Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

obama thinks he is a dictator, dictators do not negotiate. But the idiot does not understand that he is not a dictator, but rather an empty suit.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?
The OP question was about things accomplished through Negotiation NOT super-majority edict
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

Obama's big negotiation win was before his first term started. He crushed Hillary Clinton to get the Democratic nomination. Hillary had to settle for Secretary of State and a handshake saying she was next in line. If she didn't foul things up herself, of course.

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