Head of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland busted going after a 14-year-old.

Are girls say as young as 10 mature enough to be a mom?
You are attempting to draw a parallel between children transitioning from one gender to another and abortion, but they are not truly comparable since abortion deals with a third party, not just the child in question. That's why I'm not getting drawn into it. Now, if you want to discuss girls getting pregnant at a young age, there are plenty of threads in which to do that.
Not necessarily a bad thing either. Puberty blockers and breast surgery have been performed for decades without controversy on minors when those puberty blockers are given to children going through puberty at too early an age or when young girl develops overly large breats. I knew a girl in high-school who had breast surgery to reduce the size of breasts. No one freaked the fuck out.
Okay, no problem. Let's continue using puberty blockers TEMPORARILY for kids who start puberty too early and restricting plastic surgery to girls over-developing in unhealthy ways. I have no problem with that.
I don't give a shit about your pretend psychic powers. I don't care if you threw chicken bones into a bowl and now can tell me the future. I care about what you can prove, today, with logic and reason.
That's up to you. Jumping on a bandwagon because it's all like trendy and stuff holds no appeal for me.
The terminology separates sex from gender. When we're talking about gender all we're talking about is feelings. Your biological characteristics determine sex. A person can not change their chromosomes. They can change their gender.

What issue did you just raise other than your ignorance about the difference between sex and gender?

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?

Me and Yale school of medicine tried exclaiming that to you above. It could just be that you're too stupid to understand the difference.

The DNA that makes up you and your sexuality is also a mutation. We all evolved from single cell organisms who reproduced asexually through cell division. The only difference between the mutation for opposite sexual attraction and homosexual attraction is the frequency which it is found.

And do you know why men occasionally pick up trans women? It's because no one knows what chromosomes anyone else has. Sometimes people don't know what chromosomes they have. You aren't attracted to chromosomes. You are attracted to people who present a certain way. There are cases of people not learning until much later in life that they have different chromosomes than they initially thought.

What science? I linked to Yale School of Medicine. Why don't you give me the link to the place where you get your understanding from?
All that to avoid answering the question, "Does a gay man who transitions to a woman become a heterosexual woman or remain a gay man?". It's a simple question that, upon answering, reveals a lot of truth, because he can't be both a woman and gay.
Not necessarily a bad thing either. Puberty blockers and breast surgery have been performed for decades without controversy on minors when those puberty blockers are given to children going through puberty at too early an age or when young girl develops overly large breats. I knew a girl in high-school who had breast surgery to reduce the size of breasts. No one freaked the fuck out.
So much disinformation from you, could you just stop posting and save mankind?

‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders​

So much disinformation from you, could you just stop posting and save mankind?

‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders​

What is interesting is the article states the number of "transitioners" went up 1000%. Why, it's not a biological norm, it's exactly what the Yale article is saying, part of the cause, social influence, which you read in those stories. I strongly believe, that many "trans" are trans because they find something to go against the norm, be part of a group and potentially finding some social purpose.

Yet, most of the narratives around GAC leaves out the longterm and irreversible side affects that GAC can have on human.
I've said it before, medical capacity does not equate to medical necessity.
You are attempting to draw a parallel between children transitioning from one gender to another and abortion, but they are not truly comparable since abortion deals with a third party, not just the child in question. That's why I'm not getting drawn into it. Now, if you want to discuss girls getting pregnant at a young age, there are plenty of threads in which to do that.
deny and deflect demofks.

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