Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare ...

So you're saying that El Presidente proposes to give workers healthcare?

See how that works?

In a viable culture, individuals are free to pursue their own interests, to bargain for the best return on their labor, as they consistently improve their skills sets, providing them with an escalating value... which they exchange for ever increasing values. Thus providing them the means to purchase their own healthcare, from a free market with health insurance carriers compete equally, in each locale... providing the individual with hundreds of competing policies, from which to choose.

And that's the difference between a viable, free culture and that OKA: A Banana Republic.

I hope that helps.
Considering the trend to legalize marijuana, I'd say that Obama is turning us into a Ganja Republic.

Mary Jane will be legal one day. Look at the attitude of kids about it. And wow, what a great day that will be in terms of ridding the government of one excuse to ignore the constitution and end the direct funding of organized crime

Agreed. It's time to get rid of all the graft and corruption enabled in the War To Get People Hooked On Drugs and To Fill Our Jails With Petty Criminals.

How does that make sense? Legalizing drugs will fill our jails with petty criminals?

And government not making drugs illegal is government getting people hooked on drugs? It is of course government's job to make sure we make good choices?

Also, you ignored the flagrant violation of our constitutional rights I pointed out. There is no probable cause required and no warrant to search us and no due process for government to take our property or get our financial data or confiscate our cash if they feel we have too much. You also ignored funding organized crime, just like alcohol did in the 30s. And I didn't even bring up destabilizing governments across the world from Columbia to Afghanistan.

Did you think you're the one "c" bodedica there for a second?

Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?

LOL, you just proved again you don't know what it means. As I said, you think it's industry controlling government when it's government controlling industry. As your argument Obama isn't head of a banana republic, you just gave examples of government controlling industry. Examples of us being a banana republic. I do believe you are real, stupidity like that can't be made up

Banana Republics were established to provide unfettered Capitalism. The corporation made huge profits, the junta was paid off handsomely and the workers suffered

The government controlling industry was Socialism

How does Obama proposing worker benefits and protection equal a banana republic in your bizarro world?

I just explained this. And seriously, when a tin pot dictator takes over, you think his aim is to help corporations? Seriously? That's what you think? You are seriously ... er ... special ... there big guy
Why are the rest of the wealthy industrial nations' middle classes getting stronger and the US's middle class is certainly getting weaker? It's been a forty year trend under both Republican and Democratic leadership.
Maybe the growing plutocratic environment in Washington has much to do with it?
Banana Republics basically have two classes. The wealthy and the serfs.
But instead, let's point fingers.
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?
A banana republic does not preclude consideration of workers. It has nothing to do with that as we have just established on the last page. The government looks out for the needs of the company over the people - you seem to think that healthcare is at odds with those needs - it is not.

Such impositions can actually help major companies by ensuring that the cost of entering the marketplace is to high and competition is stopped.

Note that Obama did not set up a system of healthcare for workers at all as a matter of fact. instead, he FORCED all people in this nation to buy a healthcare product from a company. Hmmm... would that be looking out for the people's needs or for the needs of healthcare companies that need customers?
Show me a historical example of a SINGLE Banana Republic that looked out for workers

Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. Virtually all of them claim they are looking out for the workers.

They were banana republics at one time.......not today

Corruption and worker abuse moved them towards socialism

Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?

LOL, you just proved again you don't know what it means. As I said, you think it's industry controlling government when it's government controlling industry. As your argument Obama isn't head of a banana republic, you just gave examples of government controlling industry. Examples of us being a banana republic. I do believe you are real, stupidity like that can't be made up

Banana Republics were established to provide unfettered Capitalism. The corporation made huge profits, the junta was paid off handsomely and the workers suffered

The government controlling industry was Socialism

How does Obama proposing worker benefits and protection equal a banana republic in your bizarro world?

I just explained this. And seriously, when a tin pot dictator takes over, you think his aim is to help corporations? Seriously? That's what you think? You are seriously ... er ... special ... there big guy

The corporations keep him in power and provides him wealth

In return, he uses an oppressive military to oppress workers and provide a low cost labor force
Banana - no!
But Tortilla country, or Paella country - maybe. Time of mass African immigration passed many years ago, now, with help of Obama's "great" immigration policy - it's time for Mexico and sometimes Spain.
The skills required to do a minimum wage job today are the same skills required to do the same job 50 years ago. When the skills required to do them don't increase, the pay isn't going to change either.


