Here is WHY I truly dislike Obama as a REPRESENTATIVE to the WORLD of ME!!!



"If I had a son, he'd look like Obama" -- Satan
Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing.

Go ahead.

Ahhhh, did I upset the Obama Fluffer?
Go ahead, coward. Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.

Don't hold your breath.

Knee jerk, reactionaries also can't say EXACTLY what he said that is not true.

We know what Obama said is factually true. The difference is it's irrelevant TODAY.
All's that is relevant is what's occurring NOW, and you stupid mother fucking brain dead moronic baffoons cannot see it.

BTW, its still true today.
So you have proof that Christians are burning people. Beheading people. Burying children alive. Put bombs on kids.
Ahhhh, did I upset the Obama Fluffer?
Go ahead, coward. Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.

Don't hold your breath.

Knee jerk, reactionaries also can't say EXACTLY what he said that is not true.

We know what Obama said is factually true. The difference is it's irrelevant TODAY.
All's that is relevant is what's occurring NOW, and you stupid mother fucking brain dead moronic baffoons cannot see it.

BTW, its still true today.
So you have proof that Christians are burning people. Beheading people. Burying children alive. Put bombs on kids.
Just a matter of degree, same living under a rock mentality, same doing God's Will: Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act 2014 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
43% of Muslims Support Death Penalty for Those Who Leave Islam

Let us call someone a “radical Muslim” if they believe that the death penalty should be given to people who leave Islam. Can we all agree that by the standards of general civilized behavior executing someone for leaving a religion is a radical position and that anyone who holds it is, therefore, a radical?

By that standard, what percentage of the world’s Muslim population is “radical?” While an exact figure is impossible, the available data strongly suggests that it is around 43%. That is to say, of the worlds 1.6 Billion Muslims, roughly 698 Million believe that those who leave Islam should be put to death.

In other words, if the number of Muslims in the world who believe in killing those who practice religious freedom were a country, it would have twice the population of America.

The figure of 43% comes from page 219 of the Pew Research Center’s report on the world’s Muslim population which can be found here;

Muslim polls The Counter Jihad Report
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Is that too long ago also?

To be fair weren't of those Christians Democrats, at that time? And wasn't it Democrats that fought the civil rights movements in the early 60's?

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“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Is that too long ago also?

To be fair weren't of those Christians Democrats, at that time? And wasn't it Democrats that fought the civil rights movements in the early 60's?

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on June 17, 1856, announcing the birth of the Republican Party as a unified political force.
This truly ignorant idiot makes statements like these which are just so out of touch with the world!
EVERYONE KNOWS OBAMA what happened 600 years ago...i.e. the INQUISITIONS! WE KNOW IT
And Obama EVERYONE who has had history lessons KNOWS OBAMA.... that the Crusades were violent..
nearly 1,000 years ago!
But we are talking about TODAY OBAMA!
We are talking about persecutions BY Muslims of Christians also AND NO deaths equal to what the Islamic extremists have done in the last 13 years! LAST 13 years!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND OBAMA??? There is NO need to talk about "high horse" you dummy!
All you are doing is making these gross barbarians EQUAL and they are NOT to Christians today if they
believe in burning, beheading, women as 2nd class, etc.!
Once again we have the apologist President just making the situation WORSE!
Obama just be an honest person and take the lead that EXTREMIST Muslims are causing this we know!

At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama reminded attendees that violence rooted in religion isn’t exclusive to Islam, but has been carried out by Christians as well.

Obama said that even though religion is a source for good around the world, there will always be people willing to “hijack religion for their own murderous ends.”
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
Obama At National Prayer Breakfast People Committed Terrible Deeds In The Name of Christ - Breitbart

I agree with him. His point is not to blame all of Islam but to blame only the extremists who are violent and say they do it in the name of Islam. If you had half a brain and were able to be unbiased, you'd see that. You think it's been a thousand years since Christians did bad things in the name of religion? What about all the European imperialists, Christians and Christian missionaries, who decimated non-Christian cultures all over the world, murdering millions of people, perpetuating genocide, etc. This only within the past few centuries.
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This truly ignorant idiot makes statements like these which are just so out of touch with the world!
EVERYONE KNOWS OBAMA what happened 600 years ago...i.e. the INQUISITIONS! WE KNOW IT
And Obama EVERYONE who has had history lessons KNOWS OBAMA.... that the Crusades were violent..
nearly 1,000 years ago!

