Has Obama Ever Negotiated Successfully?

This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He doesn't negotiate.

He dictates.

He implements EOs and then makes fun of anyone who tries to stop him.
Nothing was the result of negtiation. No republican voted for any of obama's pets.

Republicans negotiate?

Democrats sure as hell negotiated when they shoved a healthcare law down their throats. Oh, the negotiations were brilliant!

There was plenty of negotiation. They negotiated away single payer. Negotiated away the public option. What they ended up with was a variation of Romneycare

Just because Republicans refused to even discuss healthcare doesn't mean it wasn't negotiated
Obamacare says HELLO IM OVER HERE

He had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Remember the debate on whether to have a public option? Obama gave a speech that was supposed to show what the administration's position was. His position was Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.
It is really a misnomer to call it Obamacare, as he had very little input. I'm happy to continue calling it that because he is ultimately responsible for it.

Nothing to do with it eh? You Republicans claim he is one of the most despotic Presidents that the world has ever seen. Bent on the destruction of the USA and using EOs to do just that.

Then why WOULD he need to or want to try and negotiate with fucked up Republs?

And he had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Except lend it his name.

You really are a fucking stupid rabbit.

Simple question rabbit; how many people does it take to "negotiate" anything?
Bashing Obama is all the GOP has to offer.

Since Obama doesn't have a voting majority in the Senate, or a numbers majority in the House, I think he's done a great job at limiting the GOP from completely screwing the middle class.

The Democrats control the Senate. Where have you been?

I'm not bashing him. I asked a question. So far no one has been able to produce any instance where Obama had to negotiate something and had a successful outcome. I've posted numerous examples where he failed to produce a positive outcome.

As you well know, the Democrats do not have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Where have you been?
Republicans negotiate?

Democrats sure as hell negotiated when they shoved a healthcare law down their throats. Oh, the negotiations were brilliant!

There was plenty of negotiation. They negotiated away single payer. Negotiated away the public option. What they ended up with was a variation of Romneycare

Just because Republicans refused to even discuss healthcare doesn't mean it wasn't negotiated

Republicans negotiate?

Democrats sure as hell negotiated when they shoved a healthcare law down their throats. Oh, the negotiations were brilliant!

There was plenty of negotiation. They negotiated away single payer. Negotiated away the public option. What they ended up with was a variation of Romneycare

Just because Republicans refused to even discuss healthcare doesn't mean it wasn't negotiated

Notice you write "they", which excludes Obama. You are right that Democrats negotiated with themselves. Obama was aloof.
Thanks for proving my point, nutsucker.
Obamacare says HELLO IM OVER HERE

He had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Remember the debate on whether to have a public option? Obama gave a speech that was supposed to show what the administration's position was. His position was Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.
It is really a misnomer to call it Obamacare, as he had very little input. I'm happy to continue calling it that because he is ultimately responsible for it.

Nothing to do with it eh? You Republicans claim he is one of the most despotic Presidents that the world has ever seen. Bent on the destruction of the USA and using EOs to do just that.

Then why WOULD he need to or want to try and negotiate with fucked up Republs?

And he had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Except lend it his name.

You really are a fucking stupid rabbit.

Simple question rabbit; how many people does it take to "negotiate" anything?

Thanks for proving my point in the OP, Zeke ole pal. Obama could not successfully negotiate a pizza delivery.
Bashing Obama is all the GOP has to offer.

Since Obama doesn't have a voting majority in the Senate, or a numbers majority in the House, I think he's done a great job at limiting the GOP from completely screwing the middle class.

The Democrats control the Senate. Where have you been?

I'm not bashing him. I asked a question. So far no one has been able to produce any instance where Obama had to negotiate something and had a successful outcome. I've posted numerous examples where he failed to produce a positive outcome.

As you well know, the Democrats do not have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Where have you been?
They dont need one because the filibuster was rendered moot by Harry Reid, invoking the nuclear option that Democrats swore would lead to tyranny when the GOP proposed it.
So you are factually wrong as well as lying by omission. Nice one.
Democrats sure as hell negotiated when they shoved a healthcare law down their throats. Oh, the negotiations were brilliant!

