Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?

...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
bullshit, what a diversionary ploy! you're a fence sitter. and you can't see.
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you folks for what you are.

So you lash out at us, personally. I can live with that.
I'm pretty sick of band-aids and partisan bullshit.

Oh, me too. But in over 30 years of watching our political landscape in this country I've resigned myself into thinking that it seem band-aids are the only thing the American public is interested in voting for anymore. No one cares to educate themselves on the details and nuances of policy anymore because the people that make laws in this country make them overly complex by design. From immigration to health care, it's always a half assed 'compromise' with the opposition party to get bills passed that tends to water down solutions so much that it renders them practically useless. Both parties haven't had any really good ideas in a long, long time. Our current problems are addressed by politicos with terrible ideas. Terrible, expensive ideas with no concern about expense. I believe this democratic experiment in our country is failing at a rate faster than we can ever hope to compensate for, but again, that's just me.
It ain't just you, believe me.
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
bullshit, what a diversionary ploy! you're a fence sitter. and you can't see.
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you folks for what you are.

So you lash out at us, personally. I can live with that.
you meant to say those of you who think they can think for themselves, are by yourselves so far from reality that at times it isn't worthy of a discussion. folks like me. you have no idea who I am. I am more a thinker than you'll ever think to be. you're a fence sitter who can't see.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Define "real american" please.

A person born here with LEGAL roots....Simple shit.

So Melania Trump isn't a real American?

Nope...definitely not.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Define "real american" please.

A person born here with LEGAL roots....Simple shit.

So Melania Trump isn't a real American?
was she born here? if not, then why did you ask?
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
bullshit, what a diversionary ploy! you're a fence sitter. and you can't see.
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you folks for what you are.

So you lash out at us, personally. I can live with that.
you meant to say those of you who think they can think for themselves, are by yourselves so far from reality that at times it isn't worthy of a discussion. folks like me. you have no idea who I am. I am more a thinker than you'll ever think to be. you're a fence sitter who can't see.
Okie dokie. Dittos 'n stuff!
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.
bullshit, what a diversionary ploy! you're a fence sitter. and you can't see.
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you folks for what you are.

So you lash out at us, personally. I can live with that.
you meant to say those of you who think they can think for themselves, are by yourselves so far from reality that at times it isn't worthy of a discussion. folks like me. you have no idea who I am. I am more a thinker than you'll ever think to be. you're a fence sitter who can't see.
Okie dokie. Dittos 'n stuff!
H.R. Pufnstuf - Wikipedia
Keeping things on topic and all....When America was American...before Reagan fucked Americans with his amnesty bullshit....Did Americans feel like free shit was owed by others?

Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?
Keeping things on topic and all....When America was American...before Reagan fucked Americans with his amnesty bullshit....Did Americans feel like free shit was owed by others?

Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?
There has been relief since the 1930's I doubt you will run in to many folks that ever was alive before it started...If they are alive they probably don't remember.
Keeping things on topic and all....When America was American...before Reagan fucked Americans with his amnesty bullshit....Did Americans feel like free shit was owed by others?

Have American citizens always begged politicians for free shit or is this a ‘brown thing’?
There has been relief since the 1930's I doubt you will run in to many folks that ever was alive before it started...If they are alive they probably don't remember.

We're not really discussing the mandate...We're discussing the abuse of it, the shamelessness in needing it and how the timeline seems to coincide with a brown invasion of thirdworlders. Follow along Mr Semantics.
easy, just blame every thing on the brown people, then we never have to look at our self's, how many mistakes have been made before we had such a large population of non whites? what kind of American policy's lead to people fleeing there own country's? always looking out for people to blame, never checking our own party, always has to be some one else's mistakes. pure BS.
I got to believe there was a time when REAL Americans were just too proud to beg for a free ride on their neighbors back...It seems as though the cry for free shit has increased as the population of thirdworlders has grown...Am I right?
Could a Democrat ever win an election without promising free rides on the backs of good, real, productive Americans?

Isn't socialist party the biggest party in Mexico?

Import socialists, get socialism. Who is surprised?
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right. I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.
I would just address the premise of the thread if I were you...why side step it. Crying “RACIST” makes you look oppressive.. Was there a time when REAL Americans weren’t so shameless?
No, I don't think so.

There, I answered your question.

Now, please continue with your amusing paranoia.

