Head of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland busted going after a 14-year-old.

Oh? It's OK with you to sexually assault children? Is that what you're saying? No one should be concerned about sexual predators targeting children. That's what you are saying?

Why do you wish to protect sexual predators?
Because you, me, and everyone else with common sense know full well that Pedophilia is the next logical domino to fall in the realm of sexual perversion and deviancy. They will deny, obfuscate, and otherwise tap dance around it, but ALL Democrats do support pedophiles in their quest for their special "rights" just as homos and shemales already have. All at the expense of the only proper definitions of marriage and family.
Because you, me, and everyone else with common sense know full well that Pedophilia is the next logical domino to fall in the realm of sexual perversion and deviancy. They will deny, obfuscate, and otherwise tap dance around it, but ALL Democrats do support pedophiles in their quest for their special "rights" just as homos and shemales already have. All at the expense of the only proper definitions of marriage and family.
Pedo / NAMBLA types are a Democommie Voting Bloc and have achieved Victim Status as “ Minor Attracted “ Folks I the eyes of the Fat Left & Left .
Pedo / NAMBLA types are a Democommie Voting Bloc and have achieved Victim Status as “ Minor Attracted “ Folks I the eyes of the Fat Left & Left .
Absolutely. And how long have we been warning about this? It's well past time to protect our children from these degenerates.
If there was not truth about “advertiser objections” then something else very sinister is in place

When one poster spoke of the sexual awakening of a three year boy, he received nothing but support from the mods here and not one single one objected.

After I was molested, the shame of it led me to read all I could about the subject in later years, and one common term they us is "sexual awakening". They see themselves as LIBERATING the child who is wanting to explore their sexuality.
It happens, big org, going to have some bad apples...

The thing is, in the GOP the hold higher and more powerful roles..

By the way this is Trump on Stage with him:

He called one of his spirtual advisors... Seriously....
Well, I'm sure there are people who will find justification for whatever bigotry they want from videos like this. Some guy talking about sex. Oh no, sex, bad....

To a 14 year old, which you already knew. It's very clear whose side you're on and it's not the kids'. As I said, par for the course for your ilk.

Have a good evening.
As I have repeatedly said about the transgender, if someone appears to be mentally ill, it's almost as if they might actually be. Same rule applies here. The more permissive we become with societal norms, the more of these deviants crawl out of the woodwork and walk around in plain sight.

Better be careful, you're starting to sound a lot like a conservative.
By the way this is Trump on Stage with him:
View attachment 966573

He called one of his spirtual advisors... Seriously....
Why do you post a picture to accuse Trump of being affiliated with pedos, even though if he were a pedo supporter, your type would all vote for him in a minute. Everyone knows a sexual predator. The difference is, your type of people have them on speed dial while good people destroy the number. (Kinda like when Trump threw Epstein out of Mar A Lago) Pedos are selfish and indecent, and yes, they're mentally sick. They say it's a hard thing to cure and judging by the people on here who defend the CRIMINAL practice, they're probably right. MAGA
As I have repeatedly said about the transgender, if someone appears to be mentally ill, it's almost as if they might actually be. Same rule applies here. The more permissive we become with societal norms, the more of these deviants crawl out of the woodwork and walk around in plain sight.

Do you have a REAL report or just some twit on X????

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