Have Blacks Given Up on the Nuclear Family?

It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him
When most of his brothers, uncles, cousins, and friends, are all basically doing the same thing.

Exactly who in the african american community is going to pressure the black men to change their behavior??

The women
It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him
When most of his brothers, uncles, cousins, and friends, are all basically doing the same thing.

Exactly who in the african american community is going to pressure the black men to change their behavior??

The women
Nope, the women in the do not want to be married or be bothered by the baby's daddy.

Because they might lose their food stamps and section 8 housing voucher............ :cool:
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him

That's excellent advice if you want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation and insure they will never breakout of the poverty cycle.
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him

That's excellent advice if you want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation and insure they will never breakout of the poverty cycle.

By all means..

Do explain.....
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

So much for an "honest discussion of race" in this country. Change must come from within, and that's not happening anytime soon.
It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him

That's excellent advice if you want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation and insure they will never breakout of the poverty cycle.

By all means..

Do explain.....

The problem stems from well-meaning programs that had unintended consequences (I'm just going to put a positive spin on it for the sake of argument. I don't actually know that the programs were well-meaning.) These programs provided for impoverished people under certain conditions. One of those conditions was a single house-holder with children. If there was a couple involved, no aid was forth-coming. There are some good reasons for this, someone in that situation is THE most likely indicator of poverty in our society. So, the greatest need gets the greatest cash, right?

But, here's where the iron law of unintended consequences takes over. And the old saw, "you get more of what you pay for." It turns out that women were actually willing to have a baby without a man being present in the family, just to get the money. Further, they were willing to have more babies to get more money. Even though the money was insufficient to have a decent standard of living, they were still willing to do it.

Ultimately, the effect has been that the government, by implementing the system of aid, with the rules they imposed on the program, have systematically destroyed the black family (because blacks as a percentage of the impoverished were disproportionately represented). It had the same effect on the many of the white families that were impacted too, but as a percentage of the population, it's not as noticeable. They destroyed it by preventing men from participating (by paying women not to have him participate) in the family. So, a situation that already existed, men abandoning the responsibility for raising and providing for their children, was made endemic and epidemic in the black community by government payments. When this became obvious, it should have been stopped or amended. But instead, we've doubled down on it. It became a marker as to whether you were in favor of helping blacks or against helping blacks. (that's the cycle part). And, the effect is obvious and predictable. We'll give you just enough money to subsist and you don't forget who made sure you got it.
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worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

It has everything to do with the rest of us, if we are the ones being forced to throw our Tax dollars at a problem the black community doesn't seem capable of fixing.
That's excellent advice if you want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation and insure they will never breakout of the poverty cycle.

By all means..

Do explain.....

The problem stems from well-meaning programs that had unintended consequences (I'm just going to put a positive spin on it for the sake of argument. I don't actually know that the programs were well-meaning.) These programs provided for impoverished people under certain conditions. One of those conditions was a single house-holder with children. If there was a couple involved, no aid was forth-coming. There are some good reasons for this, someone in that situation is THE most likely indicator of poverty in our society. So, the greatest need gets the greatest cash, right?

But, here's where the iron law of unintended consequences takes over. And the old saw, "you get more of what you pay for." It turns out that women were actually willing to have a baby without a man being present in the family, just to get the money. Further, they were willing to have more babies to get more money. Even though the money was insufficient to have a decent standard of living, they were still willing to do it.

Ultimately, they effect has been that the government, by implementing the system of aid, with the rules they imposed on the program, have systematically destroyed the black family (because blacks as a percentage of the impoverished were disproportionately represented). It had the same effect on the many of the white families that were impacted too, but as a percentage of the population, it's not as noticeable. When this became obvious, it should have been stopped or amended. But instead, we've doubled down on it. It became a marker as to whether you were in favor of helping blacks or against helping blacks. (that's the cycle part). And, the effect is obvious and predictable. We'll give you just enough money to subsist and you don't forget who made sure you got it.

Which has what to do with blacks fixing their own sociologic problem?
By all means..

Do explain.....

