Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Sorry I forgot to include the Bowe Bergdahl negotiation. We swapped 5 high level Taliban leaders for one deserter and probably enemy sympathizer.
Is it any wonder the whole world laughs at Obama? He couldn't negotiate a pizza delivery.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

He also got the repeal of DADT passed as well.

But shhhhh, don't tell the fake Rabbi. If Obama didn't do it walking backwards, naked, in the snow, uphill, in minus 40 weather whilst also leaping tall buildings in a single bow, then it doesn't count for anything in fake Rabbi-world, you see...
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

Not one of those required negotiations. But I guess like most libtardians, you do not understand what the word 'negotiations' means.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

He also got the repeal of DADT passed as well.

But shhhhh, don't tell the fake Rabbi. If Obama didn't do it walking backwards, naked, in the snow, uphill, in minus 40 weather whilst also leaping tall buildings in a single bow, then it doesn't count for anything in fake Rabbi-world, you see...

Listen, idiot. no negotiations are required when you control a majority in both houses.

Now, lets try again, since the elections of 2012, what has obama successfully negotiated?
Rabbi tactics in these threads

1. Routinely dismiss all evidence contradicting his claim
2. Claim that whatever Obama did was in fact, a failure
3. Claim that it was not actually Obama who did it (Obama didn't actually kill bin Laden)

Rinse, Repeat

Yes: rinse, repeat and then add a heaping porting of fake-Rabbi.
Stop being such an imp. Get a life. Even a socially inadequate Jew in Germany must have better option than trying to pass himself off as an intellectual on this site.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Twice, right into the WH.

soooooooooooo, his elections were not the result of votes, they were the result of some kind of negotiations????????????

how exactly did he negotiate his way into the whitehouse? voter fraud, bribery, lying, cheating?
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Obama should have learned his lesson when at the conclusion of his first visit to Russia, Putin and other high ranking officials refused to shake his hand.
If Obama was any kind of leader, he would have placed the snub in his memory banks and the very next time Moscow wanted something or protested something done by the US( Sanctions against Iran) Obama would have reminded them of their extreme breach of diplomatic protocol.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Twice, right into the WH.

soooooooooooo, his elections were not the result of votes, they were the result of some kind of negotiations????????????

how exactly did he negotiate his way into the whitehouse? voter fraud, bribery, lying, cheating?
I disagree with your definition of "negociate" himself into the White House, but agree he is an outright failure.
The government isn't still shut down, the debt ceiling was raised, the country didn't default on its debt,

so either the President successfully negotiated an end to those Republican initiatives, or the Republicans caved.

On the other hand, getting the GOP to cave would be a successful negotiation by the President.

Our credit rating was lowered for the first time.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

"I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

No. He hasn't negotiated because he refuses to.
Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

Twice, right into the WH.

soooooooooooo, his elections were not the result of votes, they were the result of some kind of negotiations????????????

how exactly did he negotiate his way into the whitehouse? voter fraud, bribery, lying, cheating?
I disagree with your definition of "negociate" himself into the White House, but agree he is an outright failure.

I was responding to Siete's claim that obama obtained the whitehouse by negotiating. I was asking him/her/it to back up that claim.
President Obama successfully negotiated with the entire United States voting population, and got the majority of them to elect him to the hyghyst offyce in the nytyyn.

The fact that a few racists shoot down President Obama's flawless proposals in private does not in any way diminish his successes in the public arena.
Oh shut up. And you still can't spell.
Only stupid people believe that objection to Obama policies translates to racism.
In fact you do not actually believe that...The fact is that it is a political crutch you libs use because you are too lazy to create a legitimate defense of Obama's actions...Or more accurately, CANNOT defend them.
Racism? What are you yellow spine libs gonna do when a conservative black person is elected to the highest office in the land?
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

In 1981 he traded a Phil Rizzuto baseball card for a used condom...and a diet coke.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

He also got the repeal of DADT passed as well.

But shhhhh, don't tell the fake Rabbi. If Obama didn't do it walking backwards, naked, in the snow, uphill, in minus 40 weather whilst also leaping tall buildings in a single bow, then it doesn't count for anything in fake Rabbi-world, you see...

With whom did Obama negotiate on that one? I thought Congress passed laws.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

"I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

No. He hasn't negotiated because he refuses to.

That wasnt my question although your point is valid.

In situations where Obama has had to negotiate has he ever come out of it achieving his goal and/or without looking like he just got rolled? I've posted several examples where he was taken to the cleaners. Is there one counter example where he came out ahead?
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

"I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

No. He hasn't negotiated because he refuses to.

That wasnt my question although your point is valid.

In situations where Obama has had to negotiate has he ever come out of it achieving his goal and/or without looking like he just got rolled? I've posted several examples where he was taken to the cleaners. Is there one counter example where he came out ahead?
@The Rabbi

In other words, he hasn't successfully negotiated anything because he refuses to negotiate anything. Thus there isn't anything to speak of in the way of successful negotiations. The ones he attempted fell through because of his own stubbornness and fecklessness. Such an attitude only gives the outward appearance of weakness.

His unwillingness to compromise his philosophical positions makes any negotiation pointless.
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