounds like he's a real whiner. reid is the last person id be looking to find truth from. You wouldnt find a more partisan hack
Hillary: “If You Don’t Accept The Election Results That’s A Direct Threat To Our Democracy"

These people are really all show arn't they? Now that the've lost, why cant they just downsize it to a traveling carnival?
Fortunately Nevada has several state-run Homes For The Bewildered with rubber sheets on the beds, cushy foam (non-absorbent) on the floor and cushioned walls. There is a crowd-funding effort to finance putting one big hook in the middle of the ceiling, one step ladder in each room and a generous (but not too generous) length of polypropylene rope. If anyone would like the mailing address to contribute please send me a pm.

Give generously! The country you save may be your own.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

I'm sure he said it from the well of the senate where always choses to tell his lies and commit treason. He knows he protected from being held responsible there. I'm working with my congress critters to get that changed.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....

Wow, that's very interesting! Thank you!
Trump's response to the hacking has been extremely unusual for a President elect and he is exhibiting flagrant signs of his involvement or knowledge of it going on and trying to cover up his own involvement.

SERIOUSLY, he is acting GUILTY as heck..... WHY is he doing that...?

He's slapping our intelligence agencies in the face, while lip smacking and tongue diving with Putin....

Why is he slapping down all of our intelligence agencies in front of Putin and the whole world....

This guy, is way way way over his head and not ready to be our Nation's president, PERIOD..... but of course you all know I've felt that way for a long long time....
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....

Wow, that's very interesting! Thank you!
All the people anticipating the wiki leaks dump were upset because Wikileaks announcement of the day they were going to be released had come and gone and all kinds of other rumors about Julian being dead or not able to expose them from the compound/embassy and he was threatened to be killed and that's why he didn't drop them and so on and so forth with one thread after another from the resident alternative right wing posters like Bromance on it....

But Roger Stone tweeting during everyone's despair on the wikileaks not being dumped on the date promised basically told everyone in the tweet, "Not to worry, he was working with Assange on when they would be released and they still would be released"
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....

Wow, that's very interesting! Thank you!
All the people anticipating the wiki leaks dump were upset because Wikileaks announcement of the day they were going to be released had come and gone and all kinds of other rumors about Julian being dead or not able to expose them from the compound/embassy and he was threatened to be killed and that's why he didn't drop them and so on and so forth with one thread after another from the resident alternative right wing posters like Bromance on it....

But Roger Stone tweeting during everyone's despair on the wikileaks not being dumped on the date promised basically told everyone in the tweet, "Not to worry, he was working with Assange on when they would be released and they still would be released"

You talk a lot and offer no evidence.
No one has heard from Assange,in what,two months now?
Proof of life has been stonewalled at every turn.

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