Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

I get it but we already have free great wine for everyone right now. Why are you advocating spending more to experience the internet the way it is for free today?

I have a 120/50 link. I pay $79.99 a month for it.

My parents have a 6/1 link - they pay $19.95 a month

What you demand is that all ISP's be relegated to offering the same service to all - that they not be able to sell tiers of service

Essentially, using your example the $20 bottle will be available for $150 the next time you go. Why? No real reason.

Actually, that is what Net Neutrality will do. If all services must be the same, then they will charge the same price for all.

So in 6 months, you will be back demanding that the government decide how much an ISP can charge.

Explain to me what is wrong with the way the internet is currently available. Thanks.
You appear to have it backwards.

Net neutrality means that Internet providers should treat all data that travels over their networks equally, rather than slowing down or even blocking access to sites of their choosing.

I've forced you to back off your blatant lie, which is good.

Now that we are dealing with fact, WHY should ISP's not have the ability to sell different levels of service at different price points?

Before you go on, I would like one of you communists to show ANY data stream throttled to below 2010 standards (2mbps) by any major carrier?

You can't - the Communists at Wired can't - ThinkProgress can't - because it doesn't exist. As backbone providers EXPAND SERVICE they offer priority to those who pay.

That's the best fucking way I know of to allocate resources. Why aren't you screaming that Filet Mignon costs more than ground chuck? It's just as stupid either way.
You appear to have it backwards.

Net neutrality means that Internet providers should treat all data that travels over their networks equally, rather than slowing down or even blocking access to sites of their choosing.

I've forced you to back off your blatant lie, which is good.

Now that we are dealing with fact, WHY should ISP's not have the ability to sell different levels of service at different price points?

Before you go on, I would like one of you communists to show ANY data stream throttled to below 2010 standards (2mbps) by any major carrier?

You can't - the Communists at Wired can't - ThinkProgress can't - because it doesn't exist. As backbone providers EXPAND SERVICE they offer priority to those who pay.

That's the best fucking way I know of to allocate resources. Why aren't you screaming that Filet Mignon costs more than ground chuck? It's just as stupid either way.

You're always pretending that the dead ball was a fumble that you ran back for a touchdown. That was from my original post. We've always had the ability to pay more for faster connections. It's not at all about the ability for an individual consumer to purchase more speed. But then some people will never get it.
Before you go on, I would like one of you communists to show ANY data stream throttled to below 2010 standards (2mbps) by any major carrier?
I dont know about the 2mbps thing but here is a list of abuses

Broadband providers have both the incentive and the ability to interfere with the Internet. That hasn't stopped network neutrality opponents from claiming that the threat is "theoretical," or that applying time-honored common carrier principles to the Internet is a "solution in search of a problem." In fact, there have already been numerous incidents of abuse:

AT&T's jamming of a rock star's political protest. During an August 2007 performance by the rock group Pearl Jam in Chicago, AT&T censored words from lead singer Eddie Vedder's performance. The ISP, which was responsible for streaming the concert, shut off the sound as Vedder sang, "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush find yourself another home." By doing so, AT&T, the self-advertised presenting sponsor of the concert series, denied viewers the complete exclusive coverage they were promised. Although Vedder's words contained no profanity, an AT&T spokesperson claimed that the words were censored to prevent youth visiting the website from being exposed to "excessive profanity." AT&T then blamed the censorship on an external Website contractor hired to screen the performance, calling it a mistake and pledging to restore the unedited version of Vedder's appearance online.
Before you go on, I would like one of you communists to show ANY data stream throttled to below 2010 standards (2mbps) by any major carrier?
I dont know about the 2mbps thing but here is a list of abuses

Broadband providers have both the incentive and the ability to interfere with the Internet. That hasn't stopped network neutrality opponents from claiming that the threat is "theoretical," or that applying time-honored common carrier principles to the Internet is a "solution in search of a problem." In fact, there have already been numerous incidents of abuse:

AT&T's jamming of a rock star's political protest. During an August 2007 performance by the rock group Pearl Jam in Chicago, AT&T censored words from lead singer Eddie Vedder's performance. The ISP, which was responsible for streaming the concert, shut off the sound as Vedder sang, "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush find yourself another home." By doing so, AT&T, the self-advertised presenting sponsor of the concert series, denied viewers the complete exclusive coverage they were promised. Although Vedder's words contained no profanity, an AT&T spokesperson claimed that the words were censored to prevent youth visiting the website from being exposed to "excessive profanity." AT&T then blamed the censorship on an external Website contractor hired to screen the performance, calling it a mistake and pledging to restore the unedited version of Vedder's appearance online.

Of course AT&T denies this ever happened, but that doesn't stop the left from issuing the claim.

Like claims of Sarah Palin claiming to see Russia, this is a hate site staple that flies in the face of reality.

But AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said the edit was a mistake made by webcast contractor Davie-Brown Entertainment. AT&T's Blue Room has no age restrictions, and it does operate with a slight delay to edit out excessive profanity and "wardrobe malfunctions", Coe said. But editing politically-themed lyrics during a song violates AT&T policy, he added.

AT&T is working on including the complete performance on Blue Room and is taking steps to make sure such editing doesn't happen again, Coe said.

