Has America arrived at the need for dictatorship?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.
I had a solution for this in my book "Keepers of the Unpopular Truth"
Where our technology is allowing us the capability for individual citizens to vote on each issue not as a party line, thus truly being by the people not thwarted by obstructionist acts and it's up to parties to convey their position well enough to get the majority votes of each individual issue. But this would require the FCC to strictly regulate news that violates their licensing by manipulating news through propaganda and and defamation which sways those votes through controling media thus narratives influencing voting on individual issues. Of course both partiless voting and regulated broadcasts would eliminate many of the media gimicks.
The whole system has to be updated due to fillibusters destroying the ability for the people to get their needs andxwants met and done.
Equal Access rights (like to debates) to more parties.
Maybe enact Fillibuster rules, like since the minority party claims majority should be able to pass legistlation then that majority parties majority vote should count as passed legistlation, like when courts/ judges can be utilized to declare voting is being supressed by obstruction spiteful down the line voting it can enact that special rule.
Very well thought out. I had been thinking for some time about how technology could put more direct power in the hands of citizens. I especially like how your idea flips the responsibility for advancement of party ideologies and agendas into individual hands. They truly work for the people for a change. Talk about cutting out the middle man. Great ideas.
And as A.I. advances, we might rely on that super computing to do the talking points, in educating us on the cause and effects of each decision in helping our choices & final decision in voting.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

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How many political parties were there in the first Congress?
Certainly, the present system is already a form of dictatorship by the duopoly Republican_Democratic clique. We could have one party, thirteen parties, whatever worked, but things as they are look to be at the point of disaster.
As for a dictator, the only one I would trust would not accept the position.
And as A.I. advances, we might rely on that super computing to do the talking points, in educating us on the cause and effects of each decision in helping our choices & final decision in voting.

Yeah, an A.I. that runs predictive models. Guess we'd have to keep an eye on the programmers. I do think technology will in the near future redefine at least our interaction with politics if not modes of governance. Of course in may ways it already has. I remember well the birth of 24/7 news. It was like a narcotic sucker punch.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties first. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

Thought provoking for sure. But how do we account for manipulation at polling places and possible electronic warfare interference by foreign powers?
How many political parties were there in the first Congress?
Certainly, the present system is already a form of dictatorship by the duopoly Republican_Democratic clique. We could have one party, thirteen parties, whatever worked, but things as they are look to be at the point of disaster.
As for a dictator, the only one I would trust would not accept the position.

That's exactly an issue I was trying to coax out with the topic: nothing really cuts through the Left and Right political grinder magnified even more by 24/7 barrage of slanted one way or the other news coverage. I agree and definitely think its past time for a meaningful assessment of the whole system if for nothing else than to see where our voices are lost in the din and this steep a divide occurs.

As for the dictator of choice there would have to be some kind of irrevocable, air tight checks and balances on his or her powers. Perhaps some time limit or condition on when "ultimate authority" could be used. But of course, then that person would not be a true dictator.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties first. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

Thought provoking for sure. But how do we account for manipulation at polling places and possible electronic warfare interference by foreign powers?

I am a foreign power which interferes in the moment with your political system. Here in Germany it's impossible to manipulate our elections - we use still normal paper and not electronical paper - but it's not possible here to eliminate the influence of foreign political powers. I'm damned disappointed for example that the Turks here in Germany voted for the dictatorship of Erdogan, which he sells as a so called "presidential system". Somehow the word "president" becomes indeed more and more worldwide a synonyme for dictatorship.

** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.

I swore the oath with my left hand on the Bible and right hand up at my throats height, to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. You have to throw the constitution and baby out the window for a dictatorship. Constitutional Convention and write a new one.
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Just give the USA to Rump's daughter - that way you can kill all your enemies and allies with laughter.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties first. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

Thought provoking for sure. But how do we account for manipulation at polling places and possible electronic warfare interference by foreign powers?

I am a foreign power which interferes in the moment with your political system. Here in Germany it's impossible to manipulate our elections - we use still normal paper and not electronical paper - but it's not possible here to eliminate the influence of foreign political powers. I'm damned disappointed for example that the Turks here in Germany voted for the dictatorship of Erdogan, which he sells as a so called "presidential system". Somehow the word "president" becomes indeed more and more worldwide a synonyme for dictatorship.

I agree with you about presidents becoming more authoritarian. Certainly we've seen that with George W. Bush and the Patriot Act, signing statements and others. But what I'd like to focus on is more the disconnect between legislative representation and the people and how slowly bills pass through Congress often due to politically slanted media and personal agendas.

I did not know that about the German election system. That's very interesting.
** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.

