Here Are The Questions Asked By Lesley Stahl To Trump

Maybe Trump should have brought out this......instead of walking out...

The Bidens used the Biden name and office to collect billions of dollars from nations....even communist nations like China and Russia....

Tony Bobulinski......

Former CEO of company that hired Hunter.....

If Hunter Biden has broken any laws, why hasn’t Trump prosecuted him?
You think that the President wouldn't go after both Bidens and their bodyguard Jill too?

What is Trump afraid of?
Trump ain't the one hiding in the basement.
Biden did a 60 Minutes interview. I bet he acted like a responsible man and not a big baby.
You know that Trump can't be seen as a loser. It's a mental affliction so when the going gets rough he acts like a big baby. Is that someone who deserves to be President? Tell the truth and quit acting like him.
I just watched the unedited interview.
Trump never stormed out.
They notified him he had to be in a meeting in five Trump said "I think they have enough" and Stahl got up and the interview was over.

Then why did Trump say he did walk out. BTW, "Oops. I have a meeting in five minutes" is the oldest trick in the book to get away from someone you don't want to talk to. I used it all of the time when I was working, or I had my secretary come and tell me my next appointment was here.
He is the president of the United States...right? Has presidential duties....right? Maybe just the truth isn't the "oldest trick in the book".
Want to stop with the trolling and derailing of this thread?
He is the president of the United States...right? Has presidential duties....right? Maybe just the truth isn't the "oldest trick in the book".

Was it his "executive time" where he rage-tweets, takes a good dump, eats hamburders and watches Fox News and OAN -
Or did he have to make a tee time?
Donald is a busy busy man! :D
He is the president of the United States...right? Has presidential duties....right? Maybe just the truth isn't the "oldest trick in the book".

Was it his "executive time" where he rage-tweets, takes a good dump, eats hamburders and watches Fox News and OAN -
Or did he have to make a tee time?
Donald is a busy busy man! :D
Well I don't know lets maybe ask Diaper Joe since HIS schedule is so super hectic...let's see what channel is Matlock on....Jill the cable is out down here again bring me a sammich!,
This is yet another cheap and slimey ploy to try to control the narrative, using the same playbook as last time. Paint the other side as corrupt. He's even trying to get Christopher Wray or Bill Barr to file charges or investigate the Bidens. Nobody is buying it this time.
Of course Trump wants the previous administration to be held accountable. They falsified a FISA warrant to conduct illegal surveillance on Trump's campaign, fer crissakes.

Do you know what would happen in other countries if an administration did that? People would go to jail, or worse.

For example, when the Interior Minister of Ukraine who was in charge of the state police, Yuriy Lutsenko, used the state police to conduct illegal surveillance on his party's political opponents, he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison time. And crooked cops are very much despised in prison.

However, after serving a couple years of his 6 year sentence, Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski, appealed directly to Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko (aka bribed?) to grant Lutsenko a pardon. Yes, Burisma sprung him from prison, but at least he did do some time behind bars. He didn't get away with it scott free.

And his career was finished.


Enter the Bidens.

General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin ordered a raid on Burisma's home office an the mansion of Burisma's owner, the crooked oligarch Mycola Zlovcheski, and seized everything.

Of course that pissed off Burisma, and in response, a few weeks later Joe Biden threatened Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and President Poroshenko, telling them that if Prosecutor General Shokin isn't fired he's going to cut off $1 billion in US aid to Ukraine.

That $1 billion loan guarantee backed by the US treasury was needed to secure over $30 billion in other loans from the IMF and EU banks. Without that promised loan guarantee, the Ukrainian government would be insolvent!

The Biden family & Burisma really had Ukraine over a barrel and facing an unforseen major financial crises.

And guess who Quid Pro Joe chose to replace Shokin as Prosecutor General? None other than Yuriy Lutsenko, the corrupt politician that Burisma spung from prison early after just 2 years of his 6 year sentence.

Bottom line: Burisma owner Mykkola Zlochevski, via Quid Pro Joe's extortion, got Ukraine's top prosecutor fired and replaced with his buddy who just got out of prison for corruption.

What could possibly be more corrupt than that?
Donald Trump was asked many questions. He had a hard time answering them.
Simple questions like "who do you want locked up?"
I guess he felt trapped and had to leave the interview. Hmmm.
Too tough for Trump to answer.

“You know, I didn’t want to have this kind of interview,” Stahl then said.

“Yes, you did. Yes you did,” Trump said. “Well, you brought up a bunch of subjects that were inappropriately brought up. They were inappropriately brought up. Right from the beginning. No your first question was, ‘This is going to be tough questions.’ Well–”

Raw Story

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Trump: They should open up their states, carefully, but they should open up their states.

Stahl: But when you say open up their states, you don't say carefully.


And then they act surprised when people call them fake news. :abgg2q.jpg:
I thought Trump was the one who was going to open up the states...Trump claims he, not governors, has power over states on deciding reopening country
Too bad he didn't have the power to replace the idiot Dem governors.
Trump: They should open up their states, carefully, but they should open up their states.

Stahl: But when you say open up their states, you don't say carefully.


And then they act surprised when people call them fake news. :abgg2q.jpg:
I thought Trump was the one who was going to open up the states...Trump claims he, not governors, has power over states on deciding reopening country
Too bad he didn't have the power to replace the idiot Dem governors.
You wing nuts would not have a problem with that..until a Democrat gets in the White House and starts replacing Republican governors...
Trump: They should open up their states, carefully, but they should open up their states.

