Here comes the fake news.. Election time is getting closer... Trump said he hates Milwaukee!

The smarter big city liberals are all dying to live like we do over here. Even Home Box has been filming in my back yard for the last 10 days. But we're not crazy about having to teach the newcomers the realities of living a good life. Big city liberal contamination is a hard thing to reverse. And the transplants with the most money are the hardest to teach. It's better if they stay put and create their own utopia than to come here and impose their shithole mentality on people who don't want to hear it. MAGA

What's funny is we see people moving to Texas. So your cities are getting bigger and with that crime goes up.

You don't deal with it any better than we do. What happens is you lose the elections in those big cities and ultimately you blame the Democrats who run those cities.

Somewhere between you being a small town and big city, you lose people. I don't understand why no big cities are run by Republicans or why no states are run by all libertarians. Let's see it work!
He apparently horrified the National Business Council he spoke to after he met with members of Congress, by floating this idea to them as well. Attendees included Rex Tillerson, Trump's former Secretary of State. Tillerson has been very blunt about what he thinks of Trump's business abilities. And you wonder why Trump's companies kept going bankrupt.
Rex Tillerson was a civil engineer that worked his way up to be CEO of EXXON.

I googled it and call bullshit. Tillerson wasn't there.
Yet this is the guy you support.

Someone who has no idea WHY we have an income tax today.
It looks like he's throwing shit against the wall, takes over the "news cycle", and then, like his "perfect" Obamacare replacement program, it never happens.
It looks like he's throwing shit against the wall, takes over the "news cycle", and then, like his "perfect" Obamacare replacement program, it never happens.
And this is the guy you support. You knew he was bad news the last time he was in, you knew he will be worse next time, but gosh darn, you just want to own the libs.
Great food. Great bars. Great beer. Great lakeshore.

Most of all, great people.

A lot of conservatives tend to think they’re better than everyone else. You won’t really find that kind of pretentious attitude in Milwaukee.

Cities suck.

I could count the really nice cities on one hand and have fingers left over.

And I've been everywhere.

Milwaukee is a liberal shithole, much like NYC. It certainly isn't representative of Wisconsin, which is a great state even if it's a little too liberal. Trump would be tuff on the criminals of Milwaukee, which is what most of its people would welcome. Who the hell wants to live in a crime center. So what does Trump lose by telling the truth? Is he going to lose the Milwaukee criminal vote? Are the good, law abiding people going to abandon him for cracking down on crime? I don't think so. MAGA
I like people. Not everyone is social.
I like people well enough.

Until they break into my house, or my truck, or rob me on the street, or punch me in the face for no reason, or push me onto subway tracks, or carjack me, or shoot at each other in drivebys, or shit on the sidewalk.

You know... those activities that cities are known for.

I live in a town. It's very quiet at night. The churches are full every Sunday and Wednesday night. The police are friendly. I know all my neighbors. And I can walk downtown at 2 am without a care or in the world.
I like people well enough.

Until they break into my house, or my truck, or rob me on the street, or punch me in the face for no reason, or push me onto subway tracks, or carjack me, or shoot at each other in drivebys, or shit on the sidewalk.

You know... those activities that cities are known for.

I live in a town. It's very quiet at night. The churches are full every Sunday and Wednesday night. The police are friendly. I know all my neighbors. And I can walk downtown at 2 am without a care or in the world.
It always cracks me up when country folk tell me how scared they are of the city.

I've never had anything like that ever happen to me. But I do get to enjoy a beautiful walkable city with excellent bakeries, restaurants, parks, lakes, gardens, schools, bike trails, and live near some of the most interesting and dynamic people out there. Not to mention the economic opportunity available to me.
Milwaukee is the #9 city in crime statistics. Not good.

Trump is a "Law and Order" president who fully supports cops, and will prosecute Leftist DAs who don't do their jobs.

I don't see the problem, Milwaukee has a crime problem, Trump said he will help reduce crime.

A "law and order President" doesn't send a mob to attack the police, nor does he prosecute District Attorney's EVER.

A "law and order President" doesn't have a gang of thugs that he calls on to "stand back and stand by".

A "law and order President" hasn't been sued by everyone he has ever done business with, nor does he have 7 bankruptcies to his credit.

