He is still talking about the November election. Why?

The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Sorry companies weren't hiring after the 2000 election. I guess not a lot of consumer confidence.

No the dot com bubble was ending, it was a bubble that had to pop because it could not sustain its self. The recession had to have three quarters of shrinkage which started in July of 2000, want to be honest or play partisan nutter?
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
It did? It happened on Clinton's watch? Link
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

You don't know history, so I guess you are going to get bammed in the ass again. The answer to you question is the dimshitscum are the ones who held the door open and shoved investment banks to make loans to unqualified people, and they also set up the federal government program backing to put the loan guarantees on the taxpayers back. Oshitass was a big time player in the intimidation and forcing of the banks to comply with their requests even to the point of breaking into boardrooms of banks and intimidating the board members. SO lie some more about what you know nothing about except form your indoctrinators.

Are you kidding? Bankers let free to do what they want didn't just give loans to poor people. The mortgage companies were very shady in the bush years. Bush had 8 years and for awhile him hastert and delay made many changes to many things when they controlled all three houses and all the stuff that happened in Bush's 8 years caused the great recession. You Republicans are silly

And be careful then of all the deregulations happening now. Anything goes wrong don't blame Obama.

And I wanted papageorge to answer not you for him

As you should know, banks were not "let free" to do what they wanted, they were strongly encouraged to make far more sub-prime loans which, they were happy to do because Fannie and Freddie were forced by congress to make sub-prime loans a larger part of their portfolios. That was the responsibility of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

ust the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSE's

For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.

President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.

Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs
You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
It did? It happened on Clinton's watch? Link

The economic recession was due to three straight quarters of economic shrinkage, only the 2nd quarter of 2000 saw growth. Clinton should have been able to turn it around.

Bush turned in around in six months, even with 9/11 thrown in there near the end.
Last edited:
Snowflakes better get used to hearing about November 2016 because historians will be talking about the historic, record-setting, back to back election ass kickings the Democrats suffered, the come from behind win, the horrific liberal prognostications, and over 1,000 seats lost around the country during Obama's 8 years.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 | Sweetness & Light

Utter nonsense...

Your first link was about Clinton putting pressure on the GSE's to extend credit to those who were close to qualifying, but fell short. The GSE's complied but built up their portfolios of AAA-rated PLS, which did not cause the bubble and subsequent crash.

Your second link goes to a non-existent page.

Your third link is about Bush warning the Congress to increase oversight of the GSE's, but the Congress, controlled mostly by Republicans, passed nothing until the 2007 Democrat-led House passed two such bills and in 2008, the Democrat-led Senate passed one of them to get it to Bush's desk.

Your 4th, 5th and 6th links are to 2 videos and one WSJ article about how Barney Frank fought against GSE reform. While it's true he did; it's also true that he did at a time when Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and he was but one House member of the minority party and helpless to prevent the House from passing GSE reform. Which, by the way, the Republican-led House did pass one such bill in all those years and Bush ripped it up for being ineffective and not addressing the problem.

Your 7th link blames the Republican-led Congress.

Your 8th link is about the same story as your 3rd link.

And again, we have Bush and Republicans taking credit for the boom before blaming Democrats for the bust...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

I was a year out of collegee in the 90s. I had my student loans paid off, a good job and 20℅ down and still had to get my dad to co sign.

Republicans are such hypocrites. You know if they were in charge they would want to loosen regulations on a guy like me, not tighten them to make it harder for me to buy a home.

You weren't a good risk being only a year out of college. Anyone with less than a two-year work history will have a problem.

If the economy is fine and I default it's not a big deal. The bankers always win as proven after the crash. Buy low sell high. And they got nailed out.

Point is if the great recession didn't hit all those people wouldnt have lost their homes all at the same time.

You trumpeters can't argue against free trade and then defend the free trade that went on during Bush's time in office, can you?

Your desperate effort to ignore the facts is not surprising...for a Progressive.

Free trade was restrained further, not made freer. Regulations from Chris and Barney, following the regulations from Bill Clinton, forced lenders to make more sub-prime loans to fill the requirements of Fannie and Freddie. Those are facts.
The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Sorry companies weren't hiring after the 2000 election. I guess not a lot of consumer confidence.

Right, few companies were hiring due to the dot.com recession.
Sell stupid elsewhere. Yes, Nixon proved to be an idiot kill off the gold standard. The economy has been worse off for it. But we have not been in, or on, a bubble since. That's patently absurd given the last bubble burst during the last decade. Markets were up and down during the 70's and every decade since.

Kid you're an idiot, we're sitting on a bubble right now. Go swallow leftwing jizz elsewhere.
Dumbfuck, learn to read. Then maybe you'll understand I didn't say we're not in a bubble now. I said we haven't been in, or on, a bubble since the 70's.


I don't really care what you say or said. History disagrees with you. Why do you think Obama gave them money AND let them keep the properties?
Moron.... you got your panties twisted in a wad because you didn't understand what I said. Run with that at your own risk.

Yeah kid, I'm terrified of you be gone before someone drops a house on you too.
Who suggested you should be terrified of me? More reading comprehension disabilities on your part?

