Here are some numbers for you Clintonites who think she should have won..because of the popular vote


If the folks working that land decided to strike, and only provide for themselves for the coming year, then the folks in those counties that voted against them that need the labor and resources from that land would go w/o food, energy, paper, etc. THEY WOULD DIE...
ok, ok. i already conceded. how could i not in the face of such overwhelming common sense offerings. i noted here: land does vote. states vote. people do not vote. i can learn so much here.
The point is, the land, represented by people, vote.

No. Individual persons vote. Once you abandon the core value of one person one vote,

you have abandoned democracy.

Well, we have never lived in a democracy, it has always been a republic.

Where on earth did you ever get the illusion it was ever a democracy?


Electoral college type voting is a not a requirement to be a republic.

Sure it is, as the founders envisioned it, it was critical.

Key Differences Between Democracy and Republic

The major differences between democracy and republic are provided in the points given below:

  1. Democracy is defined as a political system which is made by/of/for the people. The republic is the representative democracy with the chief of the state known as president.
  2. In a democracy, the rule of majority people prevails whereas in the case of the republic the rule of law prevails.
  3. The term democracy is derived from two Greek words ‘demos’ and ‘creating’ that means ‘the rule of the people’. On the other hand, the term republic comes from a two Latin words, i.e. ‘res’ and ‘publica’ that refers to ‘a public thing, which is the law’.
  4. In a democracy, minority rights are overridden by the majority. Conversely, Republic system protects the rights of minority groups or an individual.
  5. In a democracy, the power rests with the population, however in the case of the Republic the power is in the hand of law which are created to safeguard the interest of the people.
  6. The Democratic system gets finance through illegitimate taxes, fees, fines and licenses. Unlike Republic, where legitimate taxes and fees.
  7. Democracy amounts to mobocracy which is not in the case or the republic.
Difference Between Democracy and Republic (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Says a control freak...
Well, we have never lived in a democracy, it has always been a republic.

Where on earth did you ever get the illusion it was ever a democracy?


Electoral college type voting is a not a requirement to be a republic.

Our Constitution does require it.

You're ignorant. The Constitution does NOT require the nation to keep the electoral system. You're REALLY ignorant.
Keep pushing this and democrats will never win an election again. Now move over and shut up while Trump and the republicans make America great again.

I heard that in 2000.
It only took the media 6 years of nothing but Bush bashing to make that happen. Trump will make America great again while you bitch
and moan, and people will see the babies liberals are.
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him. The Electoral College performed exactly as intended....protected the rural working areas from the urban welfare clubs.

Interesting Numbers... Finally, the Electoral College explained so anyone can understand the need for it.

The best explanation of why the Founders had unbelievable wisdom in designing the Electoral College.

It also illustrates that the Democratic Party does not represent the country, just the heavily populated east and west coast mega cities which are out of touch with the vast majority of the country.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens)

Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties, Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Electors are issued 1 per congressional voting district, plus 2 extra electors representing the 2 State senators....Not by county, but by voting district....

So, each elector represent a congressional voting district, or basically a congressman's vote.

The problem is that States changed how electors vote counted, and made them WINNER TAKE ALL Electors....and the 2 extra elector also went to winner.

It should go back to our founder intent, and each elector votes how his district voted, and count that way, instead of winner takes ALL, and the candidates get their electors they won, then the two electors each sTate gets for senators goes to the State winner of the popular vote.....this is how Maine does it..... the two electors each state gets, large or small populated, is where the small states get their advantage.....just like the Senate, Small states have the same clout a large state has....
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Farmers aren't really people, they're mostly corporate farmers... o wait...

Funny it's between "farmers" and city folk, but suburbs and small towns are left entirely out of the equation. Isn't gerrymandering great.
Gerrymandering is a strawman
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him. The Electoral College performed exactly as intended....protected the rural working areas from the urban welfare clubs.

Interesting Numbers... Finally, the Electoral College explained so anyone can understand the need for it.

The best explanation of why the Founders had unbelievable wisdom in designing the Electoral College.