There was plenty of negotiation. They negotiated away single payer. Negotiated away the public option. What they ended up with was a variation of Romneycare

Just because Republicans refused to even discuss healthcare doesn't mean it wasn't negotiated

Notice you write "they", which excludes Obama. You are right that Democrats negotiated with themselves. Obama was aloof.
Thanks for proving my point, nutsucker.

So lets move into Rabbi bizarro world

Obama didn't negotiate with people who refused to negotiate

Lets enter our wayback machine back to Feb 2010 at the Healthcare Summit. Obama asked republicans what they wanted inserted into Obamacare that would enable them to support it. To a man, they replied....Tear it up and start over
He had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Remember the debate on whether to have a public option? Obama gave a speech that was supposed to show what the administration's position was. His position was Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.
It is really a misnomer to call it Obamacare, as he had very little input. I'm happy to continue calling it that because he is ultimately responsible for it.

Nothing to do with it eh? You Republicans claim he is one of the most despotic Presidents that the world has ever seen. Bent on the destruction of the USA and using EOs to do just that.

Then why WOULD he need to or want to try and negotiate with fucked up Republs?

And he had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Except lend it his name.

You really are a fucking stupid rabbit.

Simple question rabbit; how many people does it take to "negotiate" anything?

Thanks for proving my point in the OP, Zeke ole pal. Obama could not successfully negotiate a pizza delivery.

You just are not smart enough to figure this out are you Rabbit?

There was NO ONE on the Republican side to NEGOTIATE anything with.

When Obama tried, ( remember Bohenor recalling that he got 95% of what he wanted in the negotiation with Obama?) it proved to be a massive waste of time.

Is this a scripted position of the Republican party to try and explain away why the Republicans have done NOTHING to improve the lives of Americans? Just blame it on Obama and say "he didn't want to negotiate with us".

Interesting. It won't work (except among the hacks like you) but it is an interesting position.
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

Those weren't negotiations.
Nothing to do with it eh? You Republicans claim he is one of the most despotic Presidents that the world has ever seen. Bent on the destruction of the USA and using EOs to do just that.

Then why WOULD he need to or want to try and negotiate with fucked up Republs?

And he had almost nothing to do with Obamacare. Except lend it his name.

You really are a fucking stupid rabbit.

Simple question rabbit; how many people does it take to "negotiate" anything?

Thanks for proving my point in the OP, Zeke ole pal. Obama could not successfully negotiate a pizza delivery.

You just are not smart enough to figure this out are you Rabbit?

There was NO ONE on the Republican side to NEGOTIATE anything with.

When Obama tried, ( remember Bohenor recalling that he got 95% of what he wanted in the negotiation with Obama?) it proved to be a massive waste of time.

Is this a scripted position of the Republican party to try and explain away why the Republicans have done NOTHING to improve the lives of Americans? Just blame it on Obama and say "he didn't want to negotiate with us".

Interesting. It won't work (except among the hacks like you) but it is an interesting position.

Thanks again, Zeke. You prove my point that Obama is an incompetent negotator who gets pwned every time he tries, which isnt often. Maybe he knwos that and that's why he wont negotiate with the GOP. Reagan was a good negotiator so had no trouble making deals with Congressional Democrats. Don't you miss the Gipper?
Thanks for proving my point in the OP, Zeke ole pal. Obama could not successfully negotiate a pizza delivery.

You just are not smart enough to figure this out are you Rabbit?

There was NO ONE on the Republican side to NEGOTIATE anything with.

When Obama tried, ( remember Bohenor recalling that he got 95% of what he wanted in the negotiation with Obama?) it proved to be a massive waste of time.

Is this a scripted position of the Republican party to try and explain away why the Republicans have done NOTHING to improve the lives of Americans? Just blame it on Obama and say "he didn't want to negotiate with us".

Interesting. It won't work (except among the hacks like you) but it is an interesting position.

Thanks again, Zeke. You prove my point that Obama is an incompetent negotator who gets pwned every time he tries, which isnt often. Maybe he knwos that and that's why he wont negotiate with the GOP. Reagan was a good negotiator so had no trouble making deals with Congressional Democrats. Don't you miss the Gipper?

obama's method of negotiation is to walk into a room say "I won" and that's the end of it.
You hit it on the head. Of course that doesnt cut much ice with the Olympic Committee, the Russians, the Chinese or the Iranians. Maybe that's why they pwn him every time?
Thanks for proving my point in the OP, Zeke ole pal. Obama could not successfully negotiate a pizza delivery.

