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Have you ever used the tax codes towards your benefit?

Have you used the tax code so you can benefit by paying less or no taxes.

  • Never, I sit in my parents basement collecting welfare, i am poor, i dont pay taxes anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Since i am a liberal, i believe other people should pay taxes, like Warren Buffets Secretary.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I work for a living so use my standard deductions to try not to be over taxed by the stupid liberals

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I do whatever i can not to pay taxes, like Donald Trump, who uses the tax codes the liberals made.

    Votes: 12 80.0%

  • Total voters
Hey dippitydo Joe, You post the most ridiculous statements from your far left wing nut rags of "propaganda". Just to get the FACTS straight, lets show what is going on right now under the spineless turd in office. Joe you better hope you aren't near a large city, for if Obama "POKES" the BEAR enough, we may get rain we don't want. Dumbass..

Whatever, guy. Obama has been president for nearly 8 years now, and he's leaving in 4 months.

But, but, but....OBAMA....

Seriously, what did Obama do to you that you are this nutty about him. I mean besides being black and accomplishing more than you ever will?
Hey dippitydo Joe, You post the most ridiculous statements from your far left wing nut rags of "propaganda". Just to get the FACTS straight, lets show what is going on right now under the spineless turd in office. Joe you better hope you aren't near a large city, for if Obama "POKES" the BEAR enough, we may get rain we don't want. Dumbass..

Whatever, guy. Obama has been president for nearly 8 years now, and he's leaving in 4 months.

But, but, but....OBAMA....

Seriously, what did Obama do to you that you are this nutty about him. I mean besides being black and accomplishing more than you ever will?

Bush hasn't been president for 8 years but you still whine about him
Fuck ,man you still whine about Reagan
He stupid liberal, why don't you vote, let us all know whether you cheated on your taxes, or one of those who sit in their parents basement Joe? Why are you so afraid of showing your hypocrisy. Such dumbass people who will vote for Hillary, who is dumber than a box of rocks.*

I don't vote in your polls because they are written by a retard.

I pay my taxes. I report every penny, even on my side business, which is mostly a cash business, where I probably could cheat if I really wanted to. I also use every legal deduction I can.

But I'm not running for office.

Now, that said, what is Trump hiding?

That he's not as rich as he says he is?
That's he's totally in bed with the Russians?

And why does he think those of us who work hard, who dont have access to all the loopholes for rich people, are "dumb"?
I also use every legal deduction I can.
Any other words you don't pay your fair share. You use tax loopholes to keep your money, so poor children have to go to bed hungry, or schools have to close, or worse, Nancy Pelosi cant get her Botox for the year. You sir are not a true patriot for stealing that money from the government. May the IRS come and take your stuff away.

Every president can start a nuclear war and the only one that ever actually dropped a nuke was a Democrat

On a country we were already at war with... but never mind.


Point is, Trump can't be trusted with a Twitter Account, and some of you dumb asses want to give him nukes.
Point is Hilliar already had her big chance as Secretary of State and she blew it.
No I am not curious of what Trump made, just like I am not curious what Bill Gates made, or Warren Buffet, you know the guy who pays less tax rate than his secretary. Only welfare pukes who cant make shit, wants to know what the successful make, so the worthless fucktards can go invade the rich people's property and bitch and moan how unfair their miserable lives are. What I am really interested in, is the 33,000 emails, many classified that were illegally deleted on the vagina candidates, illegal server. Wiki-Leaks will put more information out on it in the October Surprise, and even more uncertain fence sitters will move to the right.

Yawn, Comey investigated the E-mails and came up with nothing. But this is the problem with you guys. No matter what the investigators come up with, you still don't believe them.

Meanwhile, I want to know how much Trump owes the Russians. I want to know if he's really a billionaire like he claims and he's lying (which he probably is).

Every presidential candidate for the last 40 years has released his or her tax returns except this guy. So what's he hiding?
FBI Director James Comey took millions from Clinton Foundation defense contractor - Liberty Unyielding
A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.
I wonder how many other political hacks have been bought off by the Clinton Crime Foundation. There is so much dirt going around, that the US is looking more and more like the Nazi's in the 1930's. Right Joe? Seig Heil?
We're talking about 2 years over 40 years ago when he used a perfectly legal tax strategy that all real estate developers used

It's a non issue

It would be a non-issue if he released his other tax returns and showed us what he was paying now.
Trump promised to release his tax returns when the vagina candidate releases her 33,000 deleted emails. What does SHE have to hide? Such dumbasses the liberals are.
Bush hasn't been president for 8 years but you still whine about him
Fuck ,man you still whine about Reagan

Yes, I whine about the lasting damage they did, not what they might do in the future...

Next lame argument...

I don't worry about it because unlike you I don't live in fear

Yes, we know, you are too much of a malignant narcissist to care about anyone else. We've established that.

Any other words you don't pay your fair share. You use tax loopholes to keep your money, so poor children have to go to bed hungry, or schools have to close, or worse, Nancy Pelosi cant get her Botox for the year. You sir are not a true patriot for stealing that money from the government. May the IRS come and take your stuff away.

No, every deduction that was put in there that I use was put in there for a good reason. For instance, I deduct my property taxes on my two properties under schedule A because thoe taxes go to local schools and facilities.

