Hatred of religion

These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
Society, except haters like you, have already accepted transgender people. That ship sailed long ago.
The Indian Fashion Brand Using Transgender Models To Break Down Stigmas
I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

Are you trying to convince people that you are that concerned with this 0.03% of the population? You are a humanitarian for trans people? What?
I'm just trying to get you to back up your claim, because if they are 0.03% of the population, how do you explain a 300% increase in ALL kids suicide attempts. Are regular kids not attempting suicide virtually at all? Could be. But you haven't shown it. That's all.

I never made that claim at all. Why are you so concerned with 0.03% of the population being accepted as normal when they obviously have some serious issues that need treatment. Why do you advocate performing macabre surgeries on otherwise healthy bodies and changing them permanently, especially when it comes to children. It is totally normal for some children to be confused about their sexuality because they don't know a lot yet, because they have perhaps been abused, neglected, or any number of other factors. Some people don't even REMEMBER their abuse until they become adults. Why do you support surgically mutilating or hormonally altering people who are otherwise physically healthy and making them unhealthy and permanently changing them into something "in between?" What drives you?
These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
Society, except haters like you, have already accepted transgender people. That ship sailed long ago.
The Indian Fashion Brand Using Transgender Models To Break Down Stigmas

Obviously they haven't. Lol. I accept them for what they are . . . delusional and in need of some serious psychiatric treatment.

That doesn't mean I "hate" them, but I am not going to feed into a delusion either.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
The Eastern Orthodox church survived Stalin..
These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
Society, except haters like you, have already accepted transgender people. That ship sailed long ago.
The Indian Fashion Brand Using Transgender Models To Break Down Stigmas

What drives you to want to stifle other people's opinions on this matter? Why is it so important to you that people "accept" them? You are trying to force people into acceptance? What makes this any different than religious people?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

Are you trying to convince people that you are that concerned with this 0.03% of the population? You are a humanitarian for trans people? What?
I'm just trying to get you to back up your claim, because if they are 0.03% of the population, how do you explain a 300% increase in ALL kids suicide attempts. Are regular kids not attempting suicide virtually at all? Could be. But you haven't shown it. That's all.

I never made that claim at all. Why are you so concerned with 0.03% of the population being accepted as normal when they obviously have some serious issues that need treatment. Why do you advocate performing macabre surgeries on otherwise healthy bodies and changing them permanently, especially when it comes to children. It is totally normal for some children to be confused about their sexuality because they don't know a lot yet, because they have perhaps been abused, neglected, or any number of other factors. Some people don't even REMEMBER their abuse until they become adults. Why do you support surgically mutilating or hormonally altering people who are otherwise physically healthy and making them unhealthy and permanently changing them into something "in between?" What drives you?
I was arguing about you making claims that you can't back up. I never said that reassignment surgery is always ok on kids. But calling them freaks and whatever is not helping them or your argument.
Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

Are you trying to convince people that you are that concerned with this 0.03% of the population? You are a humanitarian for trans people? What?
I'm just trying to get you to back up your claim, because if they are 0.03% of the population, how do you explain a 300% increase in ALL kids suicide attempts. Are regular kids not attempting suicide virtually at all? Could be. But you haven't shown it. That's all.

I never made that claim at all. Why are you so concerned with 0.03% of the population being accepted as normal when they obviously have some serious issues that need treatment. Why do you advocate performing macabre surgeries on otherwise healthy bodies and changing them permanently, especially when it comes to children. It is totally normal for some children to be confused about their sexuality because they don't know a lot yet, because they have perhaps been abused, neglected, or any number of other factors. Some people don't even REMEMBER their abuse until they become adults. Why do you support surgically mutilating or hormonally altering people who are otherwise physically healthy and making them unhealthy and permanently changing them into something "in between?" What drives you?
I was arguing about you making claims that you can't back up. I never said that reassignment surgery is always ok on kids. But calling them freaks and whatever is not helping them or your argument.

I said they are misfits, and they are misfits.

  1. a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way.
    "a motley collection of social misfits"
    synonyms: nonconformist, eccentric, maverick, individualist, square peg in a round hole; More

    • archaic
      something that does not fit or that fits badly.

Now, how about you answer some of my questions? What drives you to want to force people into accepting something that is obviously a mental disorder as "normal" and "proper?"

Just because a person does not accept that as "normal behavior" does not mean they hate them. It means they recognize a delusion when they see one.
It means they recognize a delusion when they see one.
If you want to recognize a delusion, go look in the mirror. Seriously.

How about you explain that comment? I'm delusional because I don't accept a delusion as reality? Nope, sorry. If you think men are really women or vice versa, then you are the one who is delusional here, pally! :D Lol.

No answer to the questions, eh? Not surprising. Whenever your type is backed into a corner . . . well, obvious is obvious. Lol.
Can you people really be THIS fucked up? :cuckoo: We've got our religious nuts denying reality and our "transgender" nuts denying reality. Get real.
Why do you care how many people commit suicide or become candidates for the Darwin Award? Nanny Staters "care", but a logical atheist should consider suicide to be a preferable option to imprisoning mentally disturbed people. Doesn't the gene pool need cleaning and isn't suicide (self-cleaning) preferable to execution (forced cleaning)?

Since atheists consider all life to be biochemical computers, shouldn't they consider weeding out the weak, malformed and mentally disturbed be both logical and best for the species?

