Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?

The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I wonder the same things of the left. Especially when they pretend not to know that things like slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow etc. were all products of their own democratic party while it was Abraham Lincoln's republican party that set the slaves free. And it was the democratic party that created the public housing slums, welfare programs that destroy famlies and other policies that hold them in a new kind slavery today.
oh no, no, no, it is the racist right!!! history is all kinds of fking wrong!!!!! why do you think the left wishes to have it disappear?
Democrats have been getting away with treating Blacks and Browns like they were on a plantation. Imagine the profound insult of claiming that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Democrats do it all the time. Instead of jobs, LBJ promised Blacks welfare and the Black family went from 72% two parent households around 1964 to 75% out of wedlock children forty years later with 4 times the abortion rate as White women. Successful Black people like Justice Clarence Thomas are still referred to as "Uncle Toms" behind their backs but basically Black people are smarter and better informed than they were when liberal voices like Cronkite dominated the media. In order to exist democrats need an underclass that depends on government and that's why they invite hoards of illegals.
Democrats have been getting away with treating Blacks and Browns like they were on a plantation. Imagine the profound insult of claiming that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Democrats do it all the time. Instead of jobs, LBJ promised Blacks welfare and the Black family went from 72% two parent households around 1964 to 75% out of wedlock children forty years later with 4 times the abortion rate as White women. Successful Black people like Justice Clarence Thomas are still referred to as "Uncle Toms" behind their backs but basically Black people are smarter and better informed than they were when liberal voices like Cronkite dominated the media. In order to exist democrats need an underclass that depends on government and that's why they invite hoards of illegals.
no, no, no project out racist right and all is good!!!
My idea would be to replace China with Central & South America as our primary trading partner and motivate people in that area to stay where they are and thrive.

Realistically, I don't think they have the resources to be competitive with China and the ramping up stage would take way too long and quality and availability of product would suffer. But, this is just my experience.
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I wonder the same things of the left. Especially when they pretend not to know that things like slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow etc. were all products of their own democratic party while it was Abraham Lincoln's republican party that set the slaves free. And it was the democratic party that created the public housing slums, welfare programs that destroy famlies and other policies that hold them in a new kind slavery today.
The Left, as I point out in post 56, have plenty of their own faults on this topic.

They're as complicit in this mess as is the Right.

But to try to tie today's Democratic Party to the KKK is just absurd, dishonest and weak.
Mac1958 has been programmed to believe that we should deal with our liabilities / leeches like this.....
Ironic. Does racism exist on the Right?

Does anti-white racism exist on the left? Is it magnified and given credibility by the mainstream? Do politicians of either party ever say anything about "white people" like they do hispanics and blacks, gays and everyone else? Do people like Deanrd who is a straight up zealot for the Democrat party imply there's something wrong with being white?
Answer my question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.

I'm curious...Do you consider it racism when the U.S. Congress celebrates the replacement of whites / fewer whites?
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I certainly agree that the American Left has done, and will do, absolutely anything to divide the races for political advantage.

You know exactly what I'm talking about...we both know that....see what they've done? They've woke the sleeping giant and now REAL Americans (most of whom are white) are pissed, they've become territorial again...they want their nation back. The Party Of Filth And Wetbacks played their "hahaha...we're replacing you white people" card a little too soon didn't they?
My idea would be to replace China with Central & South America as our primary trading partner and motivate people in that area to stay where they are and thrive.

Realistically, I don't think they have the resources to be competitive with China and the ramping up stage would take way too long and quality and availability of product would suffer. But, this is just my experience.
They don't, as it stands. But if such a plan were created and agreed to, you'd see changes in behaviors before it was even implemented.

It would be tough as hell, and it would take collaboration and innovation. Since we no longer have that capacity, I'm not holding my breath.
Ironic. Does racism exist on the Right?

Does anti-white racism exist on the left? Is it magnified and given credibility by the mainstream? Do politicians of either party ever say anything about "white people" like they do hispanics and blacks, gays and everyone else? Do people like Deanrd who is a straight up zealot for the Democrat party imply there's something wrong with being white?
Answer my question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.

