Here is how to oppose Trump's registry

Tipsy is deflecting from Trump saying he would create a registry for Muslims.

No, he won't. He will not be allowed to.

If he won't be allowed to why the thread on how to oppose it?

Not understanding all the panic. Even if he is elected, it wouldn't happen. Lots of worry over nothing.

Oh the drama!
He's accountable for what he says, and his statements were right out of the fascist playbook. This will not go away,
Expect it to be featured in opposition campaign ads.
As we might expect, this whole thread is much ado about nothing.

Even freakin' Snopes had to concede that the CLAIM about what Trump "said," was generally untrue (however much it "included" in its own somewhat distorted recounting of the story).

Demerit Badge
By the way, since we lack the database by which it might otherwise be possible to properly "vet' the Syrian refugees (whom we know the ISIS scumbags seek to infiltrate),

and since despite the obvious dangers that inability reflects, we are still a people of a mind to allow some Syrian refugees to enter our Republic anyway,

wouldn't it make some sense to THEN make an effort to keep tabs on those Syrian refugees who have been granted admission?
Drive-Bys Lie and Claim Donald Trump Said Register All Muslims - The Rush Limbaugh Show

SOME liberals here will rashly give us their expected knee jerk fallacy-based reaction and dismiss that site and the arguments made there because


But some other people (even some resident Board liberals might actually do a tiny fraction of heavy lifting sufficient to see if the messenger is nevertheless saying something of value (even if they don't generally care for the particular messenger).

Bottom line, it LOOKS like Trump didn't actually call for Muslims to be registered in America.

I mean, its not like WWII and the Japanese Americans and its not like Trump is following the lead of Democrat icon, FDR.
I suppose the other amusing part for me is us American's are already "registered" - what do you folks think that Social Security Number is? It's registration, assigned at birth, to all Americans. We're all in a database already... Why exactly is registration or being in a database an issue for refugees? It's not new... (see also the alien registration links I put up before.)
What registry? I heard a lefty journalist mention a database.
. A lefty reporter asks how a registry of refugees religion would work and Trump replies "You tell me" and the reporter writes a storythatTrump is going to register all Americans by religion.

That's called leftist horseshit reporting!

Wrong. That question was "Mr. Trump, why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring the Jews to register in Nazi Germany? ....What would be the difference.....Is there a difference between the two?"
Trump responded "who are you?"
The reporter said " I'm with NBC News. Is there a difference between registering Muslims and the Jews?"
Trump responded "You tell me."
So Trump's registry is going to become law? When does this occur? I doubt anyone would pass this and the Supreme Court would block it.
All legal immigrants are registered..You bonehead
Trump's suggestion was not about registering immigrants, it was about registering people because of their religion, even American citizens.
No it wasnt prove it or STFU
It's on all the news networks and in all the papers. Not sure about FOX. Anyone know if FOX is reporting the story?

I posted a link to the video you moron this is a link to a 45 second clip Trump is not my preferred candidate and he was talking about illegals, but you people who slande,r only drive people to Trump:slap:
So Trump's registry is going to become law? When does this occur? I doubt anyone would pass this and the Supreme Court would block it.
All legal immigrants are registered..You bonehead
Trump's suggestion was not about registering immigrants, it was about registering people because of their religion, even American citizens.
No it wasnt prove it or STFU
Yahoo News asked Trump whether his push for increased surveillance of American Muslims could include warrantless searches. He suggested he would consider a series of drastic measures.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule,” Trump said. “And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”
I watched the entire video did you?..Hearsay :slap:
Even SLATE say's the left has exaggerated what Trump said:

I spent much of Friday afternoon rewatching that clip as though it was the Zapruder film and—I can’t believe I’m about to say this—I think Trump’s technically right: He doesn’t explicitly advocate for creating the database.

Wait, Maybe Trump Didn’t Actually Call for Mandatory Registration of Muslims

As you’ve probably heard by now: Donald Trump appeared to suggest on Thursday that, as president, he would require all Muslims in the United States to register in a database. It was a frighteningly racist proposal—even by Trump’s low standards—and immediately drew comparisons to Jews being forced to register in Nazi Germany.

Trump, though, now says he never proposed such a thing:

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America

I spent much of Friday afternoon rewatching that clip as though it was the Zapruder film and—I can’t believe I’m about to say this—I think Trump’s technically right: He doesn’t explicitly advocate for creating the database. Yes, he seems to go along with the general idea after the reporter asks him about it—but he also doesn’t explicitly endorse it either. The reporter is asking about Muslims in America, but Trump appears unable to imagine that group includes U.S. citizens, which is probably why he immediately starts talking about the wall—a telling blind spot for a man campaigning on nativist anger and fear.

Here’s the transcript of the first question and answer in the clip in question:

Donald Trump might not have said he wants to register U.S. Muslims.
So Trump's registry is going to become law? When does this occur? I doubt anyone would pass this and the Supreme Court would block it.
All legal immigrants are registered..You bonehead
Trump's suggestion was not about registering immigrants, it was about registering people because of their religion, even American citizens.
No it wasnt prove it or STFU
Yahoo News asked Trump whether his push for increased surveillance of American Muslims could include warrantless searches. He suggested he would consider a series of drastic measures.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule,” Trump said. “And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”
I watched the entire video did you?..Hearsay :slap:
That quote is from a sit down interview Trump did with Yahoo the day before the video that provoked the questions on the video, so Trump knew all along the context was HIS Muslim registry and nothing else.
Unlike his comments about Mexican rapist, Ben Carson's relationship with child molesting and a long list of Trump word gamesmanship, his call for registering Muslims seem to be a self-ambush.
Wait, Maybe Trump Didn’t Actually Call for Mandatory Registration of Muslims
Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.
Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea.
All legal immigrants are registered..You bonehead
Trump's suggestion was not about registering immigrants, it was about registering people because of their religion, even American citizens.
No it wasnt prove it or STFU
Yahoo News asked Trump whether his push for increased surveillance of American Muslims could include warrantless searches. He suggested he would consider a series of drastic measures.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule,” Trump said. “And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”
I watched the entire video did you?..Hearsay :slap:
That quote is from a sit down interview Trump did with Yahoo the day before the video that provoked the questions on the video, so Trump knew all along the context was HIS Muslim registry and nothing else.

We should definitely watch these mosques that radicalize people why do you leftist sympathize with radical muslims?

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Wait, Maybe Trump Didn’t Actually Call for Mandatory Registration of Muslims
Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did.
Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea.

That's not he question he answered you people are a joke
He said what he said, far righties, and the commercials role out this next week.

It's over

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