Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?

These Democrats refer to "the American people" when they need a front. Actually, they have disdain for the American people. People are their pawns. Illegal immigrants are pawns. Voters are pawns. All that matters is their agenda and the power to put it into action.
When you look at the enormous transfer of wealth from blue states to red states, it’s clear who gets the most welfare. In fact look at the recent billions for farmers give away who been damaged by the Republican government and their Bizzarre tariffs.

The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.
And I wonder if they count the free shit red states get and throwing a billion or 2 at the poor farmers??

Are you referring to those "Red States" below the Mason Dixon...the ones full of Democrat voting minorities on the taxpayer tit?

Who Participated in Welfare?

  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
  • Female-householder families: At 50 percent, people in female-householder families had the highest rates of participation in major means-tested programs.
Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

Over 17% of Whites?
That's just short of 60 million Whites receiving some form of government assistance.
When you look at the enormous transfer of wealth from blue states to red states, it’s clear who gets the most welfare. In fact look at the recent billions for farmers give away who been damaged by the Republican government and their Bizzarre tariffs.

The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.
And I wonder if they count the free shit red states get and throwing a billion or 2 at the poor farmers??

Are you referring to those "Red States" below the Mason Dixon...the ones full of Democrat voting minorities on the taxpayer tit?

Who Participated in Welfare?

  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
  • Female-householder families: At 50 percent, people in female-householder families had the highest rates of participation in major means-tested programs.
Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

Over 17% of Whites?
That's just short of 60 million Whites receiving some form of government assistance.

13.2%....so less than 1.5 in 10.
You're right....Still nothing to be proud of.

Who Participated in Welfare?
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
  • Female-householder families: At 50 percent, people in female-householder families had the highest rates of participation in major means-tested programs.
When you look at the enormous transfer of wealth from blue states to red states, it’s clear who gets the most welfare. In fact look at the recent billions for farmers give away who been damaged by the Republican government and their Bizzarre tariffs.

The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.
And I wonder if they count the free shit red states get and throwing a billion or 2 at the poor farmers??

Are you referring to those "Red States" below the Mason Dixon...the ones full of Democrat voting minorities on the taxpayer tit?

Who Participated in Welfare?

  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
  • Female-householder families: At 50 percent, people in female-householder families had the highest rates of participation in major means-tested programs.
Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

Over 17% of Whites?
That's just short of 60 million Whites receiving some form of government assistance.

Thanks in large part to our liberal culture encouraging females to be strong, independent women who don't need no man

...unless that man happens to be uncle sam paying to put food on the table for her 3 kids all from different fathers.
Ironic. Does racism exist on the Right?

Does anti-white racism exist on the left? Is it magnified and given credibility by the mainstream? Do politicians of either party ever say anything about "white people" like they do hispanics and blacks, gays and everyone else? Do people like Deanrd who is a straight up zealot for the Democrat party imply there's something wrong with being white?
Answer my question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.

sure it does. And it's mostly a defensive posture.
So it's someone else's fault?

You promised to answer the question but instead I get another question. Fine.

Yes, it's their fault. Play with fire, don't cry when you get burned. When you back an animal into a corner, don't act surprised when it turns savage. It festered for decades on college campuses and gradually infected politics but now in the age of the internet, anti-white racism has gone mainstream. people finally are starting to fight back even though it's probably too late.

Why should I even have to explain it to you? Is it because you're a brown-ish mutt that you don't seem to notice or care?
You don't have to explain anything to me. You're not man enough to hold your own side accountable, so you make excuses for your behavior and lash out at others. It's all someone else's fault. You're the victim.

We don't allow that behavior from our children, but it's okay if you do it.

Not my problem.
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I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?

You mean other than...

Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Worker's Comp
Veteran's Benefits

You know, all that "Free Shit" that white people have enjoyed as long as I've been alive and I'm an old guy.
Most of these new illegals don't even speak English and are told that Democrats welcome their migration with open arms and wallets while "evil" Republicans don't (because they follow the Law)

again, if you are losing out on a job to someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you've kind of failed miserably.
You don't have to explain anything to me. You're not man enough to hold your own side accountable, so you make excuses for your behavior and lash out at others. It's all someone else's fault. You're the victim.

We don't allow that behavior from our children, but it's okay if you do it.

Not my problem.

Poor Vichy Mac.. now that he's stopped talking to the liberals, all he has to talk to are the Nazis, and they don't like him, either.
These Democrats refer to "the American people" when they need a front. Actually, they have disdain for the American people. People are their pawns. Illegal immigrants are pawns. Voters are pawns. All that matters is their agenda and the power to put it into action.
We do have disdain Disdain for the President and the scum following him down the path of destroying all that America stands for And this goes for the POS McConnell too
These Democrats refer to "the American people" when they need a front. Actually, they have disdain for the American people. People are their pawns. Illegal immigrants are pawns. Voters are pawns. All that matters is their agenda and the power to put it into action.
We do have disdain Disdain for the President and the scum following him down the path of destroying all that America stands for And this goes for the POS McConnell too
You mean destroying the leftist agenda. America is bigger than anyone's agenda.
LBJ knew he could get the Neggras to vote for Democrats buy giving them free stuff. He was very successful.

Nowadays the filthy ass Democrats need more voters so they have a policy to allow Browns to flood in and then put them on welfare along side the Neggras.

Good political strategy on part of the filthy Democrats but it is fucking up our country big time.
nobody takes the right wing seriously. i got permabanned on political forum for resorting to the fewest fallacies.

dears, it takes Morals to have moral forms of Indignation.

Ahahaha. Leftist morality. That's an oxymoron.
lol. the right wing is worse. they think they are right simply because they are on the right wing.
LBJ knew he could get the Neggras to vote for Democrats buy giving them free stuff. He was very successful.

Nowadays the filthy ass Democrats need more voters so they have a policy to allow Browns to flood in and then put them on welfare along side the Neggras.

Good political strategy on part of the filthy Democrats but it is fucking up our country big time.
why not try equal protection of the law in our at-will employment States.
nobody takes the right wing seriously. i got permabanned on political forum for resorting to the fewest fallacies.

dears, it takes Morals to have moral forms of Indignation.

Ahahaha. Leftist morality. That's an oxymoron.
lol. the right wing is worse. they think they are right simply because they are on the right wing.

Stands to reason that people with strong convictions will think they're right. That applies to both "wings"
nobody takes the right wing seriously. i got permabanned on political forum for resorting to the fewest fallacies.

dears, it takes Morals to have moral forms of Indignation.

Ahahaha. Leftist morality. That's an oxymoron.
lol. the right wing is worse. they think they are right simply because they are on the right wing.

Stands to reason that people with strong convictions will think they're right. That applies to both "wings"
they need a valid argument, not fallacy; every time it comes up.
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.
Meanwhile the “anti-racist”, “progressive”, “humanitarian” left hates white people unapologetically every single day.....

And you deny it.....

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