I'm curious...Do you consider it racism when the U.S. Congress celebrates the replacement of whites / fewer whites?
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I certainly agree that the American Left has done, and will do, absolutely anything to divide the races for political advantage.

You know exactly what I'm talking about...we both know that....see what they've done? They've woke the sleeping giant and now REAL Americans (most of whom are white) are pissed, they've become territorial again...they want their nation back. They played their "hahaha...we're replacing you white people" card a little too soon didn't they?
Your anger and attention should be focused like a laser on the Regressive Left alone, not the minorities who are simply running with what they are given.

Instead, you're choosing to give your opponents a great deal of political ammo.
My idea would be to replace China with Central & South America as our primary trading partner and motivate people in that area to stay where they are and thrive.

Realistically, I don't think they have the resources to be competitive with China and the ramping up stage would take way too long and quality and availability of product would suffer. But, this is just my experience.
They don't, as it stands. But if such a plan were created and agreed to, you'd see changes in behaviors before it was even implemented.

It would be tough as hell, and it would take collaboration and innovation. Since we no longer have that capacity, I'm not holding my breath.

Yeah, but I'm seeing these issues right now with product I get from China. A new supply chain from central America would take years, if not decades to become stable in certain industries.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Define "real american" please.
My idea would be to replace China with Central & South America as our primary trading partner and motivate people in that area to stay where they are and thrive.

Realistically, I don't think they have the resources to be competitive with China and the ramping up stage would take way too long and quality and availability of product would suffer. But, this is just my experience.
They don't, as it stands. But if such a plan were created and agreed to, you'd see changes in behaviors before it was even implemented.

It would be tough as hell, and it would take collaboration and innovation. Since we no longer have that capacity, I'm not holding my breath.

Yeah, but I'm seeing these issues right now with product I get from China. A new supply chain from central America would take years, if not decades to become stable in certain industries.
Can't argue. May as well start now, though. I'm pretty sick of band-aids and partisan bullshit.
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I wonder the same things of the left. Especially when they pretend not to know that things like slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow etc. were all products of their own democratic party while it was Abraham Lincoln's republican party that set the slaves free. And it was the democratic party that created the public housing slums, welfare programs that destroy famlies and other policies that hold them in a new kind slavery today.
The Left, as I point out in post 56, have plenty of their own faults on this topic.

They're as complicit in this mess as is the Right.

But to try to tie today's Democratic Party to the KKK is just absurd, dishonest and weak.
how so? they keep them under their thumb. they exploit the living snot out of them by bringing in black reverends like Jesse and Al and use them to keep them there in their place. it's sad and hilarious at the same time. There is no difference between today's demoloser or the losers of the civil war. they hate black people . I use Kanye West as an example. plantation jumper, yep watch the left come out of their hiding places, cracks and crevises to call him out. yep. no difference. a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?
lousy management does that. equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation our at-will employment States could solve simple poverty.
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Define "real american" please.

A person born here with LEGAL roots....Simple shit.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Define "real american" please.

A person born here with LEGAL roots....Simple shit.

So Melania Trump isn't a real American?
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
bullshit, what a diversionary ploy! you're a fence sitter. and you can't see.
I'm pretty sick of band-aids and partisan bullshit.

Oh, me too. But in over 30 years of watching our political landscape in this country I've resigned myself into thinking that it seem band-aids are the only thing the American public is interested in voting for anymore. No one cares to educate themselves on the details and nuances of policy anymore because the people that make laws in this country make them overly complex by design. From immigration to health care, it's always a half assed 'compromise' with the opposition party to get bills passed that tends to water down solutions so much that it renders them practically useless. Both parties haven't had any really good ideas in a long, long time. Our current problems are addressed by politicos with terrible ideas. Terrible, expensive ideas with no concern about expense. I believe this democratic experiment in our country is failing at a rate faster than we can ever hope to compensate for, but again, that's just me.

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