Here's a 'big surprise'. NY Times attempts to 'debunk' the Hunter Biden story.

Attention, leftists: "NUH UH!!" is not a refutation.

But it's all you've got.
We can do better than that. We can call you out on any documented facts against Biden.
I kinda doubt it. All I've seen is NUH UH.
You aren't producing anything, therefore, your lying ass has nothing. Nothing to doubt when nothing is produced.
Hunter's laptop speaks for itself. I will not deny reality just because you're butthurt.
You can't possibly be this stupid. Have you read the OP? The OP couldn't even post the link, so the opposite is true for you, absent any links? Dude, get a grip. How can anything speak for itself without reputable documentation from a confirmed source? Seriously, you can't be that fucking stupid?
Yup, I called it. Butthurt NUH UH.
See how easy it is to destroy your made up arguments? Lol! You're a loser once again.
Uh huh. At least I can say I'm not voting for Biden.
And I don't have a date with the devil for voting for Trump. No human with a real conscience would do such a thing.
You serve your Democrat masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you, and they know you'll pull the D lever as ordered.
Voting for a guy who stole millions from a charity that went to children with cancer is on you, not me. It doesn't get worse than that.
Yes, you were told to believe that, too.

You sure are obedient.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General You are ignorant and a liar. Prove me wrong ass hole.
You have to produce evidence in order to have treason. You lost that game a long time ago.
This fuck face went on national news calling our president a traitor.
The word has a new meaning now traitor.
You failed to make your case once again. And again, you lose. Saying nothing from your own source out of thin air is worth shit. Take a hike. What a fucking bore.
Guantanamo 2021 new inmate #1
** Lefties like BWK are getting angrier and angrier
as Trump's reelection nears.

Poor babies.
"We'll stop it." Peter Stzrok
** Lefties like BWK are getting angrier and angrier
as Trump's reelection nears.

Poor babies.
"We'll stop it." Peter Stzrok
View attachment 409629
Poor Angelo! He has to troll to hide his insecurities. Poor baby! Will he get through it? Not likely!

And he hasn't even been on the receiving end of illegal voter suppression like the Left has. Can you imagine how butt hurt he would be over that? He didn't have to deal with 1200 poll closings in the south in minority areas that stole the election, like the Left had to go through. He didn't have to go through an illegal voter purge, compliments of Kris Kobach, who stole over a million votes by using the excuse of voters voting twice with the same name, but the name was not the same. Can you imagine how butt hurt he would be if he had found out that Biden paid off porn stars and didn't report that money on a financial disclosure, committing campaign finance crimes, which is a felony? He doesn't know how good he has it. And to think, Clinton still got nearly 3 million votes more than the murdering criminal Angelo is voting for. Poor baby! What will he do?
Attention, leftists: "NUH UH!!" is not a refutation.

But it's all you've got.
We can do better than that. We can call you out on any documented facts against Biden.
I kinda doubt it. All I've seen is NUH UH.
You aren't producing anything, therefore, your lying ass has nothing. Nothing to doubt when nothing is produced.
Hunter's laptop speaks for itself. I will not deny reality just because you're butthurt.
You can't possibly be this stupid. Have you read the OP? The OP couldn't even post the link, so the opposite is true for you, absent any links? Dude, get a grip. How can anything speak for itself without reputable documentation from a confirmed source? Seriously, you can't be that fucking stupid?
Yup, I called it. Butthurt NUH UH.
See how easy it is to destroy your made up arguments? Lol! You're a loser once again.
Uh huh. At least I can say I'm not voting for Biden.
And I don't have a date with the devil for voting for Trump. No human with a real conscience would do such a thing.
You serve your Democrat masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you, and they know you'll pull the D lever as ordered.
Voting for a guy who stole millions from a charity that went to children with cancer is on you, not me. It doesn't get worse than that.
Yes, you were told to believe that, too.

You sure are obedient.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General You are ignorant and a liar. Prove me wrong ass hole.
Okay, I was wrong.

Now you get to explain why it's okay when Democrats do it.
Lol! Racism is another one of your calling cards. What a disgusting human being.
Do you have any brain cells ?
How was that a racist comment in any way,
you dishonest little punk ?

1) stop trolling my threads
2) stop putting words in my mouth, liar.

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