Here are some numbers for you Clintonites who think she should have won..because of the popular vote

land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

So if you support one person one vote that's pure democracy and Mob rule over the minority.
One person one vote would mean 5 mens votes and issues over 4 womens votes over their issues. Mens issues would only have representation.

Women won the right to vote by the of vote OF men. Remember?

The point seemed to have been missed.
It could be any issues of minorities.
The voice of the heartland the very backbone of our nation those voices that was being ignored by Washington spoke up and won over the more few states with more population.
This was a movement. Media still are not reporting it correctly.

No, the heartland is not some special place that needs preferential treatment.
Wanting to move the goalposts is sour grapes
Asaritis, county break down is informative yet unimport.

Only two figures that count: the number of votes in a state and that state's electors.

Trump won 30 states, Clinton won 20 and DC.

Irrelevant. States aren't equal entities. They are pieces of ground.
More people voted for trump in more states... we cant have crazy California determining presidential elections.

That's basically what the upshot here is. They want three cities to decide who the president is. If they can saturate the markets of LA, Chicago, and NY (along with maybe a few other big cities,) with enough propaganda and control, and get them to vote for one candidate, they want them to control who rules.

It is an absolutely preposterous position.
Irrelevant. States aren't equal entities. They are pieces of ground.
But their state electors are not ground and do vote.

yes, proportionately based on the population of the state.

Not when they use 'winner take all'.

that's up to each state. apportion them and Trump still wins.

Give it up, your corrupt, lying, cheating candidate lost.

No, the lyingest candidate won:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Let the urban scum feed themselves. See how long they last without those "hick" farmers.
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

So if you support one person one vote that's pure democracy and Mob rule over the minority.
One person one vote would mean 5 mens votes and issues over 4 womens votes over their issues. Mens issues would only have representation.

Women won the right to vote by the of vote OF men. Remember?

The point seemed to have been missed.
It could be any issues of minorities.
The voice of the heartland the very backbone of our nation those voices that was being ignored by Washington spoke up and won over the more few states with more population.
This was a movement. Media still are not reporting it correctly.
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

then you would be OK with the election being decided by a small number of precincts in 4 states? Think about that, and remember those precincts could go GOP next time.
like florida in 2000?
You really should put some cream on that butt hurt... :lmao:
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.

I'm sure a lot of different types of people voted for him. You all are always saying the republican party is the party of "rich white men." Then when it's convenient, they are the party of poor hillbillies. Make up your mind!

I voted for Trump and I don't fall into your "categories." I was educated in Massachusetts Public school system. Now what? Maybe I'm poorly educated because I went to public schools? :D

If the folks working that land decided to strike, and only provide for themselves for the coming year, then the folks in those counties that voted against them that need the labor and resources from that land would go w/o food, energy, paper, etc. THEY WOULD DIE...
ok, ok. i already conceded. how could i not in the face of such overwhelming common sense offerings. i noted here: land does vote. states vote. people do not vote. i can learn so much here.
The point is, the land, represented by people, vote.

No. Individual persons vote. Once you abandon the core value of one person one vote,

you have abandoned democracy.

Well, we have never lived in a democracy, it has always been a republic.

Where on earth did you ever get the illusion it was ever a democracy?


Electoral college type voting is a not a requirement to be a republic.
Guess what?
Hildabeast lost...
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

So if you support one person one vote that's pure democracy and Mob rule over the minority.
One person one vote would mean 5 mens votes and issues over 4 womens votes over their issues. Mens issues would only have representation.

Women won the right to vote by the of vote OF men. Remember?

The point seemed to have been missed.
It could be any issues of minorities.
The voice of the heartland the very backbone of our nation those voices that was being ignored by Washington spoke up and won over the more few states with more population.
This was a movement. Media still are not reporting it correctly.

Translation - she wants the US to be an oligarchy where the red states have all the power.
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Well the uneducated knew what was better from the country. The educated made a poor decision and you lost, get over it.

The Founders only adopted the electoral system because they had to make compromises to the special interests of the various states to get them into the union. It had nothing to do with choosing a superior system.

Keep in mind, they had to preserve slavery too, to get all the states on board.
And they need the same "compromises" to keep those same states in the union...and in turn maintain the union. Regardless of what the illegals of California say.
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.

I'm sure a lot of different types of people voted for him. You all are always saying the republican party is the party of "rich white men." Then when it's convenient, they are the party of poor hillbillies. Make up your mind!

I voted for Trump and I don't fall into your "categories." I was educated in Massachusetts Public school system. Now what? Maybe I'm poorly educated because I went to public schools? :D

Even a great educational system like that in Massachusetts doesn't claim 100% success.
The point is, the land, represented by people, vote.

No. Individual persons vote. Once you abandon the core value of one person one vote,

you have abandoned democracy.

Well, we have never lived in a democracy, it has always been a republic.

Where on earth did you ever get the illusion it was ever a democracy?


Electoral college type voting is a not a requirement to be a republic.

Our Constitution does require it.

You're ignorant. The Constitution does NOT require the nation to keep the electoral system. You're REALLY ignorant.
So what you're saying… you need a proctologist?
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.

I'm sure a lot of different types of people voted for him. You all are always saying the republican party is the party of "rich white men." Then when it's convenient, they are the party of poor hillbillies. Make up your mind!

I voted for Trump and I don't fall into your "categories." I was educated in Massachusetts Public school system. Now what? Maybe I'm poorly educated because I went to public schools? :D

Even a great educational system like that in Massachusetts doesn't claim 100% success.

I got good grades and passed. So? Now what?
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Well the uneducated knew what was better from the country. The educated made a poor decision and you lost, get over it.

The Founders only adopted the electoral system because they had to make compromises to the special interests of the various states to get them into the union. It had nothing to do with choosing a superior system.

Keep in mind, they had to preserve slavery too, to get all the states on board.
And they need the same "compromises" to keep those same states in the union...and in turn maintain the union. Regardless of what the illegals of California say.

Fine. Just don't start quoting polls about what the majority of Americans want on various issues when you now have totally rejected the merit of majority opinion.
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Well the uneducated knew what was better from the country. The educated made a poor decision and you lost, get over it.

The Founders only adopted the electoral system because they had to make compromises to the special interests of the various states to get them into the union. It had nothing to do with choosing a superior system.

Keep in mind, they had to preserve slavery too, to get all the states on board.
You're proving that commonsense is very rare… LOL
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.

I'm sure a lot of different types of people voted for him. You all are always saying the republican party is the party of "rich white men." Then when it's convenient, they are the party of poor hillbillies. Make up your mind!

I voted for Trump and I don't fall into your "categories." I was educated in Massachusetts Public school system. Now what? Maybe I'm poorly educated because I went to public schools? :D

Even a great educational system like that in Massachusetts doesn't claim 100% success.

I got good grades and passed. So? Now what?

Now enjoy your four years of Trump.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.
Well the uneducated knew what was better from the country. The educated made a poor decision and you lost, get over it.

The Founders only adopted the electoral system because they had to make compromises to the special interests of the various states to get them into the union. It had nothing to do with choosing a superior system.

Keep in mind, they had to preserve slavery too, to get all the states on board.
And they need the same "compromises" to keep those same states in the union...and in turn maintain the union. Regardless of what the illegals of California say.

Fine. Just don't start quoting polls about what the majority of Americans want on various issues when you now have totally rejected the merit of majority opinion.
Again let New York City Los Angeles and San Francisco and Chicago feed themselves. Lets see how long the scrags last.

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