Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test for blacks and every person FAILED

Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Racism and leftism are Siamese twins,. Both are predicated on the notion of collectivism - that group affiliation rather than individual is the basis of what a person is.

Still, your lie and that of your filthy party that democrats of the early and mid 20th century were somehow "conservative" will not stand.

You are of course lying.

You know that you're lying, I know that you're lying. But your party believes that if you tell the same outrageous lie often enough, you will be able to con the ignorant into believing you.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Dexter White, are these names of great capitalists who championed free market economics and Laissez Faire governance?


Quite the opposite, these are the standard bearers of leftism in this nation. democrats were a far left party - then as they are now.

Now you will pull out the lie that "sure, Roosevelt was a Socialist, but the Southern dims were really free market." Except that men like Hollings described themselves as "FDR democrats" in their campaigns and in their actions - highlighting the absurdity of your lies.

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]

So powerful that Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson led the party,.

Save your lies, you will be shot down on them here.

One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot, and stands as the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again. In fact, many Democrats (or rather Dixiecrats) were against civil rights, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal (Dems in the north, for the most part, always were). The vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today would be tea party types.

If your post is suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, you can shout that as loud as you want from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows who is trying to keep blacks from voting, and who is not.
IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?

If you think the Ebola crisis is over, then you are the idiot.

The mark of ideologues like you is that everything is about politics. That also makes you a fool as well as an idiot.

To add to what Carla said the crisis is not over but it is getting managed and infections are down. And that's thanks to people who refused to listen to ignorant, terrified conservatives who wanted to cut Africa off from the world and bring back all of our aid workers.
IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?

If you think the Ebola crisis is over, then you are the idiot.

The mark of ideologues like you is that everything is about politics. That also makes you a fool as well as an idiot.

To add to what Carla said the crisis is not over but it is getting managed and infections are down. And that's thanks to people who refused to listen to ignorant, terrified conservatives who wanted to cut Africa off from the world and bring back all of our aid workers.
Conservatives are petrified of change or anything that upsets the norm. Its like they only use their medulla oblongata to think instead of the cerebrum that more evolved humans use.

There is a law of survival they would do well to observe. Those that refuse to adapt will go the way of the Neanderthal.
Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Racism and leftism are Siamese twins,. Both are predicated on the notion of collectivism - that group affiliation rather than individual is the basis of what a person is.

Still, your lie and that of your filthy party that democrats of the early and mid 20th century were somehow "conservative" will not stand.

You are of course lying.

You know that you're lying, I know that you're lying. But your party believes that if you tell the same outrageous lie often enough, you will be able to con the ignorant into believing you.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Dexter White, are these names of great capitalists who championed free market economics and Laissez Faire governance?


Quite the opposite, these are the standard bearers of leftism in this nation. democrats were a far left party - then as they are now.

Now you will pull out the lie that "sure, Roosevelt was a Socialist, but the Southern dims were really free market." Except that men like Hollings described themselves as "FDR democrats" in their campaigns and in their actions - highlighting the absurdity of your lies.

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]

So powerful that Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson led the party,.

Save your lies, you will be shot down on them here.

One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot, and stands as the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again. In fact, many Democrats (or rather Dixiecrats) were against civil rights, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal (Dems in the north, for the most part, always were). The vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today would be tea party types.

If your post is suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, you can shout that as loud as you want from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows who is trying to keep blacks from voting, and who is not.

IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?

If you think the Ebola crisis is over, then you are the idiot.

The mark of ideologues like you is that everything is about politics. That also makes you a fool as well as an idiot.

To add to what Carla said the crisis is not over but it is getting managed and infections are down. And that's thanks to people who refused to listen to ignorant, terrified conservatives who wanted to cut Africa off from the world and bring back all of our aid workers.
Conservatives are petrified of change or anything that upsets the norm. Its like they only use their medulla oblongata to think instead of the cerebrum that more evolved humans use.

There is a law of survival they would do well to observe. Those that refuse to adapt will go the way of the Neanderthal.

They're afraid of becoming the minority.
Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Racism and leftism are Siamese twins,. Both are predicated on the notion of collectivism - that group affiliation rather than individual is the basis of what a person is.

Still, your lie and that of your filthy party that democrats of the early and mid 20th century were somehow "conservative" will not stand.

You are of course lying.

