Have Blacks Given Up on the Nuclear Family?

Oh, really? Of course you do, because the word of mouth over the internet is totally reliable.

If you're that stupid to expect me to believe you, even if it holds truth, then I revel in the stupidity you continue to show.

The feelings of inferiority you are experiencing are entirely appropriate.

To feel inferior, I'd first need to talk with someone superior to me.

Well then, you have EVERY OTHER PERSON IN THE WORLD to choose from.
Maybe next time you'll think ahead before shooting your mouth off, punk.
I'll warn you again, punk. Don't bring family into your little exercise in humiliating yourself here. You got that?
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.
I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them.

Can you understand why no one likes or respects YOU?

The United States would be a far better country without them.

Earth would be a far better planet without YOU.

Instead of posting meaningless insults, try explaining why what I said is not true. Everywhere blacks move they turn thriving white working class neighborhoods into crime infested slums.

During the civil rights movement it was plausible to believe that when blacks were given equal rights they would begin to get their act together and begin for the first time in history to behave and perform like civilized people. Well most of them haven't because they can't.
I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them.

Can you understand why no one likes or respects YOU?

The United States would be a far better country without them.

Earth would be a far better planet without YOU.

Instead of posting meaningless insults, try explaining why what I said is not true.

Instead of posting meaningless racist bullshit, try thinking beyond your own fears and insecurity.
This entire topic is the reason why the black family is pretty much doomed. Liberals deny that it's even being destroyed. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

The black family is now so decimated that it's worthy of triage. Save what you can save, respect those few intact families that have escaped liberal hell and ignore the rest.
I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them.

Can you understand why no one likes or respects YOU?

The United States would be a far better country without them.

Earth would be a far better planet without YOU.

Instead of posting meaningless insults, try explaining why what I said is not true. Everywhere blacks move they turn thriving white working class neighborhoods into crime infested slums.

During the civil rights movement it was plausible to believe that when blacks were given equal rights they would begin to get their act together and begin for the first time in history to behave and perform like civilized people. Well most of them haven't because they can't.

You have fallen into the Unkotare trap. He's suckered you into an endless back and forth that gives him the attention he craves. He has a long list of people he has done this to in the past. Aside from myself, there is Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Bobgnote, Blimpo, 52ndStreet, Rightwinger, Hatinring, There4eyem, Jack131, SW2Silver, Bloodline, Lilollady, Saigon, Joe B, A BikerSailor, JPTR, Joe B, Shoot Speeders, Mister Beale, William Joyce, Varelse, 4horsemen. Lonestar Logic and now you. The only thing you can do to treat his illness is to ignore him. What he's after is the attention. Trying logic, reason, real debate is lost. Or, you have noticed this already. Even trying to use reason is a lost cause.
Can you understand why no one likes or respects YOU?

Earth would be a far better planet without YOU.

Instead of posting meaningless insults, try explaining why what I said is not true. Everywhere blacks move they turn thriving white working class neighborhoods into crime infested slums.

During the civil rights movement it was plausible to believe that when blacks were given equal rights they would begin to get their act together and begin for the first time in history to behave and perform like civilized people. Well most of them haven't because they can't.

You have fallen into the Unkotare trap. He's suckered you into an endless back and forth that gives him the attention he craves. He has a long list of people he has done this to in the past. Aside from myself, there is Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Bobgnote, Blimpo, 52ndStreet, Rightwinger, Hatinring, There4eyem, Jack131, SW2Silver, Bloodline, Lilollady, Saigon, Joe B, A BikerSailor, JPTR, Joe B, Shoot Speeders, Mister Beale, William Joyce, Varelse, 4horsemen. Lonestar Logic and now you. The only thing you can do to treat his illness is to ignore him. What he's after is the attention. Trying logic, reason, real debate is lost. Or, you have noticed this already. Even trying to use reason is a lost cause.

How is one "given" civil rights? Civil rights are exactly that....."rights".

Rights should be immune from being denied. No one "gave" anyone anything that they were not entitled to as citizens of this country.

What you describe as being "given", should never have been denied or obstructed in the first place.
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

How would they be lost without you? What are YOUR INDIVIDUAL achievements? What do YOU as an individual bring to our society that is positive and productive? It's been my experience that people like you (of any race or ethnicity) who hide behind the 'greatness' of their 'race', tend to be low achieving shitheads with very little personal self esteem and self respect.
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

How would they be lost without you? What are YOUR INDIVIDUAL achievements? What do YOU as an individual bring to our society that is positive and productive? It's been my experience that people like you (of any race or ethnicity) who hide behind the 'greatness' of their 'race', tend to be low achieving shitheads with very little personal self esteem and self respect.

These racist piles of dung ALWAYS run and hide from such questions.
You have fallen into the Unkotare trap.

How's art school going, numbskull?

Quite well. I had a major sale last month. Won two awards. My instructor took a selection with him to China for a three week exhibition. I got a commission for a huge 40 x30 pet portrait that's good for about $8,000. I didn't know you even cared. Oh a painting that I did a couple of years ago was again requested by the Los Angeles Art Museum. Fortunately I still have the buyer's info and she has agreed to the loan with credit to her.

All in all it was a fantastic couple of months.
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My instructor took a selection with him to China.

Where college students never drink or have sex?

The subject of college students never came up. Why would you automatically think that China means college kids having sex or getting high. From what my instructor says wasting government money is treated very harshly. Since he was born and raised in China, his word is worth several hundred of yours.
My instructor took a selection with him to China.

Where college students never drink or have sex?

The subject of college students never came up. Why would you automatically think that China means college kids having sex or getting high.

Oh, it just reminded me of your remarkably ridiculous notions on the subject, that's all. I believe you also mentioned something about students who get poor grades being sent to work camps, and the cities being so clean, and everyone being so darn polite. LOL, good times.

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