Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test for blacks and every person FAILED

Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.
I posted the site, with map, showing the result of the 1964 election. LA, MS, AL, GA, SC once solid Democratic voters, all voted for Goldwater. That was because LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You're the idiot.
United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Proves nothing. Look at the political map when Jimmy Carter won.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Bullshit. They left the Dumbocrat Party because they woke up and realized what a bunch of lying cock suckers all their leaders were like LBJ. But that excites pervs like you so you stay in hoping to get lucky one late drunken night after a win.

Jim Crowie view of the Civil Rights era

Shut the fuck up you patronizing hypocritical piece of ignorant racist shit.
I don't see what is so difficult about the test. There are a few questions that don't make much sense, but most are straight forward.

Just because a bunch of idiots from Harvard couldn't pass it doesn't prove anything but their own stupidity.

Its kinda reflection of our education. 1965 fifth grader test is too hard for Harvard students. I could bet they would know some more important things, like Anaconda lyrics.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.

What do the Dixiecrats have to do with all the racist cons switching to the GOP because of the Southern Strategy?

The big lie is that all those racist dims switched over to Republicans - but notice how you scumbags can never point to them?

Nixon held SMALLER leads in the South than the rest of the nation - despite the big lie you push.

Johnson was a highly unpopular president who didn't even try for a second term, Humphrey led a part that was despised because of Johnson.

NOW you scumbags claim that since Nixon won, then all of the racist democrats became Republicans. So if that's true, then all of the Southern states went to Republican governors, Senators, and Congressmen, right?

Wait, that never happened - fucking Klasmen Gore, Hollings, and Byrd held office until their deaths. democrats held governorship's all across the South into the 1990's

See, the issue I have with you democrats is that nothing you claim is true. You say anything which serve the party - you are a bunch of amoral fucks who lust for power and have no regard for fact or reality.

And those are only your good points.

Debunked numerous times. Dixiecrats never switched parties.

You're the stupidest person I've seen in a long time.
Oh, not much, just you know graduated from West Point, then obtained a Master's from Princeton, then climbed my way up to Lt Colonel in the US Army before retiring this year at age 43.

Oh, and raised 5 brilliant children who will all contribute greatly to society in one fashion or another.
Hah West Point and couldn't make O-6. Loser.

They must have read his posts
There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.


Figure it out.

Btw, republicans are on civil right about a century ahead of democrats.

I always enjoy it when a poster reminds everyone of a time when Republicans actually cared about people

Thanks for the post
I always enjoy it when a poster reminds everyone of a time when Republicans actually cared about people

Thanks for the post

Back when the Republicans were fighting against the WPA and other government programs? Back when FDR preached that Republicans only cared about the rich and wanted the workers to starve to death?

I love it when you leftists lie through your fucking teeth - which is all the time.
Back when they were conservatives.

When were they conservative, you fucking liar?

What conservative ideals did they promote? Did they fight the WPA? Did they fight the federal farm subsidies? Did they fight federal grants to power companies for rural electrification? Did they fight regulation of railroads and telephone service?

Of course not, you're just a fucking liar attempting to rewrite history through the big lie.

democrats were as left wing in the 20-60's as they are today. In fact, FDR and the goons who supported him were further left than anyone until Obama came along.
Actually, 0-5 at 43 ain't bad. 0-6 is a Bird Col. How'd you miss that one?
I don't know what you mean. I said couldn't make O-6, which he didn't.

Obviously I was in jest somewhat, but to see someone attempt to compare themselves to POTUS by having ground out a 20 year career to retire at O-5 come on, what a joke. He's clearly far more impressed by himself than he should be.

That may be, but it is a a large step from 0-5 to 0-6 and politics is almost always involved. The step up to that first star is even harder and filled with more political shenanigans. There are many, many excellent leaders who never made that last jump. Hub Zemke, arguably the greatest strategic Fighter Group commander the US has ever fielded, was never able to do it because he had made too many enemies with the boys who ended up running SAC who ruled the USAF for decades.
Back when they were conservatives.

When were they conservative, you fucking liar?

What conservative ideals did they promote? Did they fight the WPA? Did they fight the federal farm subsidies? Did they fight federal grants to power companies for rural electrification? Did they fight regulation of railroads and telephone service?

Of course not, you're just a fucking liar attempting to rewrite history through the big lie.

democrats were as left wing in the 20-60's as they are today. In fact, FDR and the goons who supported him were further left than anyone until Obama came along.

Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]
Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Racism and leftism are Siamese twins,. Both are predicated on the notion of collectivism - that group affiliation rather than individual is the basis of what a person is.

Still, your lie and that of your filthy party that democrats of the early and mid 20th century were somehow "conservative" will not stand.

You are of course lying.

You know that you're lying, I know that you're lying. But your party believes that if you tell the same outrageous lie often enough, you will be able to con the ignorant into believing you.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Dexter White, are these names of great capitalists who championed free market economics and Laissez Faire governance?


Quite the opposite, these are the standard bearers of leftism in this nation. democrats were a far left party - then as they are now.

Now you will pull out the lie that "sure, Roosevelt was a Socialist, but the Southern dims were really free market." Except that men like Hollings described themselves as "FDR democrats" in their campaigns and in their actions - highlighting the absurdity of your lies.