But we are talking about TODAY OBAMA!

So? I'm glad he didn't stand up and be the hypocrite. Very refreshing for a POTUS to not be an evangelical nitwit like Bush.

He referred to ISIS as a death cult acting out of a religious fervor. He is correct. Been happening since humans started organizing themselves into religion, regardless of which one. I don't think Buddhists have blood on their hands, though.
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“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Is that too long ago also?

To be fair weren't of those Christians Democrats, at that time? And wasn't it Democrats that fought the civil rights movements in the early 60's?

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Regardless of political affiliation, I bet those white people down South who hung blacks on a Saturday night for fun were all in church the next morning, and I don't mean synagogue, temple or mosque.
Obama and Gingrich are in agreement in that it is Islamic extremists.

The differ on using the word terrorist, which is what they are.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Is that too long ago also?

To be fair weren't of those Christians Democrats, at that time? And wasn't it Democrats that fought the civil rights movements in the early 60's?

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Regardless of political affiliation, I bet those white people down South who hung blacks on a Saturday night for fun were all in church the next morning, and I don't mean synagogue, temple or mosque.

I have a message for the president with all due respect to him and to the office: Mr. President, if you don’t want to give terrorists a recruitment’s tool, instead of closing Guantanamo Bay, frankly sir, you ought to close your mouth.
Because you just gave them a gigantic propaganda tool. They called us ‘crusaders’ and you just confirmed it.
Mr. President, we’re not on our ‘high horse.’ What we are is on high alert. And the American people would like for once, to know that you are willing to defend Christianity and defend America instead of defending Islam.

I would remind the president that the Crusades began in 1096 as a response to Islamic aggression and the fact that they had conquered the Holy Land and they were oppressing Eastern Christians. And there was a response to that. So, if the president is even going to cite that as an example, then he ought to get his history complete.

Bishop Jackson called out Obama for not using the words “Radical Islam.”

This president does everything he possibly can to defend Islam and does almost nothing to defend the honor of this country. And yes, once again, he’s giving them exactly what they want. And you know, Elizabeth, they’re laughing at us because all they see it as, is a sign of weakness. And America needs to operate from strength.

Read more at Bishop Jackson To Obama Frankly Sir You Ought To Close Your Mouth

By the way... using Obama's method ...And did I mention Bishop Jackson .... he's black?"
The cult of Obama has evolved to the point that it would not be unreasonable for to start decreeing death for any apostate who wanders off de reservation.
FACTS folks... Facts Obama obviously is very very ignorant regarding the Crusades at least!

No one claims Christians haven't done terrible things, some in the name of religion. But this is a straw-man argument.
Obama, for instance, talks of the Crusades. But far from being about conquest, the Crusades were a counter-reaction to the Muslim jihad that swept Christian lands in the Mideast, North Africa, Spain and Balkans.
Nothing less than Western civilization was at stake. Not much has changed today.
According to Open Doors USA's World Watch List for 2015,
"Approximately 100 million Christians are persecuted worldwide, making them one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world."
And who are the persecutors? "Islamic extremism is the main source of persecution in 40 of the 50 countries" that make up Open Doors USA's watch list, the report says.
Neither slavery nor Jim Crow laws were "justified" by the U.S. Christian mainstream. Indeed, as history shows, Christians were the driving force behind the anti-slavery movement in the U.S. But slavery is still found in the Muslim Mideast and Africa.

Terrorist murderers won't be appeased by Obama's cringe-worthy remarks. They'll be encouraged. As such, they aren't merely wrong — they're dangerous.

Obama s Remarks Show Shocking Ignorance Of Western Civilization -
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Is that too long ago also?

To be fair weren't of those Christians Democrats, at that time? And wasn't it Democrats that fought the civil rights movements in the early 60's?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Regardless of political affiliation, I bet those white people down South who hung blacks on a Saturday night for fun were all in church the next morning, and I don't mean synagogue, temple or mosque.