The problem stems from well-meaning programs that had unintended consequences (I'm just going to put a positive spin on it for the sake of argument. I don't actually know that the programs were well-meaning.) These programs provided for impoverished people under certain conditions. One of those conditions was a single house-holder with children. If there was a couple involved, no aid was forth-coming. There are some good reasons for this, someone in that situation is THE most likely indicator of poverty in our society. So, the greatest need gets the greatest cash, right?

But, here's where the iron law of unintended consequences takes over. And the old saw, "you get more of what you pay for." It turns out that women were actually willing to have a baby without a man being present in the family, just to get the money. Further, they were willing to have more babies to get more money. Even though the money was insufficient to have a decent standard of living, they were still willing to do it.

Ultimately, they effect has been that the government, by implementing the system of aid, with the rules they imposed on the program, have systematically destroyed the black family (because blacks as a percentage of the impoverished were disproportionately represented). It had the same effect on the many of the white families that were impacted too, but as a percentage of the population, it's not as noticeable. When this became obvious, it should have been stopped or amended. But instead, we've doubled down on it. It became a marker as to whether you were in favor of helping blacks or against helping blacks. (that's the cycle part). And, the effect is obvious and predictable. We'll give you just enough money to subsist and you don't forget who made sure you got it.

Which has what to do with blacks fixing their own sociologic problem?

The government is constantly fighting against that by paying women to exclude men from the relationship so that they qualify for the aid. Many women apparently want money from the government more than an ify relationship with a guy that fathered their child.

So, "You get more of what your pay for." It's probably possible to fix on a neutral field, it's all but impossible "to fix their own problem," when they have to fight against a system that is rigged against them.
Although over 70% of Black children in the U.S. are born out of wedlock and grow up with no father in the household, there is a deafening silence regarding any remedy to this destructive situation. Instead, it seems like Obama's "social justice" agenda is to accept this as a permanent norm and replace absent fathers with an Uncle Sam to take care of the family. Are men good for nothing more than stud service in the Black community?

Just because a child is born out of wedlock doesn't mean that they have no father in the house or that they will grow up without a father or that mom and dad will not at some point marry. It just meant that at the time of the child's birth, the mother and father were not married.
Sometimes I wonder would it be better for a child to have a mother and father that live in different homes from the beginning or for the child to grow to age 10 or so with a married mother and father and then have to live through a divorce. God forbid the divorce be an ugly one.

I think what's being talked about here is whether blacks, in general, have given up on what has traditionally been the basic building block of society, the nuclear family. It is this first small group of people that society uses to build more complex social interactions and dependencies. If we have one segment of society, that has said, "Nah, you know what, I'm never doin' that marriage BS," then that creates an issue that will ripple through the entire social fabric.

Yes, there is a divorce problem, but most people at least aspire to the ideal of the nuclear family even if it is not always attainable for them. Not even aspiring to that is a fundamental problem because of the likelihood of poverty, abuse, lack of supervision leading to being poor students, delinquency etc. Which, in the end, leads to having a permanent underclass which nobody wants.

There is not only a divorce problem my friend there is a marriage problem. Check the stats these days. More people are not getting married than are. Most babies are born oyt of wedlock.
But when you have shows on the most popular youngins tv network like "Teen Mom" what do you expect? Society has made it cool to be a care free whore. Look at these so called celebration these young girls are famous for partying and fucking. Nothing more. It was much easier to be a parent and raise good kids when you didn't have so many forces battling against you. The raciest thing on TV when I was growing up was maybe Dallas or Soul Train. I watched "The Americans" on FX the other night and the lead woman was giving a guy a BJ and asked if he wanted a finger up his ass. ON TV REALLY!!! So it's not about black folks it's about us all. People say we should all look at ourselves as Americans and then go talk some shit like thes.
The problem stems from well-meaning programs that had unintended consequences (I'm just going to put a positive spin on it for the sake of argument. I don't actually know that the programs were well-meaning.) These programs provided for impoverished people under certain conditions. One of those conditions was a single house-holder with children. If there was a couple involved, no aid was forth-coming. There are some good reasons for this, someone in that situation is THE most likely indicator of poverty in our society. So, the greatest need gets the greatest cash, right?

