Healthcare Coverage May Be Unaffordable for Low-Wage Workers

There's another "gotcha" in all of this that screws over workers of all income levels. The law states only that "affordable" insurance must be offered to the employee. Covering partners and children is not required, which is going to leave a lot of kids without insurance, or drain a lot of needed cash out of their parents' bank accounts to cover it.
It's not. The entire point of ACA was to preserve the status quo - to prevent change.

I disagree. The point of the ACA is to crash the system entirely, thus causing people to insist the government take over healthcare entirely.

Single-payer has been the goal all along. Completely socialized medicine, with the government making every single decision regarding your healthcare from cradle to grave.

And that is ALWAYS a failure.

See, this is where I think conservatives AND liberals have been duped. Both think the point of this is to bring down private, for-profit health insurance. Whereas the exact opposite is true. The insurance industry saw the writing on the wall. Their business model was dysfunctional and headed for ruin. The free-market was closing in, and they colluded with government to bail them out.

PPACA creates a permanent health insurance fiefdom. I grants a government sponsored cartel to the insurance industry at our expense. It wards off both single-payer and the free market in favor of a coporatist power-sharing arrangement between government and the insurance corporations.
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One influential reason as to why I'm diabolically opposed to "Obamacare" is due to the fact that when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress after passing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the legislation continued the exclusion of pharmaceutical companies from the fair trade act which permits them to fix prices as well as continuing the prohibition of imported prescription drugs to eliminate market competition. "Price fixing" apace with the elimination of market forces that drive down costs and this policy, endorsed by the Democrats (authoritarian progressive Left), results in higher prescription drug costs. Government interventionism is solely responsible for accelerating higher costs and not private enterprise.
It's not. The entire point of ACA was to preserve the status quo - to prevent change.

I disagree. The point of the ACA is to crash the system entirely, thus causing people to insist the government take over healthcare entirely.

Single-payer has been the goal all along. Completely socialized medicine, with the government making every single decision regarding your healthcare from cradle to grave.

And that is ALWAYS a failure.

See, this is where I think conservatives AND liberals have been duped. Both think the point of this is to bring down private, for-profit health insurance. Whereas the exact opposite is true. The insurance industry saw the writing on the wall. Their business model was dysfunctional and headed for ruin. The free-market was closing in, and they colluded with government to bail them out.

PPACA creates a permanent health insurance fiefdom. I grants a government sponsored cartel to the insurance industry at our expense. It wards off both single-payer and the free market in favor of a coporatist power-sharing arrangement between government and the insurance corporations.

I disagree, for reasons I've stated. ACA is simply not sustainable -- and will collapse.
Republicans pretending to care about lower wage Americans. Remember "let him die"? I remember it. What changed?
One fundamental reason behind excessive high cost of health care in the U.S. is primarily due to government funded health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Statistics reflect that Medicaid/Medicare provide health care coverage for roughly 26% of the populace, it's responsible for over 50% of the health care costs in America. Another complication for Medicare is that it only pays for nearly 90% of the total cost of services. It's evident that government health insurance such as "Obamacare", Medicare and Medicare is the problem and not the solution.
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I disagree. The point of the ACA is to crash the system entirely, thus causing people to insist the government take over healthcare entirely.

Single-payer has been the goal all along. Completely socialized medicine, with the government making every single decision regarding your healthcare from cradle to grave.

And that is ALWAYS a failure.

See, this is where I think conservatives AND liberals have been duped. Both think the point of this is to bring down private, for-profit health insurance. Whereas the exact opposite is true. The insurance industry saw the writing on the wall. Their business model was dysfunctional and headed for ruin. The free-market was closing in, and they colluded with government to bail them out.

PPACA creates a permanent health insurance fiefdom. I grants a government sponsored cartel to the insurance industry at our expense. It wards off both single-payer and the free market in favor of a coporatist power-sharing arrangement between government and the insurance corporations.

I disagree, for reasons I've stated. ACA is simply not sustainable -- and will collapse.

I think it will be sustained - at great expense and very little benefit to taxpayers.
I disagree. The point of the ACA is to crash the system entirely, thus causing people to insist the government take over healthcare entirely.

Single-payer has been the goal all along. Completely socialized medicine, with the government making every single decision regarding your healthcare from cradle to grave.

And that is ALWAYS a failure.

See, this is where I think conservatives AND liberals have been duped. Both think the point of this is to bring down private, for-profit health insurance. Whereas the exact opposite is true. The insurance industry saw the writing on the wall. Their business model was dysfunctional and headed for ruin. The free-market was closing in, and they colluded with government to bail them out.

