Hatred of religion

You just quoted it. Suicide stats, as I said, are up since the 1950s. It's mostly because of you leftists trying to "help." Lol.
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.

Do you know what the suicide statistics amongst transgendered people are? Perhaps you should do some research into this. It may be eye opening instead of blindly going along with what you are told . . . hmm . . . kind of like religious folks.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender? Pretty simple really.

I don't have to. The suicide rate for trans people is very HIGH. Do you understand? Do I have to do your research for you? These things are easily found on google.
You just quoted it. Suicide stats, as I said, are up since the 1950s. It's mostly because of you leftists trying to "help." Lol.
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.

Do you know what the suicide statistics amongst transgendered people are? Perhaps you should do some research into this. It may be eye opening instead of blindly going along with what you are told . . . hmm . . . kind of like religious folks.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.

Do you know what the suicide statistics amongst transgendered people are? Perhaps you should do some research into this. It may be eye opening instead of blindly going along with what you are told . . . hmm . . . kind of like religious folks.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender? Pretty simple really.

I don't have to. The suicide rate for trans people is very HIGH. Do you understand? Do I have to do your research for you? These things are easily found on google.
You're making the claim, it's up to you to back it up, not me.
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.

Do you know what the suicide statistics amongst transgendered people are? Perhaps you should do some research into this. It may be eye opening instead of blindly going along with what you are told . . . hmm . . . kind of like religious folks.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.
Do you know what the suicide statistics amongst transgendered people are? Perhaps you should do some research into this. It may be eye opening instead of blindly going along with what you are told . . . hmm . . . kind of like religious folks.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.
This link includes both stats and causal factors.

<Youth Suicide Statistics>
  • An average of 2 youth between the ages of 10 and 24 die by suicide each week in Washington State.
  • More than one in every 10 high school students reported having attempted suicide; nearly 1 in 6 students between the ages of 12-17 have seriously considered it.
  • More than 30% of LGBTQ youth report at least one suicide attempt within the last year.*
  • More than 50% of Transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday.*
  • Youth suicides outnumber youth homicides.

<YSPP :: Self-Harm Frequently Asked Questions>
3. Why do teens self-harm?
Reasons vary, but tend to fall into one of these categories:
  • to stop bad feelings
  • to feel something
  • to avoid doing something unpleasant
  • to get a reaction
Lesbian-Gay -Bisexual-Transgender Youth FAQ
3. Why are LGBTQ youth more at risk for suicide (suicide attempts)?

LGBTQ youth may also be at an increased risk for suicide ideation and/or attempts due to an increased occurrence of risk factors that occur in their “straight” peer’s lives and additional factors such as: gender nonconformity, coming out: early or not coming out to anyone, homophobia/transphobia, internalized homophobia/transphobiainternal conflict, heterosexism, inaccessible LGBTQ friendly service providers.
Yes, so I've read in this thread. It still doesn't change the fact that your stats make no mention of trans people or why the increase? You should take a debating class, when you have nothing, you need to realize it and move on. Maybe try to fix your lack of connecting the stats to the transgender?

Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.
Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
Can you people really be THIS fucked up? :cuckoo: We've got our religious nuts denying reality and our "transgender" nuts denying reality. Get real.
Why do you care how many people commit suicide or become candidates for the Darwin Award? Nanny Staters "care", but a logical atheist should consider suicide to be a preferable option to imprisoning mentally disturbed people. Doesn't the gene pool need cleaning and isn't suicide (self-cleaning) preferable to execution (forced cleaning)?

Since atheists consider all life to be biochemical computers, shouldn't they consider weeding out the weak, malformed and mentally disturbed be both logical and best for the species?
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.
This link includes both stats and causal factors.

<Youth Suicide Statistics>
  • An average of 2 youth between the ages of 10 and 24 die by suicide each week in Washington State.
  • More than one in every 10 high school students reported having attempted suicide; nearly 1 in 6 students between the ages of 12-17 have seriously considered it.
  • More than 30% of LGBTQ youth report at least one suicide attempt within the last year.*
  • More than 50% of Transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday.*
  • Youth suicides outnumber youth homicides.
<YSPP :: Self-Harm Frequently Asked Questions>
3. Why do teens self-harm?
Reasons vary, but tend to fall into one of these categories:
  • to stop bad feelings
  • to feel something
  • to avoid doing something unpleasant
  • to get a reaction
Lesbian-Gay -Bisexual-Transgender Youth FAQ
3. Why are LGBTQ youth more at risk for suicide (suicide attempts)?

LGBTQ youth may also be at an increased risk for suicide ideation and/or attempts due to an increased occurrence of risk factors that occur in their “straight” peer’s lives and additional factors such as: gender nonconformity, coming out: early or not coming out to anyone, homophobia/transphobia, internalized homophobia/transphobiainternal conflict, heterosexism, inaccessible LGBTQ friendly service providers.
I hear what you're saying, but it still has nothing to do with with her poll. She needs to back up what she says. That's all. She may even be right, but we can't tell because she refuses to back up her claim.
Oh, so you are saying that trans people are NOT committing suicide. So . . . that means they are NOT suffering as much as the left would like to let on? Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Your side of the ideological spectrum is performing macabre experiments on children who may be confused about their sexuality, thereby making PERMANENT changes to otherwise healthy bodies for some ideological "anti-bully" goal. THAT is disgusting. Just sayin'.
Do you make shit up as you go along? Your stats make no mention of it being because of trans kids.
This link includes both stats and causal factors.