I swore the oath with my left hand on the Bible and right hand up at my throats height, to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. You have to throw the constitution and baby out the window for a dictatorship. Constitutional Convention and write a new one.

And I swore the same oath. This is just an exercise to provoke thought and hopefully untie some members here behind the idea that dictatorships are a really bad idea, what we can do to prevent that and what can be done to lower the tone of division between our political parties and citizens so we can get stuff done.
Just give the USA to Rump's daughter - that way you can kill all your enemies and allies with laughter.

Lol then we could have the federal fashion police. But what could we all do to unify rather than continue to promote division, and aren't we at least all still Americans even though we disagree big time? That's got to mean something in the face of the boiling hot political and civil climate of our day.
This is just an exercise to provoke thought and hopefully untie some members here behind the idea that dictatorships are a really bad idea, what we can do to prevent that and what can be done to lower the tone of division between our political parties and citizens so we can get stuff done.
An excellent idea, thanks.

The worst part of this lousy situation is that we've done this to ourselves, we've chosen to act like this, we have put ourselves into this mess. No one forced us.

I think this is going to keep getting worse long before it gets any better, if ever. On one hand, I think our system has enough checks & balances to avoid a dictatorship, regardless of some of the silly hyperbole we're hearing. On the other hand, we've become so shallow and tribal that there's a long way still to fall.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties first. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

Thought provoking for sure. But how do we account for manipulation at polling places and possible electronic warfare interference by foreign powers?

I am a foreign power which interferes in the moment with your political system. Here in Germany it's impossible to manipulate our elections - we use still normal paper and not electronical paper - but it's not possible here to eliminate the influence of foreign political powers. I'm damned disappointed for example that the Turks here in Germany voted for the dictatorship of Erdogan, which he sells as a so called "presidential system". Somehow the word "president" becomes indeed more and more worldwide a synonyme for dictatorship.

You are being fooled big time by the regime. You don´t need election fraud when the parties do all represent the system, when the red-green make tax reforms for the monopoles and the black-yellow perform an early nuke exit. Manipulation takes place through the media, though. When 40 % of the journalists support the Greens, you don´t need to wonder, when you get islamists, pedophiles, gays, nazis, madmen everywhere. It is medial green inbreeding, and the other 60 % do support other parties but are mostly of the same kind of societal perversion.
Do not understand me wrong. It won´t get better with the religious, conservative nuts. It is the same forced alienation of the people from their nature.
This is why it is time for a true national dictatorship that has the power to act while it doesn´t interfere in the peoples´ private affairs.
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This is just an exercise to provoke thought and hopefully untie some members here behind the idea that dictatorships are a really bad idea, what we can do to prevent that and what can be done to lower the tone of division between our political parties and citizens so we can get stuff done.
An excellent idea, thanks.

The worst part of this lousy situation is that we've done this to ourselves, we've chosen to act like this, we have put ourselves into this mess. No one forced us.

I think this is going to keep getting worse long before it gets any better, if ever. On one hand, I think our system has enough checks & balances to avoid a dictatorship, regardless of some of the silly hyperbole we're hearing. On the other hand, we've become so shallow and tribal that there's a long way still to fall.

Great insight.

From the ground up at least meaning from us the citizens' view, polarizing issues come in so many forms. For me politics is all about protecting my family and improvements to the VA system. For someone else maybe it's an increase in neighborhood crime or rising healthcare costs. I think that's where pundits get us to divide but it's also very true we choose when and what to watch.

Isn't it awesome that no has one has forced us politically really--yet--in a dictatorship sense. Also agree it is likely to get worse but strangely we've barely pulled back from the brink of that abyss more times than anyone can could really name. Yeah the general culture really has shallowed and tribal is just the word to use for all the groups and subgroups we see emerging. But I think diversity has been a good thing in the past. Seems to me it can be somewhat all about how social and cultural groups present themselves and interact and also how the media sells them to each other.

Definitely lets hope that long fall never comes. It's very interesting to watch the political machine cycle under such a heavy load.
This is just an exercise to provoke thought and hopefully untie some members here behind the idea that dictatorships are a really bad idea, what we can do to prevent that and what can be done to lower the tone of division between our political parties and citizens so we can get stuff done.
An excellent idea, thanks.

The worst part of this lousy situation is that we've done this to ourselves, we've chosen to act like this, we have put ourselves into this mess. No one forced us.

I think this is going to keep getting worse long before it gets any better, if ever. On one hand, I think our system has enough checks & balances to avoid a dictatorship, regardless of some of the silly hyperbole we're hearing. On the other hand, we've become so shallow and tribal that there's a long way still to fall.

Tribal implies Native Americans and they did not do it. America treads water and takes a big gulp once in a while but keeps afloat.

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