Has Your View of Race Changed in the Past 5 Years

The more people insist on 'racial difference', the greater the difficulty of moving on and improving the human condition.

Another beacon of light has arisen :clap2: ... run for the hills lest the dregs of our prejudice snap close the shutters

Genetics is science. Science deals with facts. The fact is that there is only one race.

To repeat, you're a f-ing idiot and a racist hypocrite. Two shit-colored people have a shit-colored baby. Two ivory-cikired people have an ivory-colored white baby. Race is the reason for the color of the their babies. Damn, you are so f-ing stupid that you refuse to believe the simplest things right in front of your eyes and rather go with absurd leftist propaganda.
Race is the reason for the color of the their babies.

You realize there is no such thing as 'race' right? Tell me, what is the race of a BlueJay? What is the race of a Lion? What is the race of a Silver-back Gorilla?

The notion of human race is an invention of man as much as is the notion of time. They are both constructs but one clearly is not innocuous. In an attempt to explain the differences in humans and serve to divide them as well, the notion of race was invented and quite late in human history.

Before you go about spouting off like some fish out of water with your chest poked out in some fanatical wanderlust about race, understand that no matter how much you further attempt to divide humanity, you will never remove the truth.

Now, before you serve only to make yourself seem infantile and uneducated, I suggest you get back to doing something useful other than absorbing molecules of oxygen.
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You realize there is no such thing as 'race' right?

I realize you're full-on retard.

Tell me, what is the race of a BlueJay?

Retard, Bluejays come in several races.

They are both constructs but one clearly is not innocuous. In an attempt to explain the differences in humans and serve to divide them as well, the notion of race was invented and quite late in human history.

Retard, the concept of race is found in some of the oldest books men have ever written. But, that's irrelevant. Race exists whether or not ancient people talked about it or if full-on retards like yourself deny race exists.

Retard, define race.
Retard, Bluejays come in several races.

Retard, define race.

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

Those are classifications of organic life on this planet. Where is race? Instead of trying to be a tough-guy and sling your vocabulary as a weapon, try to understand.

You want a definition of the word race?

1. ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color.
2. people, nation.

Where does that fit into the classification system? Oh, and by the way, before your brain begins noodling with incomprehensible gibberish as you slobber all over your keyboard searching for more insults, recall that humans are classified as mammals within this system and nothing further.

Oh, I get it, you must be referring to species! Wrong! Humans are a species of mammal. Now, back to the discussion on race ... humans are the same species no matter their appearance and, again, race distinguishes the differences inherent in organisms but it it still a contrived mechanism upon which organic matter such as yourself attempts to thrive as you suck on the nipple like some leech.

A bit of biology and the clever use of things like "a search engine" may help your gelatinous goo reshape and become near-human in your odyssey to join mankind.
If you shithead liberals want to move to a post-racial era, then stop making everything about race... Man, you people are f-ed-up hypocrites.

Is this not the pot calling the kettle an ass-munching retard? Try some of your own medicine once in a while; dribble it into that artery-clogged cesspool of a circulatory system. It just might bring you back to reality for a split-second as you spasm on the ground like a fish out of water.
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.

Honestly, I knew that Obama would be a terrible leader. I knew that he would not solve illegal immigration, fix the tax code, improve the business climate, be tough on Iran, improve the education system and I was pretty sure he'd do his best to pass social healthcare and increase our debt. I pretty much knew he'd be a fuck-up.

But two things happened that I wouldn't have necessarily predicted:

1. His constant partisan rhetoric. I knew he was a pretty hardcore leftist. But I did not expect him to compromise with Republicans on virtually nothing (and I'm not talking about his reuses in which he says things like the insurance mandate being a Republican idea). I figured he'd at least put on more of a show if nothing else. He never even did that. It was blame Republicans at every turn and he never bothered to work with them (much of the time he was so elitist that he didn't even work with his own party).

2. And this is the point on topic - His racial politics. I really figured that he would find it in his best interest to avoid racial politics like the plague. He already had the minority racists in his corner so there was no need to appease them with shallow rhetoric. I think he turned off a lot of Americans by looking the other way on the Black Panthers, by calling the white cop a racist, by constantly inviting well known racists to the White House, not visiting Israel and treating them like dirt while propping up their enemies, by playing the race card in the George Zimmerman self defense action.

Had Obama stuck to a more diplomatic script, conservatives would look petty bringing up racism; just like liberals look like fools when they claim that any criticism of Obama is rooted in racism.