<Youth Suicide Statistics>
  • An average of 2 youth between the ages of 10 and 24 die by suicide each week in Washington State.
  • More than one in every 10 high school students reported having attempted suicide; nearly 1 in 6 students between the ages of 12-17 have seriously considered it.
  • More than 30% of LGBTQ youth report at least one suicide attempt within the last year.*
  • More than 50% of Transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday.*
  • Youth suicides outnumber youth homicides.
<YSPP :: Self-Harm Frequently Asked Questions>
3. Why do teens self-harm?
Reasons vary, but tend to fall into one of these categories:
  • to stop bad feelings
  • to feel something
  • to avoid doing something unpleasant
  • to get a reaction
Lesbian-Gay -Bisexual-Transgender Youth FAQ
3. Why are LGBTQ youth more at risk for suicide (suicide attempts)?

LGBTQ youth may also be at an increased risk for suicide ideation and/or attempts due to an increased occurrence of risk factors that occur in their “straight” peer’s lives and additional factors such as: gender nonconformity, coming out: early or not coming out to anyone, homophobia/transphobia, internalized homophobia/transphobiainternal conflict, heterosexism, inaccessible LGBTQ friendly service providers.
I hear what you're saying, but it still has nothing to do with with her poll. She needs to back up what she says. That's all. She may even be right, but we can't tell because she refuses to back up her claim.

I can't help you if your ideology prevents you from seeing what is staring you in the face.
No, I'm saying that you haven't connected your stats to the transgender. Pretty simple really.

So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.
Can you people really be THIS fucked up? :cuckoo: We've got our religious nuts denying reality and our "transgender" nuts denying reality. Get real.
Why do you care how many people commit suicide or become candidates for the Darwin Award? Nanny Staters "care", but a logical atheist should consider suicide to be a preferable option to imprisoning mentally disturbed people. Doesn't the gene pool need cleaning and isn't suicide (self-cleaning) preferable to execution (forced cleaning)?

Since atheists consider all life to be biochemical computers, shouldn't they consider weeding out the weak, malformed and mentally disturbed be both logical and best for the species?

I think that psychiatric therapy is logical in cases such as these, not transforming these people into some kind of mutilation experiment. Since when is cosmetic surgery the answer to a psychiatric problem?
So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

I don't really care what you think. Lol. The claims are real. Just read the stats, moron.
So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

You are the one here trying to have it both ways. Do transgender people commit suicide more than the "general" population? Have the stats risen or fallen since the 1950s? Do you not know the statistics? If not, then go educate yourself and then come back. Thanks.
So which is it? Are these people committing suicide at a high rate or are they not? Choose.
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

Are you trying to convince people that you are that concerned with this 0.03% of the population? You are a humanitarian for trans people? What?
These people are misfits. They are not going to be accepted by society as the "opposite gender" because they are NOT the opposite gender. That is biologically impossible. Biology determines your sex while you are still in the womb. If you cannot accept that you are what you are, then that is YOUR problem, not everyone else's problem. Deal with your problems in a healthy manner. Don't advocate for operating on children or giving them potentially dangerous hormones when they are obviously suffering from a body dysmorphic syndrome.

I am tired of this ridiculousness. Just because you like to wear pretty dresses, that does NOT make you a woman. Shall I post anatomical diagrams of the differences between men and women so that you are less confused?
But are there that many trans kids that they are solely responsible for the increase? You have yet to make that link. Could be. But that link has not yet been shown. Go ahead, we're waiting.

I didn't claim they were solely responsible for the increase. I said that all your leftist measures to "help" them are NOT working, obviously. These people are misfits and cosmetic surgery is not going to change that. What they need is therapy to help them deal with WHO and WHAT they are. They need to accept who they are. That is more important than playing Dr. Frankenstein with healthy bodies, no?
I think that you lack compassion and understanding of the situation. And dumping on people you don't even know, to make yourself feel superior is rather cowardly. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, you were implying a link between your stats and the transgender, which you have still yet to show.

Lol. Yes, that must be it. Like I said, do a little research into the situation, beyond what your left wing friends tell you to believe. Just sayin'.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Either these people are committing suicide because they are misfits or they aren't. The statistics don't change to suit you.
YOU can't have it both way, either back up your claim with something real, or accept that we think that you're a douche debater who makes wild claims that she can't back up.

Are you trying to convince people that you are that concerned with this 0.03% of the population? You are a humanitarian for trans people? What?
I'm just trying to get you to back up your claim, because if they are 0.03% of the population, how do you explain a 300% increase in ALL kids suicide attempts. Are regular kids not attempting suicide virtually at all? Could be. But you haven't shown it. That's all.
Can you people really be THIS fucked up? :cuckoo: We've got our religious nuts denying reality and our "transgender" nuts denying reality. Get real.
Why do you care how many people commit suicide or become candidates for the Darwin Award? Nanny Staters "care", but a logical atheist should consider suicide to be a preferable option to imprisoning mentally disturbed people. Doesn't the gene pool need cleaning and isn't suicide (self-cleaning) preferable to execution (forced cleaning)?

Since atheists consider all life to be biochemical computers, shouldn't they consider weeding out the weak, malformed and mentally disturbed be both logical and best for the species?

Why do you assume that an atheist doesn't value life? You don't have to have a religion to value ALL life. Why do you consider yourself better than or more moral than other people? I am not a eugenics proponent.

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