You’re not “paranoid” of policy that perpetuates the need for more here who need and beg for free shit? That’s weird.
What people like you clearly don't understand -- which makes sense, since talk radio won't discuss this -- is that there have always been, and there will always be, people who function better and people who function worse within any given socioeconomic system. And yes, that includes capitalism. So you can continue to mock and attack them and inspire them to vote against you, or you can just acknowledge it and get over it.

I would continue, but at that point I'd just be spinning my wheels.

When those people were American they didn't vote for socialism though.
easy, just blame every thing on the brown people, then we never have to look at our self's, how many mistakes have been made before we had such a large population of non whites? what kind of American policy's lead to people fleeing there own country's? always looking out for people to blame, never checking our own party, always has to be some one else's mistakes. pure BS.

Is this one of those....”If you left your keys in your ignition with your windows down and your car is stolen it is not the fault of the thief” sort of posts?
Mac1958 has been programmed to believe that we should deal with our liabilities / leeches like this.....
Ironic. Does racism exist on the Right?

Does anti-white racism exist on the left? Is it magnified and given credibility by the mainstream? Do politicians of either party ever say anything about "white people" like they do hispanics and blacks, gays and everyone else? Do people like Deanrd who is a straight up zealot for the Democrat party imply there's something wrong with being white?
Answer my question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.

sure it does. And it's mostly a defensive posture.
So it's someone else's fault?

You promised to answer the question but instead I get another question. Fine.

Yes, it's their fault. Play with fire, don't cry when you get burned. When you back an animal into a corner, don't act surprised when it turns savage. It festered for decades on college campuses and gradually infected politics but now in the age of the internet, anti-white racism has gone mainstream. people finally are starting to fight back even though it's probably too late.

Why should I even have to explain it to you? Is it because you're a brown-ish mutt that you don't seem to notice or care?
...a white guy like you wouldn't understand, you don't know much.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. We're all over the place, from Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian.

Not one full whitey amongst us.

Unlike wingers, I can see the whole picture clearly. Sorry.
you're not committed to anything! you walk around on the top of the fences.
That lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

The differences are (a) my stands on positions don't obediently fall in line with one of the tribes, and (b) they don't fit on a bumper sticker or baseball cap.

I'm good with that. I'll think for myself and take heat from the sheep.

The left owns that fence you straddle, they've attached wheels to it to make it easier to drag ever leftward.
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I would just address the premise of the thread if I were you...why side step it. Crying “RACIST” makes you look oppressive..
Was there a time when REAL Americans weren’t so shameless?
Of course the premise of the thread isn't racist in the least. Not at all. Totally off the wall to say it is.......
Everything is racist these days and everyone that supports Trump is racist, huh

No. BrokeLoser is actually VERY openly racist. He wears it on his sleeve.
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I would just address the premise of the thread if I were you...why side step it. Crying “RACIST” makes you look oppressive..
Was there a time when REAL Americans weren’t so shameless?
Of course the premise of the thread isn't racist in the least. Not at all. Totally off the wall to say it is.......
Everything is racist these days and everyone that supports Trump is racist, huh

No. BrokeLoser is actually VERY openly racist. He wears it on his sleeve.

Which is worse? Some anonymous guy on a forum saying not so nice things about brown people or a mainstream political party publicly acting in support of a policy to replace an ethnic majority population with immigrants?
The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I would just address the premise of the thread if I were you...why side step it. Crying “RACIST” makes you look oppressive..
Was there a time when REAL Americans weren’t so shameless?
Of course the premise of the thread isn't racist in the least. Not at all. Totally off the wall to say it is.......
Everything is racist these days and everyone that supports Trump is racist, huh

No. BrokeLoser is actually VERY openly racist. He wears it on his sleeve.

The great part of this is when right wingers here adamantly claim that racism no longer exists from the Right.

I wonder how many posts and threads they have to completely ignore to maintain that delusion.

I would just address the premise of the thread if I were you...why side step it. Crying “RACIST” makes you look oppressive..
Was there a time when REAL Americans weren’t so shameless?
Of course the premise of the thread isn't racist in the least. Not at all. Totally off the wall to say it is.......
Everything is racist these days and everyone that supports Trump is racist, huh

No. BrokeLoser is actually VERY openly racist. He wears it on his sleeve.

Which is worse? Some anonymous guy on a forum saying not so nice things about brown people or a mainstream political party publicly acting in support of a policy to replace an ethnic majority population with immigrants?

Obviously the guy standing in their way is the problem.

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