Here's the thing about CharlottesvilleIt

You fucking liar... you misquoted that piece of shit.

He didn't say, "Not someone like Donald Trump..."

He said, "Somebody like Donald Trump..."

Why did you insert the word, "NOT" in there when the Nazi didn't??

YOu think he said, or meant to say this?


You are claiming that the nazi considers giving your daughter to a jew to be evidence of being "more capable"?

That really does not make sense to me. More likely if he did not say, "not", he meant to.
He said what I quoted, not what The Original Tree misquoted.

Why lie unless the truth is not on your side?

I'm not going to listen to a 22 min tape of nazis.

But as I pointed out, in the post you hit the reply button for, the quote makes no sense, if you are correct.

It is far more likely, even if you are correct and that that is what he said, that he meant to say "not".

Why would you hit the reply button and make a point that I already covered in the post you were replying too?

You aren't TRYING to use the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, are you?

So you're not going to listen to what the guy actually says... but you think you know what he meant.


Errr, two points.

1. You lefties do this all the time, so your laughing is just you revealing that you are a complete hypocrite.

2. YOu did not address my argument at all. YOu were just an ass.

3. Do you believe that that nazis meant to say that "giving your daughter to a jew" is evidence of being "more capable"?
Show where I have done that or your claim I'm a hypocrite falls harmlessly on the floor.

And you have no argument here when you're talking about the guy in the video when you confess you didn't watch the video.

As far as what the guy said, you're now ignorantly trying to put his words into context when you didn't listen to what he actually said.

Of course it matters to some who are determined to not let happen here what happened in Germany.
Hitlers socialism is what happened to Germany, you're thinking of the wrong side of things.
Socialism is the enemy of individuality and any sort of freedom… Fact
Hitler was far more fascist than socialist.
Really the same difference, socialism was the very name of Hitler's party. He acted far more left than anything else.
NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?
It should be made clear, that THE NAZI FASCISTS & SOVIET COMMUNISTS made a Secret Pact together which would allow Fascist Germany and Communist Soviet Union to divide up Parts of Europe between them.

But Hitler GOT GREEDY....
Scary to think had he kept his agreement what could have happened.
Hitler wanted to invade the Soviet Union from shortly after its inception, which he ultimately did in 1941. Hitler was no friend of the Soviets.




You fucking liar... you misquoted that piece of shit.

He didn't say, "Not someone like Donald Trump..."

He said, "Somebody like Donald Trump..."

Why did you insert the word, "NOT" in there when the Nazi didn't??

YOu think he said, or meant to say this?


You are claiming that the nazi considers giving your daughter to a jew to be evidence of being "more capable"?

That really does not make sense to me. More likely if he did not say, "not", he meant to.

He said what I quoted, not what The Original Tree misquoted.

Why lie unless the truth is not on your side?

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.

More evidence you're a nut. He misquoted the guy in the video which I showed the actual quote, which is in the video. There's absolutely no question The Original Tree lied. You believe he was telling the truth. because like him, you're a rightwing nut.

YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.
What utter nonsense. No one on the left is responsible for the KKK endorsing Trump for president.

I went on to explain the motive that the lib media gives the neo nazis to make such "endorsements".

Do you want to explain your disagreement with that, or were you hoping that your unsupported empty statement would be the end of the discussion?
You made no point. All you did was assert they work together while offering zero corroborating evidence.

I gave their motives and as to evidence?

It is all over the place, including YOUR posting of a kkk paper, not only giving it exposure to everyone on this site, but supporting the myth that they are relevant, and conflating them with everyone who voted for Trump.
Dumbfuck, the KKK openly endorsing and supporting Trump was news and the news, left, center, and right, covered it as they should have.

How much coverage did the endorsement of Obama by the Communist Party get? I think I heard ONE reference to it on Fox, and that was it.

Did you see it over and over again, and was Obama questioned about it by the media over and over again?
You're actually trying to make the argument that the news shouldn't cover news. :cuckoo:
You fucking liar... you misquoted that piece of shit.

He didn't say, "Not someone like Donald Trump..."

He said, "Somebody like Donald Trump..."

Why did you insert the word, "NOT" in there when the Nazi didn't??

YOu think he said, or meant to say this?


You are claiming that the nazi considers giving your daughter to a jew to be evidence of being "more capable"?

That really does not make sense to me. More likely if he did not say, "not", he meant to.
He said what I quoted, not what The Original Tree misquoted.

Why lie unless the truth is not on your side?

