Have Blacks Given Up on the Nuclear Family?

I'm black and most of my family (on both sides) is monogamous. My parents have been married for 25 years and had me and my brother within wedlock.

Go suck it.

BTW Why have white people given up on marriage? Why are most divorcees white?

Given your question, black people couldn't have made the rate of successful marriage into a coin toss. :eusa_whistle:

Same here. My parents were married for 55 years before my father passed away in 2006.

Of my Mothers 9 siblings, they all had long marriages which ended in one of the spouses burying the other.

My wife's family is similar. 8 siblings, all married, all college grads with strong families of their own.

The foundation is that we all look out for one another.

Being a product of the 50's and 60's, what I have seen has been a steady decline in community pride and an absence of genuine unity. There was a time when we called each other "brother"or "sister" and it was spoken with sincerity.

If you look at other minority cultures (again, generally speaking) when they arrive here, they remain united and through their unity build generational wealth within their own communities, which produces a culture of self reliance.

We arrived here as slaves, were united in the pursuit of freedom, and after being freed legally, we lost sight of the importance in remaining united.

The next logical step should have been empowering predominately black communities through investing in one another. That is how a minority becomes as strong as a majority.

So the deeper issue I believe is rooted in total community development. That is what builds a sustainable culture.

Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

I think that those numbers are not telling the whole story. A couple can be together and committed to each other, have a baby, and the child we be listed as born out of wedlock. There are also people who say that the 'father' is not in the house so they can receive benefits from the government, when in fact the man is in the house. People may not get married for a myriad of reasons, some can be financial, etc.
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

We foot the fuckin' bill for the irresponsible behavior of the vast majority of the black community, dumb ass.

That's a bunch of bullshit, unless you are ignorant and think that the majority of Blacks are on the government dole. Thanks for the LAUGH!!! :lol:
It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him
When most of his brothers, uncles, cousins, and friends, are all basically doing the same thing.

Exactly who in the african american community is going to pressure the black men to change their behavior??

It has to be based the individual in my opinion. If the father doesn't pay child support, then he should be penalized and be barred from going on any government program until he starts paying support..
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him

That's excellent advice if you want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation and insure they will never breakout of the poverty cycle.

It's not Liberal;liberalism is about FREEDOM. It's not a fucking plantation; people worked on a plantation and were not free to leave the plantation. I don't think it was made to 'insure' or ensure that 'they' never break out of the poverty cycle.
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

How can you help to make things better? :cool:
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

Fine we will do that when we don't:
(1) Fund black childrens education (Education is primarily paid by property taxes and in the inner city the vast majority of blacks are renters)
(2) Don't use our tax dollars in welfare, food stamps, section 8 or medicaid! Per capitia Blacks are over-represented in all these programs.
(3) Stop making it necessary to spend so many tax dollars on police to deal with the most crime ridden parts of the country.
(4) Stop over-flowing our prisons with inmates.
(5) Stop being over-represented in theft, carjacking, armed robbery, assault, battery, rape and homicide!

Once the black community does all this we won't care what you do! :cuckoo:

I and my Black neighbors own our own homes,pay our property taxes etc.
None of our children are in prison nor do they have police records,some have joined the armed forces,attend college.So we are positive about our families. Maybe you havent driven around the better communities (Black)
and saw how they live instead of reading those lying statistics on the internet.

Right on! I'm tired of some of these assholes trying to define the MAJORITY by the MINORITY of the people. Many of them are the same cocksuckers who claim that "Conservatives don't see color or put people into groups like the Liberals do.".
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worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

It's our business because us whites supply the taxes that take care of all the blacks on welfare.

That's a bunch of bullshit, unless you are ignorant and think that the majority of Blacks are on the government dole. Thanks for the LAUGH!!! :lol:

The majority are on the dole. And those that do have jobs got the jobs thru affrimative action or were given a makework govt job. Blacks are useless parasites.

That's a bunch of bullshit, unless you are ignorant and think that the majority of Blacks are on the government dole. Thanks for the LAUGH!!! :lol:

The majority are on the dole. And those that do have jobs got the jobs thru affrimative action or were given a makework govt job. Blacks are useless parasites.

Keep parroting what some ignorant lying bigot tells you, it still doesn't make it true. Where are you statistics showing that "the majority are on the dole."? Is being a lawyer, entrepreneur, prison guard, teacher, police officer, principal, oil executive, media executive, judge, surgeon, truck driver... (those are the occupations of my immediate 'Black' relatives) a 'make work' government job? What percentage of Blacks got their jobs through 'Affirmative Action'? Have more Blacks or White women received their jobs from 'Affirmative Action'? Who is actually the largest beneficiary of Affirmative Action?

That's a bunch of bullshit, unless you are ignorant and think that the majority of Blacks are on the government dole. Thanks for the LAUGH!!! :lol:

The majority are on the dole. And those that do have jobs got the jobs thru affrimative action or were given a makework govt job. Blacks are useless parasites.

Keep parroting what some ignorant lying bigot tells you, it still doesn't make it true. Where are you statistics showing that "the majority are on the dole."? Is being a lawyer, entrepreneur, prison guard, teacher, police officer, principal, oil executive, media executive, judge, surgeon, truck driver... (those are the occupations of my immediate 'Black' relatives) a 'make work' government job? What percentage of Blacks got their jobs through 'Affirmative Action'? Have more Blacks or White women received their jobs from 'Affirmative Action'? Who is actually the largest beneficiary of Affirmative Action?

It seems like all the racists do is bitch and moan, they make these giant accusations never offer anything of value or any valuable solutions to help turn around situations that they are pretending are real and critical detrimental.

If you are not trying to solve one you are just trying to create one.:cuckoo:

That's a bunch of bullshit, unless you are ignorant and think that the majority of Blacks are on the government dole. Thanks for the LAUGH!!! :lol:

The majority are on the dole. And those that do have jobs got the jobs thru affrimative action or were given a makework govt job. Blacks are useless parasites.

Lol! Now I am convinced that you must be playing stupid for entertainment value. You never fail to disappoint.
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

It's our business because us whites supply the taxes that take care of all the blacks on welfare.

Let's humor you just for fun and see how much you really know about how taxes are distributed.

* Using an average individual household income of 50,000 how much annually do "you whites" pay in taxes to "take care of all of the blacks on welfare?"

*Next question, name the programs that are funded by the government that are considered a form of "welfare?"
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

It's our business because us whites supply the taxes that take care of all the blacks on welfare.

Let's humor you just for fun and see how much you really know about how taxes are distributed.

* Using an average individual household income of 50,000 how much annually do "you whites" pay in taxes to "take care of all of the blacks on welfare?"

*Next question, name the programs that are funded by the government that are considered a form of "welfare?"

Society could just pay reparations for a couple hundred years that might even things up. :cool:
A lot of whites don't marry because they can't afford the price of the marriage license.
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

I would love to see a man in the street interview asking blacks this question.... :tongue:

Thats the problem. Even YOU expect black men to be violent.

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