But, here's where the iron law of unintended consequences takes over. And the old saw, "you get more of what you pay for." It turns out that women were actually willing to have a baby without a man being present in the family, just to get the money. Further, they were willing to have more babies to get more money. Even though the money was insufficient to have a decent standard of living, they were still willing to do it.

Ultimately, they effect has been that the government, by implementing the system of aid, with the rules they imposed on the program, have systematically destroyed the black family (because blacks as a percentage of the impoverished were disproportionately represented). It had the same effect on the many of the white families that were impacted too, but as a percentage of the population, it's not as noticeable. When this became obvious, it should have been stopped or amended. But instead, we've doubled down on it. It became a marker as to whether you were in favor of helping blacks or against helping blacks. (that's the cycle part). And, the effect is obvious and predictable. We'll give you just enough money to subsist and you don't forget who made sure you got it.

Which has what to do with blacks fixing their own sociologic problem?

The government is constantly fighting against that by paying women to exclude men from the relationship so that they qualify for the aid. Many women apparently want money from the government more than an ify relationship with a guy that fathered their child.

So, "You get more of what your pay for." It's probably possible to fix on a neutral field, it's all but impossible "to fix their own problem," when they have to fight against a system that is rigged against them.

Interesting....so it seems your solution is to pay higher welfare benefits for intact families
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

It has everything to do with the rest of us, if we are the ones being forced to throw our Tax dollars at a problem the black community doesn't seem capable of fixing.

Well,I pay my taxes too,I'm not worrying about where it goes or to whom.So why do you keep on worrying about some people getting a freebie,as if your people havent been getting the same freebie.
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

I can answer it quite easily. I pay for your welfare, plain and simple. Furthermore, considering black Americans commit the highest rate of murders and violent crimes in this country disproportionate to their percentage of representation in the population, a strong family unit promotes stronger moral values and is more financially stable, thus decreasing the rate of crime and poverty among blacks. That makes everybody safer.
worry,worry,thats all you crackers can do is fuggin worry.Mind your own business,whats the condition of the Black family have to do you. Answer that question

Fine we will do that when we don't:
(1) Fund black childrens education (Education is primarily paid by property taxes and in the inner city the vast majority of blacks are renters)
(2) Don't use our tax dollars in welfare, food stamps, section 8 or medicaid! Per capitia Blacks are over-represented in all these programs.
(3) Stop making it necessary to spend so many tax dollars on police to deal with the most crime ridden parts of the country.
(4) Stop over-flowing our prisons with inmates.
(5) Stop being over-represented in theft, carjacking, armed robbery, assault, battery, rape and homicide!

Once the black community does all this we won't care what you do! :cuckoo:

I and my Black neighbors own our own homes,pay our property taxes etc.
None of our children are in prison nor do they have police records,some have joined the armed forces,attend college.So we are positive about our families. Maybe you havent driven around the better communities (Black)
and saw how they live instead of reading those lying statistics on the internet.
It is an issue that must be resolved within the black community. Like all communities, social pressure must be used to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Black males must be pressured by their community to take care of their families. A black male who is not responsible to his family should not be accepted by his own family, his peers and the people around him
When most of his brothers, uncles, cousins, and friends, are all basically doing the same thing.

Exactly who in the african american community is going to pressure the black men to change their behavior??

As a start, black women are going to have to buy in too.
The welfare state has usurped the role of the black male in the family and the community. The state is the father now and as a result of this liberal policy the out of wedlock birth rate among blacks is over 70%. This is the greatest social problem in America and its worse then slavery was for blacks. Liberals shave created an urban plantation that traps blacks by making them dependent and destroying their family structure. As a result without fathers the entire community falls apart. Look at the facts, black males who are 1% of the population commit 50% of all violent crime in America, the mean IQ of blacks, 90, is 1 standard deviation below the mean 100. Half dont graduate from high school, have the lowest academic scores, lowest SAT scores, and highest unemployment thanks to Obamas policies it got worse. Their schools dont work, their communities arent safe, there is no hope or opportunity there because all the job creators left. Democrats control every aspect of the black community and after 70 years its gotten worse. You have to ask why they continue to vote for the people who treat them worse then the Southern slave owners.

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