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]

So powerful that Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson led the party,.

Save your lies, you will be shot down on them here.
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IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?

If you think the Ebola crisis is over, then you are the idiot.

The mark of ideologues like you is that everything is about politics. That also makes you a fool as well as an idiot.
IF Ebola wasn't a serious issue then why have so many died from it at exponential growth rates, fucktard?

Ebola is very serious. That's why it's good that the U.S., despite terror from conservatives, is sending experts over there to handle it.

As far as ebola in the U.S. goes... have you noticed that as of the election conservative media has COMPLETELY stopped giving a shit about ebola? Or are you, as you've demonstrated time and again on this forum, a complete idiot?

If you think the Ebola crisis is over, then you are the idiot.

The mark of ideologues like you is that everything is about politics. That also makes you a fool as well as an idiot.

You idiot, Old School didn't say the crisis was over. Why must you misrepresent to try to win an argument? He said the crisis disappeared from YOUR media as soon as the election was over.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.
I posted the site, with map, showing the result of the 1964 election. LA, MS, AL, GA, SC once solid Democratic voters, all voted for Goldwater. That was because LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You're the idiot.
United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You fucking retard, your damned map doesn't prove jack shit.

The leaders of the Demonrat party were always the racists and they used racism to divide the workers of the South and undermine each other as scabs. The Democrat leaders of the South are the rich families that hate blacks to their marrow.

All the programs passed since LBJ have undermined the black family and the black community. They have shifted tactics from direct attacks on blacks to subtle poison in the form of pride crushing welfare, family destroying WIC programs and the continued 'war on drugs' that they use to put huge numbers of blacks into prisons to use as chain gang slave labor.

The leadership of the black community has sold them out. They understand how the Demonrats are still trying to rip the heart out of black men, make most of them bastards and devastate their community with drug war bullshit. But they will continue to look the other way as long as they get their patronage from DC. Past that they could not give a shit less.
Yes, that was the year LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and all those Conservative Democrats became Conservative Republicans. I remember it.


Name 5?

This big lie is one I will shoot down every time you lying fucks tell it.

The Dixicrats remained democrats, Wallace, Hollings, Gore, Byrd, Faubus, Connor. ONE turned Republican, and thus the big lie was born.

You scumbags figure that if you tell the same lie over and over, it will become the truth.

There is no question that the VOTERS switched allegiance

The once solid south for Democrats became solid Republican all because of civil rights

Another idiot ready for Harvard.
I posted the site, with map, showing the result of the 1964 election. LA, MS, AL, GA, SC once solid Democratic voters, all voted for Goldwater. That was because LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You're the idiot.
United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You fucking retard, your damned map doesn't prove jack shit.

The leaders of the Demonrat party were always the racists and they used racism to divide the workers of the South and undermine each other as scabs. The Democrat leaders of the South are the rich families that hate blacks to their marrow.

All the programs passed since LBJ have undermined the black family and the black community. They have shifted tactics from direct attacks on blacks to subtle poison in the form of pride crushing welfare, family destroying WIC programs and the continued 'war on drugs' that they use to put huge numbers of blacks into prisons to use as chain gang slave labor.

The leadership of the black community has sold them out. They understand how the Demonrats are still trying to rip the heart out of black men, make most of them bastards and devastate their community with drug war bullshit. But they will continue to look the other way as long as they get their patronage from DC. Past that they could not give a shit less.
The Right is still trying to take the vote away from black people.
Keep spinning that the Democratic Party is the enemy of black people.
Since inception idiot. Dont you know your history? The Dems started the KKK. They only became liberal since the 60's. Before that the Repubs were actually liberal

Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Racism and leftism are Siamese twins,. Both are predicated on the notion of collectivism - that group affiliation rather than individual is the basis of what a person is.

Still, your lie and that of your filthy party that democrats of the early and mid 20th century were somehow "conservative" will not stand.

You are of course lying.

You know that you're lying, I know that you're lying. But your party believes that if you tell the same outrageous lie often enough, you will be able to con the ignorant into believing you.

Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Dexter White, are these names of great capitalists who championed free market economics and Laissez Faire governance?


Quite the opposite, these are the standard bearers of leftism in this nation. democrats were a far left party - then as they are now.

Now you will pull out the lie that "sure, Roosevelt was a Socialist, but the Southern dims were really free market." Except that men like Hollings described themselves as "FDR democrats" in their campaigns and in their actions - highlighting the absurdity of your lies.

Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative and populist wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists.[12]

So powerful that Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson led the party,.

Save your lies, you will be shot down on them here.

You can deny it until you turn blue in the face but the bottom line is that the KKK is and was a Christian conservative organization. The KKK was started by Dems. The flip side of this is that the Repubs were liberals. They freed the slaves. Anyone with a 2nd grade education knows this. A conservative would want things to remain the same as I already defined for you. Democrats wanted no change. Jefferson Davis who was the leader of the pitiful failed confederacy was a Democrat. Before becoming a traitor he was Democratic congressman. The dictionary should help you understand the meaning of conservative and liberal as it relates to politics. I know the switch in ideologies has befuddled your little brain but you have to accept facts.

Jefferson Davis Democrat
Jefferson Davis 1808-1889 Mississippi History Now

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