I write we haven't been in a bubble since the 70's; and you, unfortunately hampered with a conservative brain, laughably translated that into thinking I said we're not currently in a bubble.

I was a year out of collegee in the 90s. I had my student loans paid off, a good job and 20℅ down and still had to get my dad to co sign.

Republicans are such hypocrites. You know if they were in charge they would want to loosen regulations on a guy like me, not tighten them to make it harder for me to buy a home.

The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
You're missing the point. To point back to the good old days of the 1990s and blame Clinton for loosening up regulations so that people could more easily get loans is stupid I'm sorry. You would have to ignore all the deviant shady shit that happened from 2000-2008. All the shit bush delay and hastert did. Only a brainwashed Republican would blame Clinton and Freddy and fanny.

Earlier I asked another con who said "both sides are to blame" for the recession and I asked them to tell me what bush did wrong. They wouldn't answer. So in reality "both sides are to blame" is like a child telling you they are sorry but not being able to say what they are sorry for. Tell me in your words what did Republicans do wrong to cause the recession?

Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 | Sweetness & Light

Utter nonsense...

Your first link was about Clinton putting pressure on the GSE's to extend credit to those who were close to qualifying, but fell short. The GSE's complied but built up their portfolios of AAA-rated PLS, which did not cause the bubble and subsequent crash.

Your second link goes to a non-existent page.

Your third link is about Bush warning the Congress to increase oversight of the GSE's, but the Congress, controlled mostly by Republicans, passed nothing until the 2007 Democrat-led House passed two such bills and in 2008, the Democrat-led Senate passed one of them to get it to Bush's desk.

Your 4th, 5th and 6th links are to 2 videos and one WSJ article about how Barney Frank fought against GSE reform. While it's true he did; it's also true that he did at a time when Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and he was but one House member of the minority party and helpless to prevent the House from passing GSE reform. Which, by the way, the Republican-led House did pass one such bill in all those years and Bush ripped it up for being ineffective and not addressing the problem.

Your 7th link blames the Republican-led Congress.

Your 8th link is about the same story as your 3rd link.

And again, we have Bush and Republicans taking credit for the boom before blaming Democrats for the bust...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Your intentioned ignorance is amusing. Republicans were to blame for not standing up to the Democrats.


Who said Republicans were to blame for not standing up to Demcorats??

Republicans didn't have to stand up to Democrats -- they controlled the Congress. They're to blame for not passing much needed GSE reform. During the 108th and 109th sessions of Congress, they controlled both chambers of Congress and the Executive branch.They controlled every committee and they controlled the floor of the Senate.

They didn't have to stand up to Democrats (and by Democrats, we're talking about Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Christopher Dodd) -- all they had to do was pass a fucking bill that Democrats didn't filibuster in the Senate and couldn't block in the House.

NO ONE is blaming Fannie and Freddie. They are an inanimate object. They received directives from the Congressional oversight committees headed by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. At the time, Barney's lover was on the board of directors of Fannie Mae. The more loans they bought, the bigger his bonus.
Now you're flat out lying. Neither Frank nor Dodd controlled any such committees until 2007. Again ... in 2006, Republicans chaired ALL Congressional committees.
I was a year out of collegee in the 90s. I had my student loans paid off, a good job and 20℅ down and still had to get my dad to co sign.

Republicans are such hypocrites. You know if they were in charge they would want to loosen regulations on a guy like me, not tighten them to make it harder for me to buy a home.

The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
The 2001 recession was so mild, it wouldn't have been a recession had 9/11 not happened.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
Here ya go ... here's the list of recessions going as far back as President Pierce ....


Show me the recession on Clinton's watch....
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Sorry companies weren't hiring after the 2000 election. I guess not a lot of consumer confidence.

No the dot com bubble was ending, it was a bubble that had to pop because it could not sustain its self. The recession had to have three quarters of shrinkage which started in July of 2000, want to be honest or play partisan nutter?
More bullshit.

The classic definition of a recession is at least two consecutive quarters of negative growth. The NBER doesn't rely on the classic definition; but instead, considers a recession to be a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

What you described fits neither description.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

You don't know history, so I guess you are going to get bammed in the ass again. The answer to you question is the dimshitscum are the ones who held the door open and shoved investment banks to make loans to unqualified people, and they also set up the federal government program backing to put the loan guarantees on the taxpayers back. Oshitass was a big time player in the intimidation and forcing of the banks to comply with their requests even to the point of breaking into boardrooms of banks and intimidating the board members. SO lie some more about what you know nothing about except form your indoctrinators.

Are you kidding? Bankers let free to do what they want didn't just give loans to poor people. The mortgage companies were very shady in the bush years. Bush had 8 years and for awhile him hastert and delay made many changes to many things when they controlled all three houses and all the stuff that happened in Bush's 8 years caused the great recession. You Republicans are silly

And be careful then of all the deregulations happening now. Anything goes wrong don't blame Obama.

And I wanted papageorge to answer not you for him

As you should know, banks were not "let free" to do what they wanted, they were strongly encouraged to make far more sub-prime loans which, they were happy to do because Fannie and Freddie were forced by congress to make sub-prime loans a larger part of their portfolios. That was the responsibility of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

ust the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSE's

For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.