Stahl: But when you say open up their states, you don't say carefully.


And then they act surprised when people call them fake news. :abgg2q.jpg:
I thought Trump was the one who was going to open up the states...Trump claims he, not governors, has power over states on deciding reopening country
Too bad he didn't have the power to replace the idiot Dem governors.
You wing nuts would not have a problem with that..until a Democrat gets in the White House and starts replacing Republican governors...
Well then we would actually have a pandemic since your wackos killed almost all our citizens with your idiotic leadership.
Donald Trump was asked many questions. He had a hard time answering them.
Simple questions like "who do you want locked up?"
I guess he felt trapped and had to leave the interview. Hmmm.
Too tough for Trump to answer.

“You know, I didn’t want to have this kind of interview,” Stahl then said.

“Yes, you did. Yes you did,” Trump said. “Well, you brought up a bunch of subjects that were inappropriately brought up. They were inappropriately brought up. Right from the beginning. No your first question was, ‘This is going to be tough questions.’ Well–”

When Stahl asked him if he thinks he should be accountable to the American people trump said no.

The man doesn't believe we as a nation have any right to hold him accountable for his actions and words.

Typical republican.
Donald Trump was asked many questions. He had a hard time answering them.
Simple questions like "who do you want locked up?"
I guess he felt trapped and had to leave the interview. Hmmm.
Too tough for Trump to answer.

“You know, I didn’t want to have this kind of interview,” Stahl then said.

“Yes, you did. Yes you did,” Trump said. “Well, you brought up a bunch of subjects that were inappropriately brought up. They were inappropriately brought up. Right from the beginning. No your first question was, ‘This is going to be tough questions.’ Well–”

When Stahl asked him if he thinks he should be accountable to the American people trump said no.

The man doesn't believe we as a nation have any right to hold him accountable for his actions and words.

Typical republican.
For what, a silly flu virus? You folks are nuts.
Maybe Trump should have brought out this......instead of walking out...

The Bidens used the Biden name and office to collect billions of dollars from nations....even communist nations like China and Russia....

Tony Bobulinski......

Former CEO of company that hired Hunter.....

If Hunter Biden has broken any laws, why hasn’t Trump prosecuted him?
You think that the President wouldn't go after both Bidens and their bodyguard Jill too?

What is Trump afraid of?
Trump ain't the one hiding in the basement.

Biden wasn’t the sissy running away from 60 minutes
Leslie Stahl made it clear that she wasnt going to accept lies.

Trump was unwilling to be interviewed if he was not allowed to lie
Maybe Trump should have brought out this......instead of walking out...

The Bidens used the Biden name and office to collect billions of dollars from nations....even communist nations like China and Russia....

Tony Bobulinski......

Former CEO of company that hired Hunter.....

If Hunter Biden has broken any laws, why hasn’t Trump prosecuted him?
You think that the President wouldn't go after both Bidens and their bodyguard Jill too?

What is Trump afraid of?
Trump ain't the one hiding in the basement.

Biden wasn’t the sissy running away from 60 minutes
Right, he WAS the sissy in the diaper hiding in his basement.
Donald Trump was asked many questions. He had a hard time answering them.
Simple questions like "who do you want locked up?"
I guess he felt trapped and had to leave the interview. Hmmm.
Too tough for Trump to answer.

“You know, I didn’t want to have this kind of interview,” Stahl then said.

“Yes, you did. Yes you did,” Trump said. “Well, you brought up a bunch of subjects that were inappropriately brought up. They were inappropriately brought up. Right from the beginning. No your first question was, ‘This is going to be tough questions.’ Well–”

From that article:

“You want to lock up Obama?” Stahl asked.

“No, I don’t want to lock him up but he spied on my campaign,” Trump falsely claimed. “You know what that is? Do you know what they did? Do you know how horrible it is what they did? You don’t get it.”

All credibility from that source just got flushed down the toilet.
According to sources far more credible than Raw Sewage, God Emperor "walked out" because of time constraints of his schedule.

But let's not allow any such facts to become involved in yet another unhinged moonbat narrative.
Can you read, or better yet try?
Trump’s stomach couldn’t handle her wrinkles anymore.

The idea that a fat old fuck with hair plugs and a bad combover, who wears baggy suits to hide his obvious obeisty, with pores that are as big as some people's nostrils, and who paints his sickly, pasty white face a colour of dayglo orange that can be seen from space, is offended by how someone else looks, is quite laughable.
And who has caused the US economy to skyrocket...
Donald Trump was asked many questions. He had a hard time answering them.
Simple questions like "who do you want locked up?"
I guess he felt trapped and had to leave the interview. Hmmm.
Too tough for Trump to answer.

“You know, I didn’t want to have this kind of interview,” Stahl then said.

“Yes, you did. Yes you did,” Trump said. “Well, you brought up a bunch of subjects that were inappropriately brought up. They were inappropriately brought up. Right from the beginning. No your first question was, ‘This is going to be tough questions.’ Well–”

From that article:

“You want to lock up Obama?” Stahl asked.

“No, I don’t want to lock him up but he spied on my campaign,” Trump falsely claimed. “You know what that is? Do you know what they did? Do you know how horrible it is what they did? You don’t get it.”

All credibility from that source just got flushed down the toilet.
Dude, it's Raw Sewage....They make Pravda look like the home of Edward R Murrow.

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