Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test for blacks and every person FAILED

Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Bullshit. They left the Dumbocrat Party because they woke up and realized what a bunch of lying cock suckers all their leaders were like LBJ. But that excites pervs like you so you stay in hoping to get lucky one late drunken night after a win.
Basically the main gist of this thread is that "ni99ers" should never be allowed to vote.

Spoken like a true representative of the democrat party.

Hey I hate brown people just as much as anyone! I'm a very proud conservative! :thup:

Conservatives wouldn't have a lying piece of shyte like you, fag.

Conservatives ONLY have lying pieces of shit. How much longer until ebola kills us all because of Obama? How much longer until brown people turn America in a muslim dictatorship?

Get off your pedestal and go fuck yourself.

Lol, you cocksucking Dimbos will always bend over and teak it for Obama and anything else with a D after it.

IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

And here is some news for your racist cocksucking head; most of the brown people coming into the USA are not Muslims, dick weed.
It means Louisiana devised a test that nobody could pass, just to keep blacks from voting. The Right would love to do that again.

Please. Left-wing intellectuals are the most anti-democratic clique on the planet. They want the proles to STFU and do what they're told, but under no circumstances should the great unwashed be given any say in government, or God forbid, any power themselves. Look no further than our own country for proof of that.
IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?
Oh, not much, just you know graduated from West Point, then obtained a Master's from Princeton, then climbed my way up to Lt Colonel in the US Army before retiring this year at age 43.

Oh, and raised 5 brilliant children who will all contribute greatly to society in one fashion or another.
Hah West Point and couldn't make O-6. Loser.
Oh, not much, just you know graduated from West Point, then obtained a Master's from Princeton, then climbed my way up to Lt Colonel in the US Army before retiring this year at age 43.

Oh, and raised 5 brilliant children who will all contribute greatly to society in one fashion or another.
Hah West Point and couldn't make O-6. Loser.

Actually, 0-5 at 43 ain't bad. 0-6 is a Bird Col. How'd you miss that one?
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.
Actually, 0-5 at 43 ain't bad. 0-6 is a Bird Col. How'd you miss that one?
I don't know what you mean. I said couldn't make O-6, which he didn't.

Obviously I was in jest somewhat, but to see someone attempt to compare themselves to POTUS by having ground out a 20 year career to retire at O-5 come on, what a joke. He's clearly far more impressed by himself than he should be.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.
I posted the site, with map, showing the result of the 1964 election. LA, MS, AL, GA, SC once solid Democratic voters, all voted for Goldwater. That was because LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You're the idiot.
United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Um...you DO know those Literacy tests were only given to blacks and they were designed for anyone taking them to fail, right?

Have you taken the test?

I agree they were designed to cause the person to fail, but they were so POORLY designed that they can easily be defeated by anyone with an IQ above 80 - which means you would fail, but Harvard students should have breezed through.

That was the point I made along with makeup of the folks who failed. But I have yet to see Steveo discuss the inferiority of his fellow feral crackers. Oh wait.
Harvard really shouldn't be teaching their students that America has 57 states until they are prepared to provide the names of all 57.

Harvard teaches students that America is a plutocracy that is illegitimately exploiting the working class through the free market system, and that only a centrally planned and managed economy can provide justice to the public.

Concern over how many states are in the union isn't something that Harvard ever considers, they are dedicated to social justice, not teaching bourgeois facts and figures.
What year did you graduate?
I don't see what is so difficult about the test. There are a few questions that don't make much sense, but most are straight forward.

Just because a bunch of idiots from Harvard couldn't pass it doesn't prove anything but their own stupidity.
So, libs are in agreement that blacks just cannot make it with out their help? I think that is what they are saying. If not, then what are they saying?

I do find it funny though, how they are able to convince blacks that they are perpetual victims.

I have posted these two quotes before. In case you want to know what the democrats are really all about. That includes those elite blacks in the democratic party. Especially ones like the communist in chief who has some how made you believe he did not live under "white privilege conditions" his entire contrived life. Yeah, growing up in private schools in Hawaii is not exactly the hood, but do not tell recon that.

On to the quotes.


Has been the democrat position since, but I am guessing they think those southerners like Clinton and Gore do not buy into that. Yeah, Clinton loves dem negras. Yeeeeah. His mentor James Fulbright was a big racist and voted against civil rights and Al Gore senior also voted against the civil rights bill. LOL at the brainwashed morons on the left who patronize blacks and act as thought that is not racism. Morons.

You do not deserve and will never receive respect from me. None.

Oh, here is the other quotes for you liberal wastes of shit.


That was in 1911. Get that? That was when there were actual problems.

That was before the republicans desegregated the schools, or before republicans made MLK day as an official holiday. Before Negro college funds, affirmative action and all of those other things.

Liberals are utter losers. Mainly because they lie about EVERYTHING. However, it is the fact they think they are so smart while being so fucking dumb is what makes them ALL pathetic.
Back when they were conservatives.
. Been debunked many times. Al Gore Sr. was a conservative? LBJ? J William Fullbright, Clinton's mentor? I don't think so. The Democrats haven't changed. Using the power of the government to restrict human rights is big government ideology of liberals. That is opposite of conservative ideology. Democrats try to run from their past but can't. They haven't changed anything but their methods. The black man's plight has hardly improved except for the race pimps and their enablers, the old white liberals.
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What do the Dixiecrats have to do with all the racist cons switching to the GOP because of the Southern Strategy?

The big lie is that all those racist dims switched over to Republicans - but notice how you scumbags can never point to them?

Nixon held SMALLER leads in the South than the rest of the nation - despite the big lie you push.

Johnson was a highly unpopular president who didn't even try for a second term, Humphrey led a part that was despised because of Johnson.

NOW you scumbags claim that since Nixon won, then all of the racist democrats became Republicans. So if that's true, then all of the Southern states went to Republican governors, Senators, and Congressmen, right?

Wait, that never happened - fucking Klasmen Gore, Hollings, and Byrd held office until their deaths. democrats held governorship's all across the South into the 1990's

See, the issue I have with you democrats is that nothing you claim is true. You say anything which serve the party - you are a bunch of amoral fucks who lust for power and have no regard for fact or reality.

And those are only your good points.

Debunked numerous times. Dixiecrats never switched parties.
Can liberals even control how dumb they allow themselves to get?

LOL mockingly at every fucking liberal. Mockingly.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Bullshit. They left the Dumbocrat Party because they woke up and realized what a bunch of lying cock suckers all their leaders were like LBJ. But that excites pervs like you so you stay in hoping to get lucky one late drunken night after a win.

Jim Crowie view of the Civil Rights era

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