Hatred of religion

I said on CHILDREN and mentally ill individuals.
Didn't we agree that homosexuals, transgenders and all other non-straights are mentally defective?

Does that make them less of human beings? No, it does not. My argument is that performing mutilating surgeries that cause permanent changes to otherwise healthy bodies is wrong.
Homosexuality is
If you want to recognize a delusion, go look in the mirror. Seriously.

How about you explain that comment? I'm delusional because I don't accept a delusion as reality? Nope, sorry. If you think men are really women or vice versa, then you are the one who is delusional here, pally! :D Lol.

No answer to the questions, eh? Not surprising. Whenever your type is backed into a corner . . . well, obvious is obvious. Lol.
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?

I believe it is a mental disorder and a delusion. I don't need to back that up. That is my opinion, and you can't force me to feel another way about it.
Ok, as long as you see that it's just an opinion from a mentally unstable person, I'm ok with that.

I'm not the one suffering from delusions that I'm something else other than what I was born as. :D Now, if you can't discuss like an adult and continue to express your butt hurt, I would suggest (for your own mental health) you go somewhere else.
My butt hurt? You're the one who is upset because your man is ugly and wants to constantly fuck you in the ass. :lol:
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?
Disagreed, although it's more PC to say it's anomalous to be non-straight for obvious evolutionary reasons. That said, people have rights even if they don't fit the standard curve of human behavior. In this case, sexual behavior between consenting adults is (or should be) outside the scope of secular government.
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?
Disagreed, although it's more PC to say it's anomalous to be non-straight for obvious evolutionary reasons. That said, people have rights even if they don't fit the standard curve of human behavior. In this case, sexual behavior between consenting adults is (or should be) outside the scope of secular government.
You disagree, but can you back it up?
Oh, so if you don't believe in a god, you are incapable of emotions? Is that what you're trying to sell here? Lol. Give me a break.
No. What I'm saying is that if we accept the concept that there is nothing but the physical, that believers are weak-minded simpletons and that atheism is the only logical position to have, to fall back on emotion because you don't have all the answers is illogical.

If we truly are meat computers driven by biochemical programming, then relying on that programming is flawed. Logic should prevail over "feelings" because feelings are often flawed as you and I agreed.

I've never claimed any of those things.
Batshit crazy lady seeking out another batshit crazy lady. :lol:

Oh, so now I'm crazy because I believe in science and biology and not a delusion? Lol. You are too much. So, I can assume you are a transgender person since you seem to be all offended? :D Well sorry, it's nothing personal. I just believe in the biological facts when it comes to sex.
I said on CHILDREN and mentally ill individuals.
Didn't we agree that homosexuals, transgenders and all other non-straights are mentally defective?

Does that make them less of human beings? No, it does not. My argument is that performing mutilating surgeries that cause permanent changes to otherwise healthy bodies is wrong.
Homosexuality is
How about you explain that comment? I'm delusional because I don't accept a delusion as reality? Nope, sorry. If you think men are really women or vice versa, then you are the one who is delusional here, pally! :D Lol.

No answer to the questions, eh? Not surprising. Whenever your type is backed into a corner . . . well, obvious is obvious. Lol.
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?

I believe it is a mental disorder and a delusion. I don't need to back that up. That is my opinion, and you can't force me to feel another way about it.
Ok, as long as you see that it's just an opinion from a mentally unstable person, I'm ok with that.

I'm not the one suffering from delusions that I'm something else other than what I was born as. :D Now, if you can't discuss like an adult and continue to express your butt hurt, I would suggest (for your own mental health) you go somewhere else.
My butt hurt? You're the one who is upset because your man is ugly and wants to constantly fuck you in the ass. :lol:

Hey! Now that is totally uncalled for. Try to be civil, K? There is nothing for you to get all upset about.
I am not religiously active, yet I believe in the rake theory, as long as you can swing a rake and not hurt anyone it's ok....if folks want an image to become reality, surgery is one way of accomplishing that, just like retraining your mind to think in a certain manner..

If a person with a body dysmorphic disorder feels that they need to have their legs cut off, are you willing to honor that request?
I don't do surgery, I am not an M.D.
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?
Disagreed, although it's more PC to say it's anomalous to be non-straight for obvious evolutionary reasons. That said, people have rights even if they don't fit the standard curve of human behavior. In this case, sexual behavior between consenting adults is (or should be) outside the scope of secular government.
You disagree, but can you back it up?

You say the same things about religious people. Lol. There is no physical evidence of a God, but others believe he exists. You call them delusional, then you turn around and say the exact opposite about transgender people. Lol. Too funny. Your own hypocrisy is staring you in the face, and you can't even see it. :D
I am not religiously active, yet I believe in the rake theory, as long as you can swing a rake and not hurt anyone it's ok....if folks want an image to become reality, surgery is one way of accomplishing that, just like retraining your mind to think in a certain manner..

If a person with a body dysmorphic disorder feels that they need to have their legs cut off, are you willing to honor that request?
I don't do surgery, I am not an M.D.

Would you support such procedures on those people? I mean, it's a simple yes or no question. If you can't be honest with your own self, who can you be honest with?
Seems to me that these people were managing fine with psychiatric care and without macabre surgeries before.

It seems as if the problems have been exacerbated since the kooky leftists have been trying to "help" these people by transforming them into surgical mutilations that don't really fit either gender anymore.
They weren't. They were simply underground. It's like Political Correctness. You can make people say or not say certain things in public, but that just drives them "underground" and doesn't change how they think, what they believe or what they say behind closed doors.

