Has anyone been arrested or resigned yet?

I thought this memo was the final nail in the coffin if the deep state and the DNC.

I turned on Fox today expecting to see a line of people being arrested, yet there was none.

Patience. All good things take time.

That is what they told us about the memo and then it as just a bunch of crap we already knew. Even you have to admit the memo was overhyped more than the Super Bowl.
Tell that to the FISA court judges who the DOJ/FBI lied to and concealed information from in order to get warrants against Page.
See how funny they think it is.
All President Trump needs to do is sign an EO and ALL the corrupt FISA warrant bullshit WILL be release to the public. He's really getting pissed off at all the corruption and bullshit attacks on him and his administration.
'Don't Fuck With The Trump!'.
Mark my words. Before this is over there will be a few dozen DOJ/FBI employees sent to prison.

You mean the same President Trump that just signed a 6 year extension for FISA?

You live in a FoxNews driven fantasy world. But I am sure it is a happy place.
I thought this memo was the final nail in the coffin if the deep state and the DNC.

I turned on Fox today expecting to see a line of people being arrested, yet there was none.

You liberals are a short sighted stupid bunch….

Enjoy your little useless swipes while you can…

You are used to getting away with murder…

It’s a new day with President Donald J. Trump..

You and yours will pay for your collusion with

the Russians and your treasonous ways….

While you have your nose up Trump's ass can you tell us if he had KFC or MdDs for lunch today?
I laughed the other day when 'Ruth' from the WAPO was on MSNBC, made a snarky remark about President Trump eating a Big Mac.
She had to be close to two hundred pounds!!!!!!
If you are not a liberal, what are you other than confused?

I am a libertarian. I support smaller government and more personal freedoms.,

All good and decent people enjoy seeing justice done…

Yes they do. But we are not seeing that here. We are seeing a political dog and pony show meant to keep people like you happy. In the end nothing will change.

liberals attack the truth…

Partisans from both sides attack the truth because you all filter the truth through the prism of how it helps your party. To you all that matters is that the Dems/Liberals are brought down. You do not care about justice, just about your side winning.

You are full of shit, plain to see.
If you are not a liberal, what are you other than confused?

I am a libertarian. I support smaller government and more personal freedoms.,

All good and decent people enjoy seeing justice done…

Yes they do. But we are not seeing that here. We are seeing a political dog and pony show meant to keep people like you happy. In the end nothing will change.

liberals attack the truth…

Partisans from both sides attack the truth because you all filter the truth through the prism of how it helps your party. To you all that matters is that the Dems/Liberals are brought down. You do not care about justice, just about your side winning.

You are full of shit, plain to see.

Typical zealot response. You do not give a shit about the truth or about justice, all that matters is that your "side" wins. party before country should be your tagline.
If you are not a liberal, what are you other than confused?

I am a libertarian. I support smaller government and more personal freedoms.,

All good and decent people enjoy seeing justice done…

Yes they do. But we are not seeing that here. We are seeing a political dog and pony show meant to keep people like you happy. In the end nothing will change.

liberals attack the truth…

Partisans from both sides attack the truth because you all filter the truth through the prism of how it helps your party. To you all that matters is that the Dems/Liberals are brought down. You do not care about justice, just about your side winning.

You are full of shit, plain to see.

Typical zealot response. You do not give a shit about the truth or about justice, all that matters is that your "side" wins. party before country should be your tagline.

Mr. Pot has spoken....
All President Trump needs to do is sign an EO and ALL the corrupt FISA warrant bullshit WILL be release to the public. He's really getting pissed off at all the corruption and bullshit attacks on him and his administration.
'Don't Fuck With The Trump!'.
Mark my words. Before this is over there will be a few dozen DOJ/FBI employees sent to prison.

You mean the same President Trump that just signed a 6 year extension for FISA?