50 years ago the minimum wage was much higher than it is today, when you adjust for inflation, which is the only meaningful way to compare.

You've just made the case for raising the minimum wage, and didn't even know you did.
lol. That only works if you fail to understand those are not the only 2 factors in wage. the third factor - the one that you are ignoring - is supply and demand. Labor is a commodity weather you like it or not and the supply of unskilled labor has rising dramatically while the need for it has dropped just as dramatically as systems are put into place that replace such workers.

You're the one who wrong.

Supply and demand is math. It's not morality.

Where were we talking about morality here?

Thanks for making my point.

The only point you have is the top of your head.
No, this is not Obama.

This is a culture war, a deep and real division that is growing by the day.

One guy can't do that.

could be I guess. I believe the article is talking more about him abusing his power as President
His presidency is essentially a symptom of the culture war.


true fact. I see what you mean.

I was just reading this if anyone is interested:

This Culture War We're In
Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 43 Comments
How are wars won?

To win a war you don't need to kill every soldier on the other side. What you need to do is destroy the other army as an organized force. You destroy the ability of the officers to command and the morale of the men. You destroy their perception of the worth of their side and of their own self-worth.

All wars are culture wars. To win you must destroy the values of the other side. (That is one reason why we're losing to Islam no matter how many times we beat them on the battlefield.) You must destroy their sense of purpose and the values instilled in them to break them as an organization.

That is what the left has been doing to us.

ALL of it here:
Sultan Knish This Culture War We re In
I think this culture war is at the heart of most of our decay.

But there are two sides to every war, both sides commit crimes, and both sides think it's their way or no way.

Too many blind warriors, no peacemakers that I can think of.


I think the people has bent over backwards over the years to try and keep the peace

but today we seeing what we got for it. You give them a inch they want a mile...

who's to say what's going to happen. but it's not looking good. They are out to bring us down

Staph, you should take a break from posting and study for that G.E.D test.

Are we ready to roll? LOL!

Operation american spring US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.
You know what needs to be done to EARN a higher income? Provide skills that warrant one instead of demanding someone give you something more than what you have to offer is worth. Someone that offers $7.25/hour skills should get paid $7.25/hour. If that isn't enough to live on, don't blame the one paying what the skills are worth. Blame the one offering skills on a level of what a monkey could be trained to do.

Your pay them a higher income is a fallacy. Take the single parent with two kids earning $8/hour. You say paying him/her more would mean she would pay income taxes. FALSE. You could double the pay to $16/hour ($33,280/year) and he/she still wouldn't pay a dime in income taxes.
They are doing the same jobs that used to EARN them a higher income. An income they could support a family on, an income they could buy a house with, an income that could be taxed

What happened?

Republicans fought to restrict worker protections, wage increases and opened up global competition

They also sold tax cuts on the rich and had to wrap them up with tax cuts for the poor...then they complain about the low taxes on the poor

The skills required to do a minimum wage job today are the same skills required to do the same job 50 years ago. When the skills required to do them don't increase, the pay isn't going to change either.


50 years ago the minimum wage was much higher than it is today, when you adjust for inflation, which is the only meaningful way to compare.

You've just made the case for raising the minimum wage, and didn't even know you did.
lol. That only works if you fail to understand those are not the only 2 factors in wage. the third factor - the one that you are ignoring - is supply and demand. Labor is a commodity weather you like it or not and the supply of unskilled labor has rising dramatically while the need for it has dropped just as dramatically as systems are put into place that replace such workers.

The average household income in China is a little over $2000/yr. Will you be happy when US incomes reach equilibrium with China's,

somewhere between that 2 grand and the 50,000/yr average income of an American household?

I'll be happy when those making closer to the $2000/year because they offer skills on an equivalent level to the value of those skills shut the fuck up and stop demanding they be paid more than what they offer is worth.
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.

You enjoy thinking it's your place to determine things for other people. You enjoy seeing those of us who have earned what we have be forced to give it to those who haven't earned it because you think we owe them something. If living in a civilized society means contributing, I'll be waiting for you to change your outlook that those who don't contribute yet benefit join the society and do their part. I don't owe anyone a damn thing. If you want to say I'm selfish because I want to keep what I'VE earned, fine. Not a problem. At least the one who earned it has it not some leech that didn't and had to have someone that contributes to society do it for his sorry ass.
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.