I have a message for the president with all due respect to him and to the office: Mr. President, if you don’t want to give terrorists a recruitment’s tool, instead of closing Guantanamo Bay, frankly sir, you ought to close your mouth.
Because you just gave them a gigantic propaganda tool. They called us ‘crusaders’ and you just confirmed it.
Mr. President, we’re not on our ‘high horse.’ What we are is on high alert. And the American people would like for once, to know that you are willing to defend Christianity and defend America instead of defending Islam.

I would remind the president that the Crusades began in 1096 as a response to Islamic aggression and the fact that they had conquered the Holy Land and they were oppressing Eastern Christians. And there was a response to that. So, if the president is even going to cite that as an example, then he ought to get his history complete.

Bishop Jackson called out Obama for not using the words “Radical Islam.”

This president does everything he possibly can to defend Islam and does almost nothing to defend the honor of this country. And yes, once again, he’s giving them exactly what they want. And you know, Elizabeth, they’re laughing at us because all they see it as, is a sign of weakness. And America needs to operate from strength.

Read more at Bishop Jackson To Obama Frankly Sir You Ought To Close Your Mouth

By the way... using Obama's method ...And did I mention Bishop Jackson .... he's black?"

Found an Uncle Tom to support you argument?

Just address my post: Do you think the white people who lynched blacks as soon as 50-60 years ago hustled down to their Baptist churches on Sunday?

I'm sure our Christian-based history claims that the Islamists brought on the Christian crusaders. They also describe Christopher Columbus in glowing terms, despite the fact that he wiped out the entire Arawak tribe in the Bahamas before he landed on these shores, all in the name of Christianity and the holiness of gold.
Obama and Gingrich are in agreement in that it is Islamic extremists.

The differ on using the word terrorist, which is what they are.

I wonder what word the victims used to describe these guys?

Yea... about 1,000 years ago!

Christian European imperialists murdered millions of non-Christians from the 1400s through the 20th century. European settlers to North America enslaved Africans and murdered millions of Native Americans because they believed Christianity and Christians were superior. Christians burned people they thought of as witches--in the 17th Century. Thousands were burned alive, thousands were hanged, and thousands were murdered in other ways because they were not Christian. Hitler murdered millions of Jews in the name of Christianity. It has NOT been a thousand years since Christians murdered millions of people in the name of Christianity.
This truly ignorant idiot makes statements like these which are just so out of touch with the world!
EVERYONE KNOWS OBAMA what happened 600 years ago...i.e. the INQUISITIONS! WE KNOW IT
And Obama EVERYONE who has had history lessons KNOWS OBAMA.... that the Crusades were violent..
nearly 1,000 years ago!
But we are talking about TODAY OBAMA!
We are talking about persecutions BY Muslims of Christians also AND NO deaths equal to what the Islamic extremists have done in the last 13 years! LAST 13 years!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND OBAMA??? There is NO need to talk about "high horse" you dummy!
All you are doing is making these gross barbarians EQUAL and they are NOT to Christians today if they
believe in burning, beheading, women as 2nd class, etc.!
Once again we have the apologist President just making the situation WORSE!
Obama just be an honest person and take the lead that EXTREMIST Muslims are causing this we know!

At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama reminded attendees that violence rooted in religion isn’t exclusive to Islam, but has been carried out by Christians as well.

Obama said that even though religion is a source for good around the world, there will always be people willing to “hijack religion for their own murderous ends.”
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
Obama At National Prayer Breakfast People Committed Terrible Deeds In The Name of Christ - Breitbart

I agree with him. His point is not to blame all of Islam but to blame only the extremists who are violent and say they do it in the name of Islam. If you had half a brain and were able to be unbiased, you'd see that. You think it's been a thousand years since Christians did bad things in the name of religion? What about all the European imperialists, Christians and Christian missionaries who decimated non-Christian cultures all over the world, murdering millions of people, perpetuating genocide, etc. This only within the past few centuries.

The cult of Obama has evolved to the point that it would not be unreasonable for to start decreeing death for any apostate who wanders off de reservation.
or at least being tranquilized...
The cult of Obama has evolved to the point that it would not be unreasonable for to start decreeing death for any apostate who wanders off de reservation.

What a poor choice of hyperbole. Those guys who rounded up wandering Native Americans betcha', Christians. No problem taking land from these heathens, hmmmm?

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