You live in a FoxNews driven fantasy world. But I am sure it is a happy place.
Just because some corrupt DOJ/FBI Trump-haters lied to the FISA judges doesn't make the FISA court obsolete.
Don't worry. When is over Mueller will find ZERO collusion/obstruction and the DEM party can kiss this November and 2020 goodbye.
I watched Smerkoff on CNN yesterday. He NEVER ONCE mentioned "collusion" or "obstruction".
The LIB MSM fever dream is breaking.
Just because some corrupt DOJ/FBI Trump-haters lied to the FISA judges doesn't make the FISA court obsolete.
Don't worry. When is over Mueller will find ZERO collusion/obstruction and the DEM party can kiss this November and 2020 goodbye.
I watched Smerkoff on CNN yesterday. He NEVER ONCE mentioned "collusion" or "obstruction".
The LIB MSM fever dream is breaking.

Your post is the perfect example of what I am talking about. It is never about truth or justice, it is about the end of the Dems. that is all that matters. Party before country!
Just because some corrupt DOJ/FBI Trump-haters lied to the FISA judges doesn't make the FISA court obsolete.
Don't worry. When is over Mueller will find ZERO collusion/obstruction and the DEM party can kiss this November and 2020 goodbye.
I watched Smerkoff on CNN yesterday. He NEVER ONCE mentioned "collusion" or "obstruction".
The LIB MSM fever dream is breaking.

Your post is the perfect example of what I am talking about. It is never about truth or justice, it is about the end of the Dems. that is all that matters. Party before country!
The "truth" is the DOJ/FBI withheld information from the FISA judges in order to get warrants on Page.
That is illegal!
No FISA court judge would have granted ANY surveillance warrant against Page or anyone else if they knew the source of the information was paid for by Clinton.
If you don't understand this simple legal fact you're a fucking idiot!
I thought this memo was the final nail in the coffin if the deep state and the DNC.

I turned on Fox today expecting to see a line of people being arrested, yet there was none.

That's because the deep state media is lying to you and they've all been arrested already and convicted.

I saw it on InfoWars.
Just because some corrupt DOJ/FBI Trump-haters lied to the FISA judges doesn't make the FISA court obsolete.
Don't worry. When is over Mueller will find ZERO collusion/obstruction and the DEM party can kiss this November and 2020 goodbye.
I watched Smerkoff on CNN yesterday. He NEVER ONCE mentioned "collusion" or "obstruction".
The LIB MSM fever dream is breaking.

Your post is the perfect example of what I am talking about. It is never about truth or justice, it is about the end of the Dems. that is all that matters. Party before country!
The "truth" is the DOJ/FBI withheld information from the FISA judges in order to get warrants on Page.
That is illegal!
No FISA court judge would have granted ANY surveillance warrant against Page or anyone else if they knew the source of the information was paid for by Clinton.
If you don't understand this simple legal fact you're a fucking idiot!

We do not know what the FISA court was told and was not told. All we know is what the Repubs have told us. The difference between you and I is that you trust them blindly and I distrust them totally.

Once again with you it is party before country.
I thought this memo was the final nail in the coffin if the deep state and the DNC.

I turned on Fox today expecting to see a line of people being arrested, yet there was none.
We have the type of governments second amendment was enacted to prevent

Do you really think the 2nd amendment can prevent this?
The second amendment is the backbone of the constitution, just look on hard the career politicians/deep state trying to get rid of it. The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism the fuck up that is the UN knows the only way to a one world government is getting rid of the second amendment. The incestuous relationship between the deep state, career politicians and the EU make up the collective. George Bush Senior knew this and supported it obviously.
I thought this memo was the final nail in the coffin if the deep state and the DNC.

I turned on Fox today expecting to see a line of people being arrested, yet there was none.

It's not the final, it's the tip of the iceberg.

Next we need the House Judiciary committee to investigate every FISA warrant, every FISA warrant request, and every unmasking during the Obama administration.
How’s that investigation coming along?


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