It's like spousal abuse. Has it only been a problem in recent years or has it always existed and we simply talk about it more?
I am not religiously active, yet I believe in the rake theory, as long as you can swing a rake and not hurt anyone it's ok....if folks want an image to become reality, surgery is one way of accomplishing that, just like retraining your mind to think in a certain manner..

If a person with a body dysmorphic disorder feels that they need to have their legs cut off, are you willing to honor that request?
I don't do surgery, I am not an M.D.

Would you support such procedures on those people? I mean, it's a simple yes or no question. If you can't be honest with your own self, who can you be honest with?
It is totally up to the individual, for me I'd tell them to get used to walking on your hands..
Seems to me that these people were managing fine with psychiatric care and without macabre surgeries before.

It seems as if the problems have been exacerbated since the kooky leftists have been trying to "help" these people by transforming them into surgical mutilations that don't really fit either gender anymore.
They weren't. They were simply underground. It's like Political Correctness. You can make people say or not say certain things in public, but that just drives them "underground" and doesn't change how they think, what they believe or what they say behind closed doors.

But the suicide rates were lower in the 1950s and before. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's healthy for them to go around demanding people accept that these people are the opposite sex from what they were born? The left seems to think that playing Frankenstein and, in turn, causing permanent changes to an otherwise healthy body is the "best solution." Instead of addressing the underlying issues, which could be numerous and the person him or herself may not even realize until they are well into their late 20s or 30s or even later. Why would anyone advocate for these types of surgeries and dangerous treatments that make permanent changes, such as making them unable to bear children, etc?
Seems to me that these people were managing fine with psychiatric care and without macabre surgeries before.

It seems as if the problems have been exacerbated since the kooky leftists have been trying to "help" these people by transforming them into surgical mutilations that don't really fit either gender anymore.
They weren't. They were simply underground. It's like Political Correctness. You can make people say or not say certain things in public, but that just drives them "underground" and doesn't change how they think, what they believe or what they say behind closed doors.

It's like spousal abuse. Has it only been a problem in recent years or has it always existed and we simply talk about it more?

Do you think that perhaps SOME things are better off left "in the closet" so to speak, or to be done in private, such as men prancing around in dresses?
Being, or wanting to be trans is not a mental disorder. Again, can you back up your claim?
Disagreed, although it's more PC to say it's anomalous to be non-straight for obvious evolutionary reasons. That said, people have rights even if they don't fit the standard curve of human behavior. In this case, sexual behavior between consenting adults is (or should be) outside the scope of secular government.
You disagree, but can you back it up?
Back up what? The small percentage of non-straights? That a society of all men or all women cannot reproduce? The psycho-social differences of men and women and how that works to preserve both the family group and the tribe?
But the suicide rates were lower in the 1950s and before. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's healthy for them to go around demanding people accept that these people are the opposite sex from what they were born? The left seems to think that playing Frankenstein and, in turn, causing permanent changes to an otherwise healthy body is the "best solution." Instead of addressing the underlying issues, which could be numerous and the person him or herself may not even realize until they are well into their late 20s or 30s or even later. Why would anyone advocate for these types of surgeries and dangerous treatments that make permanent changes, such as making them unable to bear children, etc?
Stress induced by "modern" society and information overload.

Our species spent tens of thousands of years evolving in the wild and small tribes. We're not genetically made to live like bees in a hive or sit in a cubical 60 hours a week. Hence more crime, more murder and more suicide.
Do you think that perhaps SOME things are better off left "in the closet" so to speak, or to be done in private, such as men prancing around in dresses?
No. What would be the logic of hiding something that everyone knows exists?
How can you "feel" like a man or a woman anyway? Care to explain that? I don't sit around and think "like a woman." I'm a person.
I don't don't know of a single macho man that paints his fingernails pink...That would be a feminine trait....
But the suicide rates were lower in the 1950s and before. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's healthy for them to go around demanding people accept that these people are the opposite sex from what they were born? The left seems to think that playing Frankenstein and, in turn, causing permanent changes to an otherwise healthy body is the "best solution." Instead of addressing the underlying issues, which could be numerous and the person him or herself may not even realize until they are well into their late 20s or 30s or even later. Why would anyone advocate for these types of surgeries and dangerous treatments that make permanent changes, such as making them unable to bear children, etc?
Stress induced by "modern" society and information overload.

Our species spent tens of thousands of years evolving in the wild and small tribes. We're not genetically made to live like bees in a hive or sit in a cubical 60 hours a week. Hence more crime, more murder and more suicide.

I'm talking about transgender people in specific though. I've posted several links on other threads about this phenomenon. Now that surgery has become a viable option, a lot of these people are focused solely on getting these surgeries, thinking that it will transform them, and some of them (even though those are rarely reported, they are not that rare) regret doing it in the future. By then, it's too late. They've been mutilated and changed permanently. They can never have their own children, sometimes they suffer incontinence, infections, etc., not to mention they have to be on hormone therapy for the rest of their lives.

Does anyone believe that a young person could not possibly regret doing this to their bodies which were formerly healthy?
How can you "feel" like a man or a woman anyway? Care to explain that? I don't sit around and think "like a woman." I'm a person.
I don't don't know of a single macho man that paints his fingernails pink...That would be a feminine trait....

So? Why can't they do these things in private? Why does everyone have to know about and accept their quirks?

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