I actually felt like we were on the verge of getting well beyond racism before Obama. Instead, I think he's put us back about 20 or 30 years.
Thats not an avatar idiot thats a white attacking rottweiler,he likes chasing down white people,putting a bite on their azz.
Nope, my views on race have not changed. I learned at an early age that there are good people from all "races' and "colors" and that there are PLENTY of ASSHOLES from all "races" and "colors". No one "race" or "color" has the premium on either quality.
LOL! A douche-on-douche throw down! LOL! The question is, which one of you two pussies would piss yourself first! LOL!
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.

Yeah, my views on race have changed and it pisses me off in that there was no need for my views to be changed. I never considered myself a racist and was pretty happy believing that most people were like me in that regard.

Obama has skillfully demonstrated that many are incapable of being motivated by anything OTHER than racism.

Good looking out jackass. The last time the nation was so divided over racial issues American were being shot in the streets and drug out of their homes to be hanged.
Thats not an avatar idiot thats a white attacking rottweiler,he likes chasing down white people,putting a bite on their azz.

That dog looks like a punkass bitch. I imagine her owner does too.
well come on around and find out yellow belly.:cool:

Unless I need some crack, which I won't, a toothless prostitute, which I won't, or some chicken and waffles, which I won't, my feet will be nowhere near your hood. Us normal people live in gated communities for a reason. To avoid you monkeys.
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.

Yeah, my views on race have changed and it pisses me off in that there was no need for my views to be changed. I never considered myself a racist and was pretty happy believing that most people were like me in that regard.

Obama has skillfully demonstrated that many are incapable of being motivated by anything OTHER than racism.

Good looking out jackass. The last time the nation was so divided over racial issues American were being shot in the streets and drug out of their homes to be hanged.
Only this time around the complexion will be white drug out the house and hung.
The opinions of Whites on Afros constantly declines the moment schooling ends.

While in school, we know little about the real world and the school constantly indoctrinates us that Afros are people to. Once out of school, and in the real world, we see Afros for what they really are and slowly are school indoctrination is replaced with reality.

Do you know why Afro leaders are so sure every White person is a racist? Because Afros know what Afros are.
cause they beat you down everytime they see you.:lol::lol::lol:
The opinions of Whites on Afros constantly declines the moment schooling ends.

While in school, we know little about the real world and the school constantly indoctrinates us that Afros are people to. Once out of school, and in the real world, we see Afros for what they really are and slowly are school indoctrination is replaced with reality.

Do you know why Afro leaders are so sure every White person is a racist? Because Afros know what Afros are.
cause they beat you down everytime they see you.

Look at you two pussies trying to play tough-guy with each other. What a fucking joke you both are.
Please, tell us how YOU gained this knowledge Einstein. This should be good.

You want to know why I'm not an illogical turd like you? Do you walk around assuming the rest of the world is as shit-all stupid as you? Or did you want to know that I've worked for the better part of two decades with people from literally every corner of the globe, every 'race,' religion, and ethnicity? Did you want to know that I worked with and taught immigrants for years, both legal and illegal? Did you want to know that I helped to teach and train refugees and asylum seekers in the US for years? Did you want to know that I've lived and taught and learned around the world? Did you want to know that through business, training and sport I've always had friends of many races, religions, ethnicities, etc? Were you interested in knowing that I lived for years right next door to immigrant families, both legal and illegal and that even now I have neighbors from all over the world and that I get to know them as people and families rather than stereotypes or manifestations of some personal trauma the way you do? There are good people and bad people from every place and circumstance. YOU, for example, are a rotten, illogical piece of shit from whatever filthy hole disgorged you. The good news is that bad people like you are outnumbered by your betters, wherever they are from.

Does anyone honestly believe any of that?
Please, tell us how YOU gained this knowledge Einstein. This should be good.

You want to know why I'm not an illogical turd like you? Do you walk around assuming the rest of the world is as shit-all stupid as you? Or did you want to know that I've worked for the better part of two decades with people from literally every corner of the globe, every 'race,' religion, and ethnicity? Did you want to know that I worked with and taught immigrants for years, both legal and illegal? Did you want to know that I helped to teach and train refugees and asylum seekers in the US for years? Did you want to know that I've lived and taught and learned around the world? Did you want to know that through business, training and sport I've always had friends of many races, religions, ethnicities, etc? Were you interested in knowing that I lived for years right next door to immigrant families, both legal and illegal and that even now I have neighbors from all over the world and that I get to know them as people and families rather than stereotypes or manifestations of some personal trauma the way you do? There are good people and bad people from every place and circumstance. YOU, for example, are a rotten, illogical piece of shit from whatever filthy hole disgorged you. The good news is that bad people like you are outnumbered by your betters, wherever they are from.

Does anyone honestly believe any of that?

Anyone should believe all of that, because it is all true. If that makes you feel uncomfortable, I'm glad. YOU are an example of the "rotten, illogical piece of shit" referenced above.

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