You enjoy thinking it's your place to determine things for other people. You enjoy seeing those of us who have earned what we have be forced to give it to those who haven't earned it because you think we owe them something. If living in a civilized society means contributing, I'll be waiting for you to change your outlook that those who don't contribute yet benefit join the society and do their part. I don't owe anyone a damn thing. If you want to say I'm selfish because I want to keep what I'VE earned, fine. Not a problem. At least the one who earned it has it not some leech that didn't and had to have someone that contributes to society do it for his sorry ass.

I'd like to know why I'm paying more % in taxes than Mitt Romney.
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.

'65 wants the guy who picks up his garbage to work for 50 bucks a week.

Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?
A banana republic does not preclude consideration of workers. It has nothing to do with that as we have just established on the last page. The government looks out for the needs of the company over the people - you seem to think that healthcare is at odds with those needs - it is not.

Such impositions can actually help major companies by ensuring that the cost of entering the marketplace is to high and competition is stopped.

Note that Obama did not set up a system of healthcare for workers at all as a matter of fact. instead, he FORCED all people in this nation to buy a healthcare product from a company. Hmmm... would that be looking out for the people's needs or for the needs of healthcare companies that need customers?
Show me a historical example of a SINGLE Banana Republic that looked out for workers

Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. Virtually all of them claim they are looking out for the workers.

They were banana republics at one time.......not today

Corruption and worker abuse moved them towards socialism

They are still banana republics, and they're getting worse under socialist government.

There is no government more corrupt than a socialist government.
Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.

You enjoy thinking it's your place to determine things for other people. You enjoy seeing those of us who have earned what we have be forced to give it to those who haven't earned it because you think we owe them something. If living in a civilized society means contributing, I'll be waiting for you to change your outlook that those who don't contribute yet benefit join the society and do their part. I don't owe anyone a damn thing. If you want to say I'm selfish because I want to keep what I'VE earned, fine. Not a problem. At least the one who earned it has it not some leech that didn't and had to have someone that contributes to society do it for his sorry ass.

I'd like to know why I'm paying more % in taxes than Mitt Romney.

Because money is free speech, and big money speaks the loudest.
Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?
A banana republic does not preclude consideration of workers. It has nothing to do with that as we have just established on the last page. The government looks out for the needs of the company over the people - you seem to think that healthcare is at odds with those needs - it is not.

Such impositions can actually help major companies by ensuring that the cost of entering the marketplace is to high and competition is stopped.

Note that Obama did not set up a system of healthcare for workers at all as a matter of fact. instead, he FORCED all people in this nation to buy a healthcare product from a company. Hmmm... would that be looking out for the people's needs or for the needs of healthcare companies that need customers?
Show me a historical example of a SINGLE Banana Republic that looked out for workers

Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. Virtually all of them claim they are looking out for the workers.

They were banana republics at one time.......not today

Corruption and worker abuse moved them towards socialism

They are still banana republics, and they're getting worse under socialist government.

There is no government more corrupt than a socialist government.

So name the least corrupt governments in the world.
Its a lot less sinister and planned in my opinion.

The side effect of a money/power equals success taught population is that eventually, greed overcomes decency because a "business" is doing it instead of a "person" which allows enough cognitive dissonance to justify these steps toward greed internally.

Define greed. Define decency. Too many define greed as someone not willing to do with what they have to a level someone else thinks then should. I've been called greedy because I oppose being forced to fund social welfare programs, oppose Obamacare, prefer to invest my money the way I see fit rather than be forced to contribute to a social security program, oppose the free tuition for community college plan thrown around by the Democrats, etc. In other words, I've been called greedy and selfish because I don't think one person owes another person a damn thing in life and those calling me that do.


  1. intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
    synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity; More
  1. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
    "she had the decency to come and confess"
    synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; More
    • modesty and propriety.
      "a loose dress, rather too low-cut for decency"
    • the requirements of accepted or respectable behavior.
      plural noun: decencies
      "an appeal to common decencies"

Your problem is you consider intense and selfish as someone wanting to keep more of what THEY'VE earned while believing it's OK for someone that didn't earn something to get a portion of what someone else earned. You can't determine intense for anyone but yourself. You can't do that for me.

Interested how those of you who say you don't want someone else's morals pushed on you regularly push your morals on others. If you think it's moral and respectable for someone to force you to give to another person, so be it. It's not your place to determine that for me.

I simply enjoy living in a civilized society.

'65 wants the guy who picks up his garbage to work for 50 bucks a week.

So you're saying that conservative65 likes to cut his nose to spite his face. :p

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