A "law and order" President deals promptly with verified public complaints of systemic racial discrimination, to prevent racial unrest. He doesn''t tell police not to be so "nice" arresting suspects,

A law and order President has never tried to overthrow the government.
A "law and order President" doesn't send a mob to attack the police, nor does he prosecute District Attorney's EVER.

A "law and order President" doesn't have a gang of thugs that he calls on to "stand back and stand by".

A "law and order President" hasn't been sued by everyone he has ever done business with, nor does he have 7 bankruptcies to his credit.

A "law and order" President deals promptly with verified public complaints of systemic racial discrimination, to prevent racial unrest. He doesn''t tell police not to be so "nice" arresting suspects,

A law and order President has never tried to overthrow the government.
start a new thread, just sayin....
A "law and order President" doesn't send a mob to attack the police, nor does he prosecute District Attorney's EVER.

Yes he spoke for an hour an little of what he said made any sense whatsoever.

"At one point, Trump floated the idea of eliminating the U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports, according to those who attended the House meeting.

The reporter says the tariffs were pitched as a way to "even the playing field with China."

Since Trump started his trade wars and putting tarriffs on imports, you trade deficit went from $735 billion to over a $1 trillion dollars. Exports were reduced to 2011 levels under Donald Trump.

Under Joe Biden, exports have increased by nearly 20% while imports are declined last year and are on track for similar numbers through the first quarter of this year.
start a new thread
I like people well enough.

Until they break into my house, or my truck, or rob me on the street, or punch me in the face for no reason, or push me onto subway tracks, or carjack me, or shoot at each other in drivebys, or shit on the sidewalk.

You know... those activities that cities are known for.

I live in a town. It's very quiet at night. The churches are full every Sunday and Wednesday night. The police are friendly. I know all my neighbors. And I can walk downtown at 2 am without a care or in the world.

I could do the same thing in Toronto.
Perhaps you should ask Trump?
That isn't practical.

If you don't want to offer your opinion, so be it.

We can assume however that he at least hates all cities with worse crime then Milwaukee.

That is a lot of hate.
Supposedly Trump said Milwaukee is a horrible city. Yes that is what they claim. Unfortunately that is not true. This "news outlet" claims they heard it.
That is not possible. There were no reporters present. This has the "inject bleach" written all over it. Or the "suckers and losers". Completely fabricated.
Can you see clearly that the Democrats are out to get Trump with lies? I can.

Punchbowl News first reported that Trump called Milwaukee — where the RNC will meet starting July 15 and formalize his presidential nomination — a “horrible city,” prompting a flood of outrage from Milwaukee defenders and Trump defenders.

Dylan Johnson, a Trump campaign spokesperson, called the situation “a desperate attempt to get likes” on social media and noted no reporters were in the room where the former president met with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill — and allegedly took aim at the city.
“It’s a total lie,” Johnson said in a statement that included links to GOP members who defended Trump. “President Trump was explicitly referring to the problems in Milwaukee, specifically violent crime and voter fraud.”

here comes Biden with the opportunity.

President Biden’s campaign reacted to the reported comments, saying Milwaukee voters were “fed up” with the former president and MAGA Republicans.

“Voters in Milwaukee are fed up with Donald Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans not caring about them,” Biden-Harris Wisconsin campaign manager Garren Randolph said in a statement. “We’ll see that at the RNC – and then again in November, when Wisconsinites send Donald Trump packing.”

Biden’s X account posted a photo Thursday of the president holding a “46” jersey and surrounded by players from the Milwaukee Bucks after the team’s NBA championship win in 2021.

“I happen to love Milwaukee,” Biden’s post said.

Yeah, he said it cultist.

Keep on clinging to your Orange God LOL
I like people well enough.

Until they break into my house, or my truck, or rob me on the street, or punch me in the face for no reason, or push me onto subway tracks, or carjack me, or shoot at each other in drivebys, or shit on the sidewalk.

You know... those activities that cities are known for.

I live in a town. It's very quiet at night. The churches are full every Sunday and Wednesday night. The police are friendly. I know all my neighbors. And I can walk downtown at 2 am without a care or in the world.

I could do the same thing in Toronto.

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