Oh, hey, guess what. Trump's income taxes were leaked.

New York Times publishes Trump's 1995 tax return showing $916M loss

The New York Times has published documents it said were Donald Trump's 1995 income tax returns, and the documents appear to show the businessman and GOP nominee reported a nearly $1 billion loss.

Trump declared a nearly $916 million loss on his 1995 state income tax returns according to the documents, the Times reported in an article posted online Saturday night.
I wonder how many other political hacks have been bought off by the Clinton Crime Foundation. There is so much dirt going around, that the US is looking more and more like the Nazi's in the 1930's. Right Joe? Seig Heil?

Guy, do you actually have this from a LEGITIMATE news source.

So Comey- a Republican- found Hillary didn't break any laws, and this is some great corruption. Not that she you know, didn't break any laws.
Unlike you little whiners I know insulting a person is not the same as insulting his family members
You can deny your nonsense all you want, yet your nonsense is nonsense.

Anyone with any intelligence at all knows that saying a person is such a loser that he still lives in his mother's basement is not an insult to said mother but to the loser living in her basement
But you are not the one who makes the rules. What you think about their worth is meaningless.

Just as I thought you can't think for yourself
Jakes reminds me of a spoiled little belligerent child, who when he doesn't get his way, lies on the floor and rants and raves. Best just to ignore him, and soon he will find his basement and go back to watching Netflix and smoking pot.

Trump promised to release his tax returns when the vagina candidate releases her 33,000 deleted emails. What does SHE have to hide? Such dumbasses the liberals are.

The Vagina candidate? Man, you must have some problems with women...
Since she/he/it has nothing but a failed record during her/his/its time as Secretary of State(didn't want to get gender specific) when ever she/he it talks about her/his/its candidacy, she/he/it says, I want to be the first woman/man/LBGT president. So what is between her/his/its legs, she/he/it thinks qualifies her/him/it to be president. Hillary is no Margaret Thatcher.

He's running now. So Right now, he has an obligation to come clean with us.

So in short, if he can get away with it, that's okay. I'm not sure I want a president who will do things if "he can get away with it", and under normal circumstances, neither would you, Mr. Fake Libertarian...

But it's amusing how much Hillary has gotten you people to completely lose your shit.
If has had been doing anything illegal it would have been found out in the multiple audits he's had And FYI I have no intention for voting for either Trump or Clinton and I would be saying the same thing if it was Shillary who didn't release her taxes
And your advice would still be foolish. No, it is not a given that criminality would have been found before. It always depends on what is being looked at and what has been found.
Have you ever been through an audit? They look at everything
Link from the IRS.
So no ?I have and it was a 10 day process for my small business.
So you don't know. OK. Give us a link from the IRS that backs what you say.
andaronjim reminds me of his own description about himself: childish, resentful, tantrum boy.

We have had many like him on the board, and we have sent them on their way. :lol:

HRC is certainly no MT, for good and bood, and andaronjim is certainly no patriotic American.
andaronjim reminds me of his own description about himself: childish, resentful, tantrum boy.

We have had many like him on the board, and we have sent them on their way. :lol:

HRC is certainly no MT, for good and bood, and andaronjim is certainly no patriotic American.
Jake, did I hurt your feelings? Was what I posted too close to home? Do you sit in your basement and smoke dope?

andaronjim reminds me of his own description about himself: childish, resentful, tantrum boy.

We have had many like him on the board, and we have sent them on their way. :lol:

HRC is certainly no MT, for good and bood, and andaronjim is certainly no patriotic American.
Jake, did I hurt your feelings? Was what I posted too close to home? Do you sit in your basement and smoke dope?

View attachment 91853
When you are reduced to personal attacks and memes, you reveal your inadequacy in board discussion and in general conversation.

Trump is losing more votes than gaining in refusing to release his taxes. Such a stance does not endear him to the middle class and working classes.
Since she/he/it has nothing but a failed record during her/his/its time as Secretary of State(didn't want to get gender specific) when ever she/he it talks about her/his/its candidacy, she/he/it says, I want to be the first woman/man/LBGT president. So what is between her/his/its legs, she/he/it thinks qualifies her/him/it to be president. Hillary is no Margaret Thatcher.

Thank God for that. Thatcher was a horrible human being who killed thousands of people over some crappy little islands no one lived on.
I had an employment audit, that was brutal. They went through my expenses, my P&L, my federal taxes, my employee records, all my my payroll, all my employee time cards, my insurance, my corporation papers, all my bank accounts, my workmans comp payments, my federal unemployment filings and made sure everything record matched. All was said and done, no penalties or fines, but it was a week of stress and work. It is one reason I'll never own my own business again.
I had an employment audit, that was brutal. They went through my expenses, my P&L, my federal taxes, my employee records, all my my payroll, all my employee time cards, my insurance, my corporation papers, all my bank accounts, my workmans comp payments, my federal unemployment filings and made sure everything record matched. All was said and done, no penalties or fines, but it was a week of stress and work. It is one reason I'll never own my own business again.

So I'd wonder what you did to merit an audit. My guess, treated an employee like shit and they dropped a diime on you.

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