Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test for blacks and every person FAILED

24. Print a word that looks the same whether it is printed forwards or backwards.

This could easily be interpreted as asking for a palindrome such as civic, eye or rotor; but more strictly requiring a word that is also a mirror image such as wow, or MOM. MOM written in lower case could then also be graded as incorrect: mom

Also, those question requiring diagrams could be shot down if a square looked too rectangular or for lack of precision on a bisecting line.

I'd like to see what people come up with for the answer to this:

29. Write every other word in the first line and print every third
word in the same line, but capitalize the fifth word that you

in your handwriting

Then you print
29. Write every other word in the first line and print every third
word in the same line, but capitalize the fifth word that you

No silly, you were to print every third word "in the same line".

every word the line Print third - other the and third


First line > every word the line Print third - the third< every third word "in the same line"

Notice the change from "write", which implies cursive, and "print."
I did, like you said it implies cursive but it also gets you to wondering if you're over thinking and reading too much into some of the questions.
Then when you keep it simple you get zapped.
  • Test was intended to disenfranchise African-Americans, who in order to pass had to correctly answer all 30 questions in 10 minutes
  • Despite their Ivy League pedigree, none of the students managed to pass the test or make sense of the vague questions

Read more: Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online
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So you used a test designed to produce failures, as evidenced by the stellar students who attempted to pass it.
The fact that you aren't bright enough to recognize the purpose of the test and the implications of said test pegs you as very unintelligent.
  • Test was intended to disenfranchise African-Americans, who in order to pass had to correctly answer all 30 questions in 10 minutes
  • Despite their Ivy League pedigree, none of the students managed to pass the test or make sense of the vague questions
Read more: Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online
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So you used a test designed to produce failures, as evidenced by the stellar students who attempted to pass it.
The fact that you aren't bright enough to recognize the purpose of the test and the implications of said test pegs you as very unintelligent.
We made him feel sufficiently stupid enough to pretend he was Pee Wee Herman and he is now saying "I meant to do that"

Um...you DO know those Literacy tests were only given to blacks and they were designed for anyone taking them to fail, right?

Have you taken the test?

I agree they were designed to cause the person to fail, but they were so POORLY designed that they can easily be defeated by anyone with an IQ above 80 - which means you would fail, but Harvard students should have breezed through.

Your statement proves that you obviously have a sub 80 IQ.
If you had half a brain you would know that the test could not be passed by anyone who had received a sub standard education.
The test was developed to fool and deceive, only one with a sub 80 IQ or subject to a sub standard educational system would fail to notice this fact.
It's time people see through the sham that Harvard is. Actually Obama has proven that. Maybe they have been the elite, or some kind of elite, at one point, but that's over. It's just a political institution. The masses should be made aware of this.

Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online
The democrats put together a test to ensure no black would pass the test.
Back when they were conservatives.
Sad commentary about black Americans.

when they were slaves many of them risked certain death to learn how to read. Today, well.........................
Um...you DO know those Literacy tests were only given to blacks and they were designed for anyone taking them to fail, right?

Have you taken the test?

I agree they were designed to cause the person to fail, but they were so POORLY designed that they can easily be defeated by anyone with an IQ above 80 - which means you would fail, but Harvard students should have breezed through.
The test was not poorly designed: it was very cleverly designed. It cannot be passed because the questions are designed that regardless of how you answer, the grader can use the ambiguity of the question to declare you wrong.

Did you really not understand that there are no right answers?
What do the Dixiecrats have to do with all the racist cons switching to the GOP because of the Southern Strategy?

The big lie is that all those racist dims switched over to Republicans - but notice how you scumbags can never point to them?

Nixon held SMALLER leads in the South than the rest of the nation - despite the big lie you push.

Johnson was a highly unpopular president who didn't even try for a second term, Humphrey led a part that was despised because of Johnson.

NOW you scumbags claim that since Nixon won, then all of the racist democrats became Republicans. So if that's true, then all of the Southern states went to Republican governors, Senators, and Congressmen, right?

Wait, that never happened - fucking Klasmen Gore, Hollings, and Byrd held office until their deaths. democrats held governorship's all across the South into the 1990's

See, the issue I have with you democrats is that nothing you claim is true. You say anything which serve the party - you are a bunch of amoral fucks who lust for power and have no regard for fact or reality.

And those are only your good points.

Its hard to point to as single election where the South turned Red

In 1960, Kennedy easilly won the solid south Dixiecrats
In 1964, Johnson still held the south in a landslide against Goldwater
In 1968, neither the Democrats or Republicans won the south with George Wallace taking SC, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi
From 72 on, the south was decidedly Red

Of course you can point out individual Democrats who won in the South. Jimmy Carter for example. But you can't deny the overall switch of voters away from the Democratic Party to the Republicans
This map shows the results for 1964 after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

What do the Dixiecrats have to do with all the racist cons switching to the GOP because of the Southern Strategy?

