Has Elizabeth Warren Denounced Her Satan Worshipping Antifa Murdering Supporter?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The 1st thing Democrats, programmed snowflakes, & liberal media did after the 1st shooting was curse and scream that it was the President's fault.

(The 2nd thing they did was begin to fund raise while the bodies if dead Americans still laid where they had fallen.)

The 1st thing the Democrats / programmed snowflakes and liberal media did after they found out the Dayton shooter was a Satan-worshipping, mass murdering Antifa Elizabeth Warren supporter was keep this as quiet as possible while doubling-down on politicizing the 1st shooter, blaming Trump, and raising as much money as possible.

As long as it is someone the Left can use to attack Trump / conservatives the Left pomiticizes the tragedy and attacks the President / Conservatives.

They refuse do not make the same accusations and make the same demands of Democrats they do of Republicans / conservatives.

If the 2nd shooter was a CONSERVATIVE Trump-Supporting Satan worshipping Antifa mass murderer Democrats, the snowflakes, and liberal media would have been running THAT story 24/7 and politically bashing the President the whole time.

Because it was an ELIZABETH WARREN supporter they ignore it, do not demand Warren denounce this Satan-worshipping Antifa mass murderer, do not demonize her...

Because it was a BERNIE SANDERS supporter who attempted to assassinate R-Steve Scalise and other GOP politicians Democrats, snowflakes, and the liberal media refused to and declared the event could not be politicized and Sanders could not be attacked / called to denounce the would-be assassin...

Shame on them all - you're not fooling anyone.

BTW, every dime the Democrats collected from their fund raising off of the dead bodies of American citizens in these shootings should go to the victims / families if victims!

If you snowflakes have an ounce of morality, humanity, shame you should DEMAND these Democrats do exactly that with that money!
Has Elizabeth Warren Denounced Her Satan Worshipping Antifa Murdering Supporter?

Obviously snowflakes don't mind standing behind a Satan worshipper with ties to Antifa mass murderers....

...and people who fund raise on the bodies of dead Americans murdered by an Antifa gunman...

Despite supporting Warren, despite his support for her and Bernie all over social media, despite the Satan-worshipping Antifa mass murderer proclaiming his support for Elizabeth Warren , she & her campaign refuses to denounce him and his terrorist attack....

Instead they are calling the act of pointing all of his support for her is a 'distraction' from the democrats' false narrative / accusations against the President that Trump has a Direct Connection to the El Paso murderer.

This, of course, is another lie. The El Paso did not mention Trump by name or profess his support for him ... the way the Antifa did with Warren.

According to Democrats if 'you' refuse to denounce someone who supports 'you' then you condone what they have done / are doing and are one of them....

...which means Warren's refusal to denounce the Satan-worshipping Antifa Assassin's support and acts SHE CONDONES WHAT HE DID AND ADVOCATES SUCH TERRORIST ATTACKS!

Warren campaign: Effort to link her to Dayton shooter a distraction from Trump's 'direct line' to El Paso killings

Great point, if she doesn’t denounce her supporter, that means she agrees with what he did.
The gift of a dying, Satan-worshipping, Antifa Mass Murderer to Elizabeth Warren was his link to her as a devoted supporter, plastered all over social media...

To sever that link all she has to do is denounce him and his terrorist act...and she refuses to do so!

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