Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Obama negotiated not to place missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. In return he got some kind words from Putin. And a Ukrainian invasion.
Obama negotiated to remove chemical weapons from Syria. In return for not bombing Assad's ass Obama got empty promises to cease using chemical weapons that Syria had denied having and using.
Obama negotiated with Iran on its nuclear weapons program. In return for dropping the sanctions regime Obama got a promise from the Iranians to talk for 6 months. After that they've promised to talk for another 6 months.
Obama negotiated with the Israelis and Palestinians on a new peace accord. In exchange for vague promises to talk more he has gotten the current war between Hamas and Israel.
I just cannot find an example where Obama went into a negotiation and came out having achieved anything.
Obama negotiated not to place missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. In return he got some kind words from Putin. And a Ukrainian invasion.
Obama negotiated to remove chemical weapons from Syria. In return for not bombing Assad's ass Obama got empty promises to cease using chemical weapons that Syria had denied having and using.
Obama negotiated with Iran on its nuclear weapons program. In return for dropping the sanctions regime Obama got a promise from the Iranians to talk for 6 months. After that they've promised to talk for another 6 months.
Obama negotiated with the Israelis and Palestinians on a new peace accord. In exchange for vague promises to talk more he has gotten the current war between Hamas and Israel.
I just cannot find an example where Obama went into a negotiation and came out having achieved anything.

No to all of those

Try again
Of course it was axiomatic that Rabbi would dismiss any of Obama's accomplishments as not being Obama's accomplishments. :lol:

It never occurs to such people that by working so hard to portray Obama as a total incompetent, it just speaks even more loudly about the party machine he beat in the elections.

Just how incompetent do you have to be to lose to Obama?!? You know that guy you keep mocking day after day? Yeah. HE BEAT YOU!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When, oh when, will the GOP finally do the critical navel gazing that is required instead of providing evidence of their own incompetence day after day?
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Of course it was axiomatic that Rabbi would dismiss any of Obama's accomplishments as not being Obama's accomplishments. :lol:

It never occurs to such people that by working so hard to portray Obama as a total incompetent, it just speaks even more loudly about the party machine he beat in the elections.

Just how incompetent do you have to be to lose to Obama?!? You know that guy you keep mocking day after day? Yeah. HE BEAT YOU!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When, oh when, will the GOP finally do the critical navel gazing that is required instead of providing evidence of their own incompetence day after day?

I ti s axiomatic that you would miss the point here.
\The question focused narrowly on areas where Obama has had to negotiate over one issue or another. I outlined some of those cases. So far no one can give me one case where Obama negotiated and came out with a good result. He gets pwned in every negotiation.
Obama negotiated not to place missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. In return he got some kind words from Putin. And a Ukrainian invasion.
Obama negotiated to remove chemical weapons from Syria. In return for not bombing Assad's ass Obama got empty promises to cease using chemical weapons that Syria had denied having and using.
Obama negotiated with Iran on its nuclear weapons program. In return for dropping the sanctions regime Obama got a promise from the Iranians to talk for 6 months. After that they've promised to talk for another 6 months.
Obama negotiated with the Israelis and Palestinians on a new peace accord. In exchange for vague promises to talk more he has gotten the current war between Hamas and Israel.
I just cannot find an example where Obama went into a negotiation and came out having achieved anything.

No to all of those

Try again

Winner winner chicken dinner. When Nutjobber gets confronted with evidence that contradicts his world view he plugs his fingers in his ears and says Nyah Nyah can't hear you.
Of course it was axiomatic that Rabbi would dismiss any of Obama's accomplishments as not being Obama's accomplishments. :lol:

It never occurs to such people that by working so hard to portray Obama as a total incompetent, it just speaks even more loudly about the party machine he beat in the elections.

Just how incompetent do you have to be to lose to Obama?!? You know that guy you keep mocking day after day? Yeah. HE BEAT YOU!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When, oh when, will the GOP finally do the critical navel gazing that is required instead of providing evidence of their own incompetence day after day?

I ti s axiomatic that you would miss the point here.
\The question focused narrowly on areas where Obama has had to negotiate over one issue or another. I outlined some of those cases. So far no one can give me one case where Obama negotiated and came out with a good result. He gets pwned in every negotiation.

No, you were provided several areas where Obama succeeded. You just decided to dismiss them. We can't help retards who do self-serving shit like that. We can only laugh and enjoy ourselves at your expense.

You are pulling the right wing version of "You didn't build that!" :lol:
Obama negotiated not to place missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. In return he got some kind words from Putin. And a Ukrainian invasion.
Obama negotiated to remove chemical weapons from Syria. In return for not bombing Assad's ass Obama got empty promises to cease using chemical weapons that Syria had denied having and using.
Obama negotiated with Iran on its nuclear weapons program. In return for dropping the sanctions regime Obama got a promise from the Iranians to talk for 6 months. After that they've promised to talk for another 6 months.
Obama negotiated with the Israelis and Palestinians on a new peace accord. In exchange for vague promises to talk more he has gotten the current war between Hamas and Israel.
I just cannot find an example where Obama went into a negotiation and came out having achieved anything.

