Head of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland busted going after a 14-year-old.

Then don't. This isn't a research paper. It's a bust of a child predator, who people of your political views are becoming far more comfortable with every day, so let's just say I'm not exactly shocked by your dismissive attitude towards it and that of every other leftist who has commented in this thread the same way you have.

Why are you so protective of these people?

Let the gaslighting begin in 3, 2, 1....
Is it your position the pedophile only comes from one group?

Why are you so protective of these people?
By making a couple comments on a message board?

I suppose that's the least anyone can do to protect them against bigots who want to take away their rights.

And that starts in discussions.

Why do you hate them so much? Why do you want others to hate them so much?

I can play this game, too.
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  • #84
Oh, I think your very generalized claims about a lot of people at once require a bit more evidence.

If you got off your lazy ass and actually listened to the two and a half minute video in the OP, which you clearly didn't, you would already know that the guy admitted to making these exchanges with that 14 year old kid and you would be saving yourself an enormous amount of embarrassment.

So I'll ask you again, why do you people on the left continue to stick up for child predators?

And you don't have to take my word for it. This is one of your own.

If you got off your lazy ass and actually listened to the two and a half minute video in the OP, which you clearly didn't, you would already know that the guy admitted to making these exchanges with that 14 year old kid and you would be saving yourself an enormous amount of embarrassment
I didn't deny any of that. You sure are having a hard time following.

I was talking about your idiot generalization that you led off with.

And fuck you very much, for the accusation.
Well, that is one strong show of support for fucking 14 year olds

Actually mote, considering the thanks you received.
Evangelical people love to groom teen girls…under christian submissive claims for girls/women..

Prove me wrong
Oh? It's OK with you to sexually assault children? Is that what you're saying? No one should be concerned about sexual predators targeting children. That's what you are saying?

Why do you wish to protect sexual predators?
He is not the only one.

At least he is in no position to punish those who oppose sex with children.
I am? Where do you see that in my post? I don't care WHO a pedophile is.

If they are a pedo, you make sure they can never get near a child again.
Identity politics is a bitch.

The same people who DEFEND pedophilia and pederasty based solely on identity accuse those who oppose child predation of using the same metric.
If you got off your lazy ass and actually listened to the two and a half minute video in the OP, which you clearly didn't, you would already know that the guy admitted to making these exchanges with that 14 year old kid and you would be saving yourself an enormous amount of embarrassment.

So I'll ask you again, why do you people on the left continue to stick up for child predators?

And you don't have to take my word for it. This is one of your own.

Why is listening to the OP representative of violence against girls or women?

What point are you trying to make? That people should just stay were their born?

Travel is xenophobic?

You want to use a disadvantage political class for bonus points?
Then don't. This isn't a research paper. It's a bust of a child predator, who people of your political views are becoming far more comfortable with every day, so let's just say I'm not exactly shocked by your dismissive attitude towards it and that of every other leftist who has commented in this thread the same way you have.

Why are you so protective of these people?

Let the gaslighting begin in 3, 2, 1....
Generally those who protect and dismiss perversion are cut from the same cloth
Three posters here in this thread have forever labeled and self identified as such, achieving a new level of loathsomeness
Three so far that is
  • Thread starter
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  • #92
I didn't deny any of that. You sure are having a hard time following.

I was talking about your idiot generalization that you led off with.

And fuck you very much, for the accusation.

It's hardly a generalization when we continue to see examples of it over and over and even your own politicians and talking heads, like Bill Maher, have started calling it out.

Have a nice day.
Generally those who protect and dismiss perversion are cut from the same cloth
Three posters here in this thread have forever labeled and self identified as such, achieving a new level of loathsomeness
Three so far that is
Bob Blaylock is here no more.

The pedophile supporters knew that his wife has suffered sexual abuse as a child, and taunted him until he reacted. They know that USMB had their back and are now empowered by the USMB decision to do away with their target.
It's hardly a generalization when we continue to see examples of it over and over and even your own politicians and talking heads, like Bill Maher, have started calling it out.

Have a nice day.
You DO have the choice to put your money where your moth is, Taz.

When I admitted I had been molested as a kid, the response of one USMB mod was to call me the pedophile. When I protested, you were quite notably absent.
As I have repeatedly said about the transgender, if someone appears to be mentally ill, it's almost as if they might actually be. Same rule applies here. The more permissive we become with societal norms, the more of these deviants crawl out of the woodwork and walk around in plain sight.

pedo map.jpg
You DO have the choice to put your money where your moth is, Taz.

When I admitted I had been molested as a kid, the response of one USMB mod was to call me the pedophile. When I protested, you were quite notably absent.
If there was not truth about “advertiser objections” then something else very sinister is in place
As I have repeatedly said about the transgender, if someone appears to be mentally ill, it's almost as if they might actually be. Same rule applies here. The more permissive we become with societal norms, the more of these deviants crawl out of the woodwork and walk around in plain sight.

It happens, big org, going to have some bad apples...

The thing is, in the GOP the hold higher and more powerful roles..

You're just as ignorant and bigoted as MAGA. It's hilarious to read your admonishments of them when you're just as much of an ignorant piece of shit a they are. Do you imagine yourself a mental health expert as they imagine themselves experts on election security? Do you think all the medical professionals are lying to you and part of the deep state when they say being trans itself isn't a sign of mental illness like MAGA believes every judge and jury out to get Trump? :dunno: :lmao:

Piss off kid. Your ignorance is astounding.

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