It also illustrates that the Democratic Party does not represent the country, just the heavily populated east and west coast mega cities which are out of touch with the vast majority of the country.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens)

Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties, Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Makes sense when you compare a county with 7000 people in it to a county with over a million
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

why? the controversy "federalist vs state" is nothing new and not utterly moot
Hillary got more of the popular vote than 10 previous presidents. Someone who has gotten that kind of majority vote should be president. Fuck the federalist versus state discussion. The issue does not apply to our modern democracy. Get a grip.
...and Hildabeast lost.

Pssssss... she knew the rules going into the election. :itsok:
I haven't personally verified these numbers, but after looking at the red/blue map of the county by county votes across the nation, I do not doubt a bit of it. Trump won because most of the nation wanted him to him. The Electoral College performed exactly as intended....protected the rural working areas from the urban welfare clubs.

Interesting Numbers... Finally, the Electoral College explained so anyone can understand the need for it.

The best explanation of why the Founders had unbelievable wisdom in designing the Electoral College.

It also illustrates that the Democratic Party does not represent the country, just the heavily populated east and west coast mega cities which are out of touch with the vast majority of the country.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens)

Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties, Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Electors are used 1 per congressional voting district, plus 2 extra electors representing the 2 State senators....Not by county, but by voting district....

So, each elector represent a congressional voting district, or basically a congressman's vote.

The problem is that States changed how electors vote counted, and made them WINNER TAKE ALL Electors....and the 2 extra elector also went to winner.

It should go back to our founder intent, and each elector votes how his district voted, and count that way, instead of winner takes ALL, and the candidates get their electors they won, then the two electors each sTate gets for senators goes to the State winner of the popular vote.....this is how Maine does it..... the two electors each state gets, large or small populated, is where the small states get their advantage.....just like the Senate, Small states have the same clout a large state has....
That's a nice reform, but according to the Constitution, that is up to each State to decide. They all have that option open to them. Nebraska does it that way as well.

If all states used that system, Trump would have gotten even more electors. There were many districts in both NY and California that he would have taken. Although, it is true, Clinton would have likewise taken some districts in Texas.
Then never ever say constitutional liberties are decided by majority vote, MisterBeale.
The point is, the land, represented by people, vote.

No. Individual persons vote. Once you abandon the core value of one person one vote,

you have abandoned democracy.

Well, we have never lived in a democracy, it has always been a republic.

Where on earth did you ever get the illusion it was ever a democracy?


Electoral college type voting is a not a requirement to be a republic.

Our Constitution does require it.

You're ignorant. The Constitution does NOT require the nation to keep the electoral system. You're REALLY ignorant.

YOU are the ignorant one. Read Article 2
U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions
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Farmers aren't really people, they're mostly corporate farmers... o wait...

Funny it's between "farmers" and city folk, but suburbs and small towns are left entirely out of the equation. Isn't gerrymandering great.

What, you think that food is grown by robots? Nobody works on those farms, is that it?

The cities and towns that those "corporate" farms are located in are just fiction, and the whole thing is automated, is that it?
land does not vote, people vote.


If the folks working that land decided to strike, and only provide for themselves for the coming year, then the folks in those counties that voted against them that need the labor and resources from that land would go w/o food, energy, paper, etc. THEY WOULD DIE...
ok, ok. i already conceded. how could i not in the face of such overwhelming common sense offerings. i noted here: land does vote. states vote. people do not vote. i can learn so much here.
The point is, the land, represented by people, vote.

No. Individual persons vote. Once you abandon the core value of one person one vote,

you have abandoned democracy.
This is a supposed to be a republic not a democracy. dip shit
If someone wants to convince me that my vote in very very very rural upstate NY should count more than Donald Trump's vote in NYC,

go ahead. Let's hear it.

your vote didn't count at all because it was cancelled by the vote of an intelligent voter in NY.

Really? That's all you got this morning?

You fancy yourself a genius on voting. Tell me why my vote should count more than Donald Trump's.

It didn't. Your vote had the same value as his in selecting the NY electors. Since all of the NY electors voted for hilly, Trump's vote didn't count at all.

But those are the rules, Trump won in accordance with the rules in place for the presidential election of 2016.

If you want to change the rules get congress to pass an amendment and then get it ratified by 38 states

The rules are stupid. That's the point.
Well, people and politicians should've learned the rules in grade school. Most decent normal people knew the rules going into the election… Fact

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