"We are not happy at all that this was done," he said. "We regret that it did happen."}

AT T denies censoring Pearl Jam - News - Macworld UK

Even with this bogus charge, the hate sites had to dig back 8 years to come up with anything.
Before you go on, I would like one of you communists to show ANY data stream throttled to below 2010 standards (2mbps) by any major carrier?
I dont know about the 2mbps thing but here is a list of abuses

Broadband providers have both the incentive and the ability to interfere with the Internet. That hasn't stopped network neutrality opponents from claiming that the threat is "theoretical," or that applying time-honored common carrier principles to the Internet is a "solution in search of a problem." In fact, there have already been numerous incidents of abuse:

AT&T's jamming of a rock star's political protest. During an August 2007 performance by the rock group Pearl Jam in Chicago, AT&T censored words from lead singer Eddie Vedder's performance. The ISP, which was responsible for streaming the concert, shut off the sound as Vedder sang, "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush find yourself another home." By doing so, AT&T, the self-advertised presenting sponsor of the concert series, denied viewers the complete exclusive coverage they were promised. Although Vedder's words contained no profanity, an AT&T spokesperson claimed that the words were censored to prevent youth visiting the website from being exposed to "excessive profanity." AT&T then blamed the censorship on an external Website contractor hired to screen the performance, calling it a mistake and pledging to restore the unedited version of Vedder's appearance online.

Of course AT&T denies this ever happened, but that doesn't stop the left from issuing the claim.

Come on guy, now you're just plain lying. AT&T said it was a "mistake": AT T calls censorship of Pearl Jam lyrics a mistake - CNET

You asked for an example I gave you one and its no surprise now you're just flat out lying.

Like claims of Sarah Palin claiming to see Russia, this is a hate site staple that flies in the face of reality.

But AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said the edit was a mistake made by webcast contractor Davie-Brown Entertainment. AT&T's Blue Room has no age restrictions, and it does operate with a slight delay to edit out excessive profanity and "wardrobe malfunctions", Coe said. But editing politically-themed lyrics during a song violates AT&T policy, he added.

AT&T is working on including the complete performance on Blue Room and is taking steps to make sure such editing doesn't happen again, Coe said.

"We are not happy at all that this was done," he said. "We regret that it did happen."}

AT T denies censoring Pearl Jam - News - Macworld UK

Even with this bogus charge, the hate sites had to dig back 8 years to come up with anything.[/QUOTE]

So which one is it? The left is lying that it happened and AT&T is lying about it too? You're on both sides.

You asked for an example, I gave you one. Just because someone has an excuse doesnt change the fact that it happened....just like you said it doesnt

Comcast's throttling of online file-sharing through BitTorrent. In 2007, Comcast, the nation's largest cable TV operator and second largest ISP, discriminated against an entire class of online activities in 2007 by using deep packet inspection to block file transfers from customers using popular peer-to-peer networks such as BitTorrent, eDonkey, and Gnutella. Comcast's actions, which were confirmed in nationwide tests conducted by the Associated Press, were unrelated to network congestion, since the blocking took place at times when the network was not congested. Comcast blocked applications that are often used to trade videos — pirated content but also much legitimate content. Critics noted that Comcast hopes to sell online video itself. The FCC subsequently took action against Comcast for this abuse; Comcast stopped the throttling but also challenged the order in court and won, leading to a crisis in enforcement of network neutrality.
RWs area against net neutrality because Obama is in favor of it.

Obama endorses net neutrality
David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:39 p.m. EST November 10, 2014

(Photo: Saul Loeb, AFP/Getty Images)

President Obama came out strongly Monday for the concept of net neutrality, saying that "an open Internet is essential to the American economy, and increasingly to our very way of life."

In a written statement, Obama asked the Federal Communications Commission to "create a new set of rules protecting net neutrality," and to ensure that phone and cable companies will not be able "to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online."

The FCC is nearing a decision.

Net neutrality supporters hailed the president's comments as a victory for Internet users and free speech advocates. Critics, including major corporations and Republican lawmakers, called it an overreaction that will lead to lawsuits, worse service, and higher prices.


"We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas," Obama said, in a statement released by the White House. "I believe the FCC should create a new set of rules protecting net neutrality and ensuring that neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online."

Specifically, Obama called for prohibiting ISPs from blocking or deliberately slowing any legal content. His proposals also include a recommendation to mostly ban paid-for "fast-lane" access, in which a content provider refusing to pay extra would be subject to slower Internet transmission.
So which one is it? The left is lying that it happened and AT&T is lying about it too? You're on both sides.

AT&T denies that they censored anything. Since in the 8 years after this event there is no other occurrence, I would tend to believe them. You seek to place state, and ergo party control on the Internet. You and the leftist hate sites doing your thinking for you have a strong incentive to lie and hype - AT&T does not.

You asked for an example, I gave you one. Just because someone has an excuse doesnt change the fact that it happened....just like you said it doesnt

You gave a false one.

If AT&T didn't do it - than it is irrelevant, This is no different than a mod here moving a post.
"If you like your Internet, you can keep it. Period"

Obama should spend the next 2 years on a golf course

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