The big lie is that all those racist dims switched over to Republicans - but notice how you scumbags can never point to them?

Nixon held SMALLER leads in the South than the rest of the nation - despite the big lie you push.

Johnson was a highly unpopular president who didn't even try for a second term, Humphrey led a part that was despised because of Johnson.

NOW you scumbags claim that since Nixon won, then all of the racist democrats became Republicans. So if that's true, then all of the Southern states went to Republican governors, Senators, and Congressmen, right?

Wait, that never happened - fucking Klasmen Gore, Hollings, and Byrd held office until their deaths. democrats held governorship's all across the South into the 1990's

See, the issue I have with you democrats is that nothing you claim is true. You say anything which serve the party - you are a bunch of amoral fucks who lust for power and have no regard for fact or reality.

And those are only your good points.

Its hard to point to as single election where the South turned Red

In 1960, Kennedy easilly won the solid south Dixiecrats
In 1964, Johnson still held the south in a landslide against Goldwater
In 1968, neither the Democrats or Republicans won the south with George Wallace taking SC, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi
From 72 on, the south was decidedly Red

Of course you can point out individual Democrats who won in the South. Jimmy Carter for example. But you can't deny the overall switch of voters away from the Democratic Party to the Republicans
This map shows the 1964 results after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. Goldwater took LA, MS, AL, GA, SC and his home state of Az. Immediate switch to GOP.
United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You can "graduate" Harvard these days as a barely functional illiterate who doesn't know how many states there are.

What an idiotic thing to say.

What were your SAT scores? What was your ranking when you graduated from Harvard?

Well, I wouldn't worry about it since US students will be going to foreign countries for their higher educations.
What do the Dixiecrats have to do with all the racist cons switching to the GOP because of the Southern Strategy?

The big lie is that all those racist dims switched over to Republicans - but notice how you scumbags can never point to them?

Nixon held SMALLER leads in the South than the rest of the nation - despite the big lie you push.

Johnson was a highly unpopular president who didn't even try for a second term, Humphrey led a part that was despised because of Johnson.

NOW you scumbags claim that since Nixon won, then all of the racist democrats became Republicans. So if that's true, then all of the Southern states went to Republican governors, Senators, and Congressmen, right?

Wait, that never happened - fucking Klasmen Gore, Hollings, and Byrd held office until their deaths. democrats held governorship's all across the South into the 1990's

See, the issue I have with you democrats is that nothing you claim is true. You say anything which serve the party - you are a bunch of amoral fucks who lust for power and have no regard for fact or reality.

And those are only your good points.

Sad commentary about black Americans.

when they were slaves many of them risked certain death to learn how to read. Today, well.........................
One is POTUS.

What have you accomplished?
Oh, not much, just you know graduated from West Point, then obtained a Master's from Princeton, then climbed my way up to Lt Colonel in the US Army before retiring this year at age 43.

Oh, and raised 5 brilliant children who will all contribute greatly to society in one fashion or another.
Some of there are graphic so I have to write them out.

1. Draw a line around the number or letter of this sentence / Circle the number 1.
Wrong. It says "line" not circle.
2. Draw a line under the last word in this line. / line
If your line happens to include the period, you'd be wrong.
3. Cross out the longest word in this line. / Cross out the word 'longest'
You would have to draw a cross, not draw a line through....unless you drew a cross, in which case you should have drawn a line, or note a distinction between a cross and an "x."
4. Draw a line around the shortest word in this line./ Circle 'a'
Line, not circle.
6. In the space below draw three circles, one inside (engulfed by) the other./ Draw a circle in a circle in a circle
But it says ONE inside the other. You drew 2 inside the other.
7. Above the letter X make a small cross./ Self explanatory
a cross or an X?

I could go on but suffice it took me 10 minutes. Whatever the reason for the test most of those folks taking it weren't black. So it is pretty clear who the inferior ones are no? Thanks for pointing it out Steveo.
Well, they would only administer to those who could not show a 5th grade education. What constituted proof would be up to the people at the voting place.

And as I showed, the answers can be ambiguous and it only takes one to fail. It would be very easy to pass those you want to pass and fail those you want to fail.

Bullshit. Anyone can rig ANY test to fail someone if they administer the test that way.

So essentially the Hahvahd dipshits proved that they can rig a test, big fucking deal.
Basically the main gist of this thread is that "ni99ers" should never be allowed to vote.

Spoken like a true representative of the democrat party.

Hey I hate brown people just as much as anyone! I'm a very proud conservative! :thup:

Conservatives wouldn't have a lying piece of shyte like you, fag.

Conservatives ONLY have lying pieces of shit. How much longer until ebola kills us all because of Obama? How much longer until brown people turn America in a muslim dictatorship?

Get off your pedestal and go fuck yourself.

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