I think that psychiatric therapy is logical in cases such as these, not transforming these people into some kind of mutilation experiment. Since when is cosmetic surgery the answer to a psychiatric problem?
It's a "wiring problem". There is no "gay gene" just like there is no "straight gene". IMHO, to put it nicely, gays, transgenders and other non-straights are genetic anomalies. There is no known cure for a fundamental "wiring" issue. That said, as a secular society, we should be more concerned about Constitutional rights than what consenting adults are doing with each other in their own homes. Just because a person doesn't fit in the mainstream doesn't mean they should be stripped of their Constitutional rights. I'm surprised an atheist doesn't understand this concept.
Why do you assume that an atheist doesn't value life? You don't have to have a religion to value ALL life. Why do you consider yourself better than or more moral than other people? I am not a eugenics proponent.
What basis do you use to value life? I'm interested in your logical perspective on the issue.

Example, the Romans used to practice infanticide; leaving deformed babies to dies on a hillside from exposure. If the Zika virus becomes epidemic, isn't it logical to terminate all pregnancies where the fetus is brain-damage? After all, even if you "value" life, it's not like it's fucking sacred amirite?
Can you people really be THIS fucked up? :cuckoo: We've got our religious nuts denying reality and our "transgender" nuts denying reality. Get real.
Why do you care how many people commit suicide or become candidates for the Darwin Award? Nanny Staters "care", but a logical atheist should consider suicide to be a preferable option to imprisoning mentally disturbed people. Doesn't the gene pool need cleaning and isn't suicide (self-cleaning) preferable to execution (forced cleaning)?

Since atheists consider all life to be biochemical computers, shouldn't they consider weeding out the weak, malformed and mentally disturbed be both logical and best for the species?

I think that psychiatric therapy is logical in cases such as these, not transforming these people into some kind of mutilation experiment. Since when is cosmetic surgery the answer to a psychiatric problem?
It's a "wiring problem". There is no "gay gene" just like there is no "straight gene". IMHO, to put it nicely, gays, transgenders and other non-straights are genetic anomalies. There is no known cure for a fundamental "wiring" issue. That said, as a secular society, we should be more concerned about Constitutional rights than what consenting adults are doing with each other in their own homes. Just because a person doesn't fit in the mainstream doesn't mean they should be stripped of their Constitutional rights. I'm surprised an atheist doesn't understand this concept.

I never advocated that they be stripped of their rights! Where did I say that. I am talking about my own personal lines on what I would accept as normal versus delusional and how I feel about performing macabre surgical and other treatments on these individuals. Nowhere have I said that they should lose any rights.
These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
Understood. So what is your solution? Mental health care for a condition that has no cure?
Why do you assume that an atheist doesn't value life? You don't have to have a religion to value ALL life. Why do you consider yourself better than or more moral than other people? I am not a eugenics proponent.
What basis do you use to value life? I'm interested in your logical perspective on the issue.

Example, the Romans used to practice infanticide; leaving deformed babies to dies on a hillside from exposure. If the Zika virus becomes epidemic, isn't it logical to terminate all pregnancies where the fetus is brain-damage? After all, even if you "value" life, it's not like it's fucking sacred amirite?

Sure it is. I believe all life has value. I have empathy for people. Like I've said before, if you need religion to FORCE you to be a good person, then you probably are already not a very good person.
I never advocated that they be stripped of their rights! Where did I say that. I am talking about my own personal lines on what I would accept as normal versus delusional and how I feel about performing macabre surgical and other treatments on these individuals. Nowhere have I said that they should lose any rights.
You're backpedaling, Chris. Let's say they're every bit as fucked up and deformed as you "feel", what are you proposing? That boob jobs, butt lifts and face lifts be allowed for straights but elective "gender reassignment" surgery be banned because you don't "feel" it's right? WTF?
I never advocated that they be stripped of their rights! Where did I say that. I am talking about my own personal lines on what I would accept as normal versus delusional and how I feel about performing macabre surgical and other treatments on these individuals. Nowhere have I said that they should lose any rights.
You're backpedaling, Chris. Let's say they're every bit as fucked up and deformed as you "feel", what are you proposing? That boob jobs, butt lifts and face lifts be allowed for straights but elective "gender reassignment" surgery be banned because you don't "feel" it's right? WTF?

I said on CHILDREN and mentally ill individuals.
Why do you assume that an atheist doesn't value life? You don't have to have a religion to value ALL life. Why do you consider yourself better than or more moral than other people? I am not a eugenics proponent.
What basis do you use to value life? I'm interested in your logical perspective on the issue.

Example, the Romans used to practice infanticide; leaving deformed babies to dies on a hillside from exposure. If the Zika virus becomes epidemic, isn't it logical to terminate all pregnancies where the fetus is brain-damage? After all, even if you "value" life, it's not like it's fucking sacred amirite?

Sure it is. I believe all life has value. I have empathy for people. Like I've said before, if you need religion to FORCE you to be a good person, then you probably are already not a very good person.
When did you find this empathy that is never discharged here on USMB?
These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
Understood. So what is your solution? Mental health care for a condition that has no cure?

Seems to me that these people were managing fine with psychiatric care and without macabre surgeries before.

It seems as if the problems have been exacerbated since the kooky leftists have been trying to "help" these people by transforming them into surgical mutilations that don't really fit either gender anymore.
Why do you assume that an atheist doesn't value life? You don't have to have a religion to value ALL life. Why do you consider yourself better than or more moral than other people? I am not a eugenics proponent.
What basis do you use to value life? I'm interested in your logical perspective on the issue.

Example, the Romans used to practice infanticide; leaving deformed babies to dies on a hillside from exposure. If the Zika virus becomes epidemic, isn't it logical to terminate all pregnancies where the fetus is brain-damage? After all, even if you "value" life, it's not like it's fucking sacred amirite?

Sure it is. I believe all life has value. I have empathy for people. Like I've said before, if you need religion to FORCE you to be a good person, then you probably are already not a very good person.
When did you find this empathy that is never discharged here on USMB?

What are you talking about? Do you have something to add to the discussion?

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