No to all of those

Try again

Winner winner chicken dinner. When Nutjobber gets confronted with evidence that contradicts his world view he plugs his fingers in his ears and says Nyah Nyah can't hear you.


You change the subject and resort to personal attacks when proven wrong
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Every time he weakened our position he won.

he got the tyranny of the aca passed

solar has more workers doing less than coal

more people are unemployed now than ever

more people are getting on welfare

yea, he's winning
Obamacare says HELLO IM OVER HERE

He had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Remember the debate on whether to have a public option? Obama gave a speech that was supposed to show what the administration's position was. His position was Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.
It is really a misnomer to call it Obamacare, as he had very little input. I'm happy to continue calling it that because he is ultimately responsible for it.

"He had almost nothing to do with Obamacare." And you're right but that sure hasn't stopped you from blaming "O" for Obamacare.
I like to call it "Incompetent Bureaucratic Washington Care". What a fucking mess. Way too many chefs in the kitchen on that piece of legislation. They could have devised a simple Public Option plan, sans the mandates. But noooooo. They had to make it as complex as possible.
Public Option should have been the answer.
Now Rabbi, you can continue with your bashing of Obamacare complete with your finger pointing at Obama!:lol:
Rabbi tactics in these threads

1. Routinely dismiss all evidence contradicting his claim
2. Claim that whatever Obama did was in fact, a failure
3. Claim that it was not actually Obama who did it (Obama didn't actually kill bin Laden)

Rinse, Repeat
Of course it was axiomatic that Rabbi would dismiss any of Obama's accomplishments as not being Obama's accomplishments. :lol:

It never occurs to such people that by working so hard to portray Obama as a total incompetent, it just speaks even more loudly about the party machine he beat in the elections.

Just how incompetent do you have to be to lose to Obama?!? You know that guy you keep mocking day after day? Yeah. HE BEAT YOU!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When, oh when, will the GOP finally do the critical navel gazing that is required instead of providing evidence of their own incompetence day after day?

I ti s axiomatic that you would miss the point here.
\The question focused narrowly on areas where Obama has had to negotiate over one issue or another. I outlined some of those cases. So far no one can give me one case where Obama negotiated and came out with a good result. He gets pwned in every negotiation.

No, you were provided several areas where Obama succeeded. You just decided to dismiss them. We can't help retards who do self-serving shit like that. We can only laugh and enjoy ourselves at your expense.

You are pulling the right wing version of "You didn't build that!" :lol:

You provided nothing of the kind. Legislation that is negotiated by Democrats in Congress with minimal input from the WH really doesnt count, however much you want things to be different.
Rabbi tactics in these threads

1. Routinely dismiss all evidence contradicting his claim
2. Claim that whatever Obama did was in fact, a failure
3. Claim that it was not actually Obama who did it (Obama didn't actually kill bin Laden)

Rinse, Repeat

Funny, that's what you do. You've done it here on this very thread.
But go ahead and post examples where Obama negotiated and got a successful outcome, unlike the examples I listed where he got pwned. Go ahead.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Twice, right into the WH.
Rabbi tactics in these threads

1. Routinely dismiss all evidence contradicting his claim
2. Claim that whatever Obama did was in fact, a failure
3. Claim that it was not actually Obama who did it (Obama didn't actually kill bin Laden)

Rinse, Repeat

Funny, that's what you do. You've done it here on this very thread.
But go ahead and post examples where Obama negotiated and got a successful outcome, unlike the examples I listed where he got pwned. Go ahead.

4. Claim "Its not me...its you"

Did I leave any others out Rabbi?
No, of course not. I live in the Czech Republic and one of Obama's first action on foreign policy was to get rid of the Polish-Czech missile shield with no reciprocity. A trouncing victory for Hillary's reset with Russia!
Rabbi tactics in these threads

1. Routinely dismiss all evidence contradicting his claim
2. Claim that whatever Obama did was in fact, a failure
3. Claim that it was not actually Obama who did it (Obama didn't actually kill bin Laden)

Rinse, Repeat

Funny, that's what you do. You've done it here on this very thread.
But go ahead and post examples where Obama negotiated and got a successful outcome, unlike the examples I listed where he got pwned. Go ahead.

4. Claim "Its not me...its you"

Did I leave any others out Rabbi?

No, of course not. I live in the Czech Republic and one of Obama's first action on foreign policy was to get rid of the Polish-Czech missile shield with no reciprocity. A trouncing victory for Hillary's reset with Russia!

Yeah I mentioned that. It was a shameful sell out of an ally for no gain whatsoever.
No, of course not. I live in the Czech Republic and one of Obama's first action on foreign policy was to get rid of the Polish-Czech missile shield with no reciprocity. A trouncing victory for Hillary's reset with Russia!

Yeah I mentioned that. It was a shameful sell out of an ally for no gain whatsoever.
A serious president like Reagan would have never discarded.

I've said it before, but we've got pajama boy against a black belt.

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