PPACA creates a permanent health insurance fiefdom. I grants a government sponsored cartel to the insurance industry at our expense. It wards off both single-payer and the free market in favor of a coporatist power-sharing arrangement between government and the insurance corporations.

I disagree, for reasons I've stated. ACA is simply not sustainable -- and will collapse.

It won't be sustainable if the majority of healthy young workers refuse to sign up.
See, this is where I think conservatives AND liberals have been duped. Both think the point of this is to bring down private, for-profit health insurance. Whereas the exact opposite is true. The insurance industry saw the writing on the wall. Their business model was dysfunctional and headed for ruin. The free-market was closing in, and they colluded with government to bail them out.

PPACA creates a permanent health insurance fiefdom. I grants a government sponsored cartel to the insurance industry at our expense. It wards off both single-payer and the free market in favor of a coporatist power-sharing arrangement between government and the insurance corporations.

I disagree, for reasons I've stated. ACA is simply not sustainable -- and will collapse.

It won't be sustainable if the majority of healthy young workers refuse to sign up.
It won't be sustainable at all.

ObamaCare to Increase Health Insurance Premiums by 100-400 Percent, Deficit and Taxes to Skyrocket
Americans can expect individual premiums to become unaffordable. According to a new report released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, ObamaCare will increase individual health insurance premiums by an average of nearly 100 percent. In some cases, premiums could rise by 400 percent. The committee prepared the report based on internal documents they received from some of the nation's largest health insurance companies. "The average yearly cost for a new customer in the individual market grows from $1,896 to $3,708-a $1,812 cost increase," the report states.

The Committee projections were right. Last week, for example, Covered California-the name for the state's insurance exchange-released the rates that Californians will have to pay to enroll in the exchange-an increase of up to 146 percent for individual premiums.
Health insurance costs will go up because medical claims costs will become more expensive to process due to ObamaCare regulations. The nonpartisan Society of Actuaries recently released a report stating that ObamaCare will cause medical claims costs to increase an average of 32 percent for individual policies. By 2017, it estimated that the increases will be around 62 percent for California, 80 percent for Ohio, and 67 percent for Maryland, for example-and these are conservative estimates.

The cost to implement ObamaCare will significantly increase the deficit. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report that ObamaCare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion. The report concluded that even under "more optimistic assumptions," ObamaCare's cost-control provisions "were not sufficient to prevent an unsustainable increase in debt held by the public."

Not only will the deficit increase, but taxes to pay for ObamaCare will as well. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that ObamaCare will generate $1 trillion of new tax revenue between 2013 and 2022. Taxes and fines will fall on employers who fail to provide health care to their employees, health care companies, including drug and medical device manufacturers, and insurance providers-which will all be passed on to the consumer, driving costs up.​
I disagree, for reasons I've stated. ACA is simply not sustainable -- and will collapse.

It won't be sustainable if the majority of healthy young workers refuse to sign up.
It won't be sustainable at all.

ObamaCare to Increase Health Insurance Premiums by 100-400 Percent, Deficit and Taxes to Skyrocket
Americans can expect individual premiums to become unaffordable. According to a new report released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, ObamaCare will increase individual health insurance premiums by an average of nearly 100 percent. In some cases, premiums could rise by 400 percent. The committee prepared the report based on internal documents they received from some of the nation's largest health insurance companies. "The average yearly cost for a new customer in the individual market grows from $1,896 to $3,708-a $1,812 cost increase," the report states.

The Committee projections were right. Last week, for example, Covered California-the name for the state's insurance exchange-released the rates that Californians will have to pay to enroll in the exchange-an increase of up to 146 percent for individual premiums.
Health insurance costs will go up because medical claims costs will become more expensive to process due to ObamaCare regulations. The nonpartisan Society of Actuaries recently released a report stating that ObamaCare will cause medical claims costs to increase an average of 32 percent for individual policies. By 2017, it estimated that the increases will be around 62 percent for California, 80 percent for Ohio, and 67 percent for Maryland, for example-and these are conservative estimates.

The cost to implement ObamaCare will significantly increase the deficit. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report that ObamaCare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion. The report concluded that even under "more optimistic assumptions," ObamaCare's cost-control provisions "were not sufficient to prevent an unsustainable increase in debt held by the public."

Not only will the deficit increase, but taxes to pay for ObamaCare will as well. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that ObamaCare will generate $1 trillion of new tax revenue between 2013 and 2022. Taxes and fines will fall on employers who fail to provide health care to their employees, health care companies, including drug and medical device manufacturers, and insurance providers-which will all be passed on to the consumer, driving costs up.​

I'm not saying it will be indefinitely sustainable. Eventually it will drain us dry. But in the meantime, it will allow the insurance companies go on with business as usual for as long as possible. Indeed, that's entire goal of PPACA.

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