You just are not smart enough to figure this out are you Rabbit?

There was NO ONE on the Republican side to NEGOTIATE anything with.

When Obama tried, ( remember Bohenor recalling that he got 95% of what he wanted in the negotiation with Obama?) it proved to be a massive waste of time.

Is this a scripted position of the Republican party to try and explain away why the Republicans have done NOTHING to improve the lives of Americans? Just blame it on Obama and say "he didn't want to negotiate with us".

Interesting. It won't work (except among the hacks like you) but it is an interesting position.

Thanks again, Zeke. You prove my point that Obama is an incompetent negotator who gets pwned every time he tries, which isnt often. Maybe he knwos that and that's why he wont negotiate with the GOP. Reagan was a good negotiator so had no trouble making deals with Congressional Democrats. Don't you miss the Gipper?

Rabbit, when you have to use my examples of the fact that Obama had no Republicans to negotiate anything with and you keep on telling me that I am correct, well just what exactly what is it that you are trying to prove?

That Republicans have had no interest in negotiating with Obama?
We already knew that.
You just are not smart enough to figure this out are you Rabbit?

There was NO ONE on the Republican side to NEGOTIATE anything with.

When Obama tried, ( remember Bohenor recalling that he got 95% of what he wanted in the negotiation with Obama?) it proved to be a massive waste of time.

Is this a scripted position of the Republican party to try and explain away why the Republicans have done NOTHING to improve the lives of Americans? Just blame it on Obama and say "he didn't want to negotiate with us".

Interesting. It won't work (except among the hacks like you) but it is an interesting position.

Thanks again, Zeke. You prove my point that Obama is an incompetent negotator who gets pwned every time he tries, which isnt often. Maybe he knwos that and that's why he wont negotiate with the GOP. Reagan was a good negotiator so had no trouble making deals with Congressional Democrats. Don't you miss the Gipper?

Rabbit, when you have to use my examples of the fact that Obama had no Republicans to negotiate anything with and you keep on telling me that I am correct, well just what exactly what is it that you are trying to prove?

That Republicans have had no interest in negotiating with Obama?
We already knew that.

No, Zeke. Lay off the MD20-20 for a while and pay attention. Obama has failed at every attempt to negotiate he has ever made. Usually negotiation is a two way street. People give up some stuff and get other stuff in return. At best it ought to be an equal trade, ideally you come away with more than you gave up. But Obama has a history of giving up the store in return for nothing. I outlined some of those deals previously. So far no one has shown where Obama has come out even, much less ahead.
So maybe he's afraid of getting rolled by the GOP, just like he's gotten rolled by the Russians et. al.
President Obama successfully negotiated with the entire United States voting population, and got the majority of them to elect him to the hyghyst offyce in the nytyyn.

The fact that a few racists shoot down President Obama's flawless proposals in private does not in any way diminish his successes in the public arena.

That wasn't negotiating, that was fooling. Learn the difference, dummy.
President Obama successfully negotiated with the entire United States voting population, and got the majority of them to elect him to the hyghyst offyce in the nytyyn.

The fact that a few racists shoot down President Obama's flawless proposals in private does not in any way diminish his successes in the public arena.

That wasn't negotiating, that was fooling. Learn the difference, dummy.

She hasnt figured out the difference between men and women, why would she figure out the difference between negotiating and pandering?
This is a serious question. When I think back to all the negotiations he's been part of, I cannot recall one time he came out on top.
Not when he went to the Olympic COmmittee to stump for Chicago. Not when he went to Copenhagen to negotiate climate change. Not when he negotiated with Iran. Not when he negotiated with Russia. Not when he negotiated with the GOP.
Is there a negotiation success that Obama has had in his entire term?

He got ObamaCare passed, didn't he?

He got the stimulus bill passed, didn't he?

He got Dodd/Frank passed, didn't he?

He got Sotomayor and Kagan onto the Supreme Court, didn't he?

He got the new START treaty, didn't he?

He got tax increases on the rich, didn't he?

None of that was negotiated, it was crammed down the throats of the majority of the American people by a tyrannical President and a lapdog Democrat majority in Congress.

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