You know that you're lying, I know that you're lying. But your party believes that if you tell the same outrageous lie often enough, you will be able to con the ignorant into believing you.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Dexter White, are these names of great capitalists who championed free market economics and Laissez Faire governance?


Quite the opposite, these are the standard bearers of leftism in this nation. democrats were a far left party - then as they are now.

Now you will pull out the lie that "sure, Roosevelt was a Socialist, but the Southern dims were really free market." Except that men like Hollings described themselves as "FDR democrats" in their campaigns and in their actions - highlighting the absurdity of your lies.

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]

So powerful that Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson led the party,.

Save your lies, you will be shot down on them here.

One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot, and stands as the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again. In fact, many Democrats (or rather Dixiecrats) were against civil rights, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal (Dems in the north, for the most part, always were). The vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today would be tea party types.

If your post is suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, you can shout that as loud as you want from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows who is trying to keep blacks from voting, and who is not.


I saw that episode on The Daily Show. Their ignorance is unbelievable.
One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot, and stands as the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again.

So Robert Byrd was a "conservative" then?

Let's explore his record to see if he was in fact a conservative, or if you are instead just a filthy liar - okay?


Robert Byrd is a Liberal Populist


Robert Byrd on the Issues

Oops, guess you're just a liar, huh?

Hey, you're a democrat, part of the party of sociopaths - you have zero integrity as the foundation of your party.

You're engaged in a "big lie" campaign to rewrite history and you SURE THE FUCK won't let the facts and reality get in the way.
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?
One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot, and stands as the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again.

So Robert Byrd was a "conservative" then?

Let's explore his record to see if he was in fact a conservative, or if you are instead just a filthy liar - okay?


Robert Byrd is a Liberal Populist

Robert Byrd on the Issues

Oops, guess you're just a liar, huh?

Hey, you're a democrat, part of the party of sociopaths - you have zero integrity as the foundation of your party.

You're engaged in a "big lie" campaign to rewrite history and you SURE THE FUCK won't let the facts and reality get in the way.

Can you not fucking read?

"One example is Byrd, a southern Democrat who was a bigot"
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

Good Gawd, I didn't think they could get any dumber.
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You cant be this ignorant? Ebola is a disease thats been around. Africans have survived it. Global warming has the ability to take us out. Luckily all conservatives are not as dumb as you are.
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You don't know shit about me, global warming, or ebola. You're a typical ignorant rube.

You won't find a single post from me on this site advocating for policy changes because of global warming.

I saw that episode on The Daily Show. Their ignorance is unbelievable.

Yep, you leftists use comedians and cartoons as the source of ALL the information you rely on.

It's not that you're stupid - wait, yes it is....

When faced with blinding idiocy satire is often the best tool to fight it.

Also Dems don't confuse satire with news the way rubes confuse opinion with news.
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You don't know shit about me, global warming, or ebola. You're a typical ignorant rube.

You won't find a single post from me on this site advocating for policy changes because of global warming.
Lol. What a fucking moron.
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You don't know shit about me, global warming, or ebola. You're a typical ignorant rube.

You won't find a single post from me on this site advocating for policy changes because of global warming.
Lol. What a fucking moron.

Another W for TheOldSchool
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You don't know shit about me, global warming, or ebola. You're a typical ignorant rube.

You won't find a single post from me on this site advocating for policy changes because of global warming.
Lol. What a fucking moron.
Youre the one thats a moron. You think a disease thats been around for who knows how long is more dangerous than an event that could wipe out the human population. What a dummy. :laugh:
Liberals (get this) are so fucking stupid that they still think man made global warming is more of a threat than Ebola.

The fucking moron "the old school" will even proudly admit it too.The funny thing (or pathetic thing) is how they think they are so smart.

Do we have an appreciation of just fucking stupid that is?

You don't know shit about me, global warming, or ebola. You're a typical ignorant rube.

You won't find a single post from me on this site advocating for policy changes because of global warming.
Lol. What a fucking moron.

Wowza, that's some debating skills you've got there.

I saw that episode on The Daily Show. Their ignorance is unbelievable.

Yep, you leftists use comedians and cartoons as the source of ALL the information you rely on.

It's not that you're stupid - wait, yes it is....

When faced with blinding idiocy satire is often the best tool to fight it.

Also Dems don't confuse satire with news the way rubes confuse opinion with news.

News = an aid worker from the U.S. has contracted ebola

Not News = Is Obama purposefully inviting ebola into America?

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