President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.

Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs
And Democrats delivered him GSE reform in 2008. Something the Republicans failed to do during all the years they were in charge of the Congress.
The rules were loosened and look at our 2008 recession.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
The 2001 recession was so mild, it wouldn't have been a recession had 9/11 not happened.

The recession started in March of 2001 well before 9/11, in fact it was amazing that we were out of the recession in November 2001, not yet two months after 9/11. More proof you don't care about facts just your partisan BS. Duly noted...hack.
You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
Here ya go ... here's the list of recessions going as far back as President Pierce ....


Show me the recession on Clinton's watch....

I posted it happened less than a month and a half into Bush's presidency. It had to have three quarters of economic shrinkage to be declared a recession, so the economy was on the down turn in early 2000. Learn to comprehend what you read.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Worse than 9-11 were the policies bush passed after 9-11. All the tax breaks then Iraq war. Not good.. Haloburton

You just diverted the issue, you claimed that the recession didn't happen on Clinton's watch, it did and so it must have been his people and policies, following your logic.
It did? It happened on Clinton's watch? Link

The economic recession was due to three straight quarters of economic shrinkage, only the 2nd quarter of 2000 saw growth. Clinton should have been able to turn it around.

Bush turned in around in six months, even with 9/11 thrown in there near the end.
Stop lying. There were not "3 straight quarters of economic shrinkage." First of all, "economic shrinkage" isn't enough to be a recession. It has to be a decline in real GDP, i.e., negative growth.

What you're claiming is ridiculous. If it were merely a shrinkage of GDP, then there would have been recessions declared in 1984, 1989, 2002, 2010, 2012, and 2015; as all were years with 3 consecutive quarters of "shrinkage." And of course, none of those years had recessions.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Even worse, there were not "3 straight quarters of economic shrinkage." in 2000-2001.

2000q1 .... 1.2
2000q2 .... 7.8
2000q3 .... 0.5
2000q4 .... 2.3
2001q1 ... -1.1
2001q2 .... 2.1
2001q3 ... -1.3
2001q4 .... 1.1

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Sorry companies weren't hiring after the 2000 election. I guess not a lot of consumer confidence.

No the dot com bubble was ending, it was a bubble that had to pop because it could not sustain its self. The recession had to have three quarters of shrinkage which started in July of 2000, want to be honest or play partisan nutter?
More bullshit.

The classic definition of a recession is at least two consecutive quarters of negative growth. The NBER doesn't rely on the classic definition; but instead, considers a recession to be a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

What you described fits neither description.

So the significant decline of economic growth started in October 2000, while Clinton was President. Thank you.
Isn't that what Republicans are all about? Loosening regulations?

Who knew the bush era would send 750,000 jobs a month oversea?. It's why Obama won and ultimately what did Hillary in. Clinton signed NAFTA, remember?

But the mass exodus happened on bushs watch

You just posted before that, that they wouldn't loosen regulations. Which is it?

Loosen, not loosen? Make up your mind.
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
The 2001 recession was so mild, it wouldn't have been a recession had 9/11 not happened.

The recession started in March of 2001 well before 9/11, in fact it was amazing that we were out of the recession in November 2001, not yet two months after 9/11. More proof you don't care about facts just your partisan BS. Duly noted...hack.
You truly do have no fucking clue what you're talking about...

Q: The NBER has dated the beginning of the recession in March 2001. Does this mean that the attacks of September 11 did not have a role in causing the recession?

A. No. Before the attacks, it is possible that the decline in the economy would have been too mild to qualify as a recession. The attacks clearly deepened the contraction and may have been an important factor in turning the episode into a recession.

The Business-Cycle Peak of March 2001
Who told the bankers to bundle all the bad loans together? Who passed tax breaks to companies going overseas? Seems to me it was done on purpose. Tarp was a bank robbery. We were bamboozled. I fear with Twitler we're going to get scammed again.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let's see if Republicans fuck us again.

My prediction when they do? You'll still defend them. I already know your excuse. Recessions are cyclical. You'll say it would have happened even on a Democrats watch. Well they didn't on clinton or Obama's watch

The recession of 2001 started a month and a half into the Bush Presidency, the dotcom had burst in 2000. You need to learn history.
Sorry companies weren't hiring after the 2000 election. I guess not a lot of consumer confidence.

No the dot com bubble was ending, it was a bubble that had to pop because it could not sustain its self. The recession had to have three quarters of shrinkage which started in July of 2000, want to be honest or play partisan nutter?
More bullshit.

The classic definition of a recession is at least two consecutive quarters of negative growth. The NBER doesn't rely on the classic definition; but instead, considers a recession to be a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

What you described fits neither description.

So the significant decline of economic growth started in October 2000, while Clinton was President. Thank you.
No one denies there was a decline in economic growth in 2000. But by no measure ... not the classic definition of a recession ... not the parameters measured by the NBER ... not even by your made up definition ... by no measure does that qualify as a recession. You'll also note GDP in Q4 of 2000 was 2.1 percent.

As even you admit -- the recession began in March, 2001 -- Clinton was not president.

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