Here is WHY I truly dislike Obama as a REPRESENTATIVE to the WORLD of ME!!!

Obama standing with the Jihadists
Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing.

Go ahead.

Ahhhh, did I upset the Obama Fluffer?
Go ahead, coward. Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.

Don't hold your breath.

Knee jerk, reactionaries also can't say EXACTLY what he said that is not true.

We know what Obama said is factually true. The difference is it's irrelevant TODAY.
All's that is relevant is what's occurring NOW, and you stupid mother fucking brain dead moronic baffoons cannot see it.

BTW, its still true today.
It's astounding that in the week where we've witnessed Islamic extremists do something so barbaric that it defies words, our leader shames us for harboring ill feelings because we have the Crusades in our past.

Have I told you lately how much I hate liberals ?!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't hate RWs.

I do hate their ignorance.
Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing.

Go ahead.

Ahhhh, did I upset the Obama Fluffer?
Go ahead, coward. Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.

Don't hold your breath.

Knee jerk, reactionaries also can't say EXACTLY what he said that is not true.

We know what Obama said is factually true. The difference is it's irrelevant TODAY.
All's that is relevant is what's occurring NOW, and you stupid mother fucking brain dead moronic baffoons cannot see it.

BTW, its still true today.

You are the queen of the mental midgets.
Basically, Obama is reminding everyone that religious people act like assholes in dealing with those of different faiths. They did 1000 years ago, still do today

I thought progressives were by definition for progress?
Seems to me the muslim extremist haven't progressed past the dark ages,while Christians have.
The only reason for obammy to bring up Christianity would be as a good example of what progress is,not something to point a finger at.
Basically, Obama is reminding everyone that religious people act like assholes in dealing with those of different faiths. They did 1000 years ago, still do today

I thought progressives were by definition for progress?
Seems to me the muslim extremist haven't progressed past the dark ages,while Christians have.
The only reason for obammy to bring up Christianity would be as a good example of what progress is,not something to point a finger at.
Christianity is 700 years older. I guess you'll just have to wait...
Here is WHY I truly dislike Obama as a REPRESENTATIVE to the WORLD of ME

Sounds rather egotistical...
Basically, Obama is reminding everyone that religious people act like assholes in dealing with those of different faiths. They did 1000 years ago, still do today

I thought progressives were by definition for progress?
Seems to me the muslim extremist haven't progressed past the dark ages,while Christians have.
The only reason for obammy to bring up Christianity would be as a good example of what progress is,not something to point a finger at.

When it comes to Christianity, liberals are stuck centuries in the past. Since they hate this particular religion, they are forced to relive Christian atrocities that occured centuries ago in order to be able to deflect attention away from atrocities that occur TODAY with Islamic followers.
Basically, Obama is reminding everyone that religious people act like assholes in dealing with those of different faiths. They did 1000 years ago, still do today

I thought progressives were by definition for progress?
Seems to me the muslim extremist haven't progressed past the dark ages,while Christians have.
The only reason for obammy to bring up Christianity would be as a good example of what progress is,not something to point a finger at.

When it comes to Christianity, liberals are stuck centuries in the past. Since they hate this particular religion, they are forced to relive Christian atrocities that occured centuries ago in order to be able to deflect attention away from atrocities that occur TODAY with Islamic followers.'s a tactic used by children. Only an idiot wouldnt see through it.
Basically, Obama is reminding everyone that religious people act like assholes in dealing with those of different faiths. They did 1000 years ago, still do today

I thought progressives were by definition for progress?
Seems to me the muslim extremist haven't progressed past the dark ages,while Christians have.
The only reason for obammy to bring up Christianity would be as a good example of what progress is,not something to point a finger at.

When it comes to Christianity, liberals are stuck centuries in the past. Since they hate this particular religion, they are forced to relive Christian atrocities that occured centuries ago in order to be able to deflect attention away from atrocities that occur TODAY with Islamic followers.
It's a shame that not even an allegory gets through to bigots like you.
What part of you see them as evil and they see you as evil is so hard for you people to get? And news for you, you are both evil. Now you know.
The PC-protected religion sure does have its defenders/deflectors here.

Pointing out unwarranted fear, ignorance, and hate as well as logical fallacies does not constitute "defending" a given religion.
Nicely put...

And, right on cue, two members of the PC Police chime in to illustrate my point.

Pretty sure calling people evil isn't PC there Mac. Try being less of a partisan, for once.
You truly dislike Obama representing you to the World.

say it that way and you won't seem like the ignorant idiot you are.
The PC-protected religion sure does have its defenders/deflectors here.

Pointing out unwarranted fear, ignorance, and hate as well as logical fallacies does not constitute "defending" a given religion.
Nicely put...

And, right on cue, two members of the PC Police chime in to illustrate my point.

Pretty sure calling people evil isn't PC there Mac. Try being less of a partisan, for once.
I'll be whatever I want, tough crap.

And you can keep defending and spinning for the PC-protected religion, that's up to you too.

My point is made.

Come on, guys. Fire up those neurons. What should we do?

Close ISIS's checking account? Boots on the ground? Pray to the Christian God to smite Islam?

You could try walking the walk and then talking the talk, for a change.
Have I been whining about the US response to ISIS?

Clearly the parroting rubes are unhappy with the current response, so they must have another plan, right? Right?

They clearly believe they know better than the Pentagon and the White House. So what's the big soooper sekrit they can't reveal? What is THEIR plan?
But when you tell the enemy..."Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."
YOU are justifying the barbaric actions of today! Those events happened 1,000s of years ago. Heads are being cut of TODAY by Muslims that's the first thing to acknowledge! It helps ONLY the enemy to be told we are just as BAD even though we haven't been for over 1,000s of years!

Mr grammar nazi
The PC-protected religion sure does have its defenders/deflectors here.

Pointing out unwarranted fear, ignorance, and hate as well as logical fallacies does not constitute "defending" a given religion.
Nicely put...

And, right on cue, two members of the PC Police chime in to illustrate my point.

Pretty sure calling people evil isn't PC there Mac. Try being less of a partisan, for once.
I'll be whatever I want, tough crap.

And you can keep defending and spinning for the PC-protected religion, that's up to you too.

My point is made.

No, your point was utterly lost. You're just ranting that Islam gets a break other faiths don't, even when something like ISIS gets called evil.

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