Has the Left officially moved from “RUSSIA” to “federal charges in NY” with the “we got him” bit?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Seems as though the Russia hype has subsided and now we’re on to the New York bullshit.
It’s so hard to keep up with the Loons.
Collusion, Obstruction, Stormy, Mental Instability, the Left will go with whatever it takes to make their worst nightmare go away. It's got to be tough to wake up like this every morning :aargh:
The Dirty Dems can't win elections, so they attempt to destroy the winner

If it was just the dirty dems I wouldn't be so pissed. Its that the community organizer used the DOJ and FBI and intel community to try to destroy Trump with their phony Dossier and bullshit special counsel. Not to mention the RINO never-Trumpers who actually voted to lose the USSC and Federal Courts to the Leftists for generations.
LMAO They have to have something to crow about even if that something is nothing.

They are all drooling. Hell they might drown in that drool. THEY GOT HIM NOW.
Just because Trump voters are unable to walk and chew gum does not mean the rest of the world can't. The Russia investigation is still going on by Mueller and the 4th estate, have no fear. I expect we will see another round of indictments from Mueller's team soon.

My guess is that these next indictments will include, at the very least, Wikileaks.
Amazing that with the FBI, DOJ, and shredding attorney client privilege, Mueller still can't find a Trump crime
Has the Left officially moved from “RUSSIA” to “federal charges in NY” with the “we got him” bit?
Are they right? Do they have him?
Seems as though the Russia hype has subsided and now we’re on to the New York bullshit.
It’s so hard to keep up with the Loons.

Given the number of charges, the number of indictments, the number of guilty pleas, and the sheer weight of evidence....

......yeah, I can see why its hard for you to keep up.
Amazing that with the FBI, DOJ, and shredding attorney client privilege, Mueller still can't find a Trump crime

Dershowitz seemed to imply that anything that attempts to violate attorney/client privilege will be thrown out in court. So Mueller was just fishing for junk to nail Cohen with to make him roll-over on Trump for something impeachable or indictable. However, fear not for the Trump presidency. Trump has two cool cards to play. One, replace Sessions with Graham, who would then oversee the Mueller investigation, then Graham could bury the Mueller report forever, irrespective of what is in it. Two, the Senate would never vote 2/3 for impeachment as long as Trump did nothing impeachable.
Seems as though the Russia hype has subsided and now we’re on to the New York bullshit.
It’s so hard to keep up with the Loons.

Given the number of charges, the number of indictments, the number of guilty pleas, and the sheer weight of evidence....

......yeah, I can see why its hard for you to keep up.

HUH?? WTF are you looking at? The charges and indictments have nothing to do with Trump and Russia collusion. Trump will wait for the dust to settle against Manafort, then pardon him. Cohen can rot in jail.
Seems as though the Russia hype has subsided and now we’re on to the New York bullshit.
It’s so hard to keep up with the Loons.

Given the number of charges, the number of indictments, the number of guilty pleas, and the sheer weight of evidence....

......yeah, I can see why its hard for you to keep up.

LefTard Logic:
“Microsoft has a few tax cheats under its corporate veil...obviously Bill Gates a total piece of shit.”
Haha...you ignorant fools are so fascinating.

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