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.
More evidence you're a nut. He misquoted the guy in the video which I showed the actual quote, which is in the video. There's absolutely no question The Original Tree lied. You believe he was telling the truth. because like him, you're a rightwing nut.

YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.

You're still trying to argue a quote you never heard???

Hitlers socialism is what happened to Germany, you're thinking of the wrong side of things.
Socialism is the enemy of individuality and any sort of freedom… Fact
Hitler was far more fascist than socialist.
Really the same difference, socialism was the very name of Hitler's party. He acted far more left than anything else.
NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Hitler was far more fascist than socialist.
Really the same difference, socialism was the very name of Hitler's party. He acted far more left than anything else.
NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.
I went on to explain the motive that the lib media gives the neo nazis to make such "endorsements".

Do you want to explain your disagreement with that, or were you hoping that your unsupported empty statement would be the end of the discussion?
You made no point. All you did was assert they work together while offering zero corroborating evidence.

I gave their motives and as to evidence?

It is all over the place, including YOUR posting of a kkk paper, not only giving it exposure to everyone on this site, but supporting the myth that they are relevant, and conflating them with everyone who voted for Trump.
Dumbfuck, the KKK openly endorsing and supporting Trump was news and the news, left, center, and right, covered it as they should have.

How much coverage did the endorsement of Obama by the Communist Party get? I think I heard ONE reference to it on Fox, and that was it.

Did you see it over and over again, and was Obama questioned about it by the media over and over again?
You're actually trying to make the argument that the news shouldn't cover news. :cuckoo:

Wow. That is such a powerful example of someone, who knows they can't refute what their political enemy says, and so they not only make up an absurd strawman,

but take it to an absolute extreme.

Really demonstrates the depth of your fear of the truth.

ANywhooo, your use of a strawman is an admission that you know I am right.

THe difference in the way the media covered Obama's endorsement by the Communist Party compared to the way the media covered Trump's endorsement by the Klan, shows that they are engaged not is reporting

but in propaganda.
YOu think he said, or meant to say this?


You are claiming that the nazi considers giving your daughter to a jew to be evidence of being "more capable"?

That really does not make sense to me. More likely if he did not say, "not", he meant to.
He said what I quoted, not what The Original Tree misquoted.

Why lie unless the truth is not on your side?

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.
More evidence you're a nut. He misquoted the guy in the video which I showed the actual quote, which is in the video. There's absolutely no question The Original Tree lied. You believe he was telling the truth. because like him, you're a rightwing nut.

YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.

You're still trying to argue a quote you never heard???


YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.
Really the same difference, socialism was the very name of Hitler's party. He acted far more left than anything else.
NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.

The question was not whether the German nation was socialist at that time, but whether the Nazis were.

The People's Car, a massive government program to build cheap affordable cars for the People, shows that they were quite socialist.

The nazis had been in control at that point for 5 years. It shows their ideological thinking. Which was/is heavily socialist.
You made no point. All you did was assert they work together while offering zero corroborating evidence.

I gave their motives and as to evidence?

It is all over the place, including YOUR posting of a kkk paper, not only giving it exposure to everyone on this site, but supporting the myth that they are relevant, and conflating them with everyone who voted for Trump.
Dumbfuck, the KKK openly endorsing and supporting Trump was news and the news, left, center, and right, covered it as they should have.

How much coverage did the endorsement of Obama by the Communist Party get? I think I heard ONE reference to it on Fox, and that was it.

Did you see it over and over again, and was Obama questioned about it by the media over and over again?
You're actually trying to make the argument that the news shouldn't cover news. :cuckoo:

Wow. That is such a powerful example of someone, who knows they can't refute what their political enemy says, and so they not only make up an absurd strawman,

but take it to an absolute extreme.

Really demonstrates the depth of your fear of the truth.

ANywhooo, your use of a strawman is an admission that you know I am right.

THe difference in the way the media covered Obama's endorsement by the Communist Party compared to the way the media covered Trump's endorsement by the Klan, shows that they are engaged not is reporting

but in propaganda.
That's neither a strawman nor admission you're right. You idiotically stated they should be "ignored" and you blamed the left for not ignoring them.
He said what I quoted, not what The Original Tree misquoted.

Why lie unless the truth is not on your side?

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.
More evidence you're a nut. He misquoted the guy in the video which I showed the actual quote, which is in the video. There's absolutely no question The Original Tree lied. You believe he was telling the truth. because like him, you're a rightwing nut.

YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.

You're still trying to argue a quote you never heard???


YOur post addressed nothing in my post.

You simply repeated your previous position.

THat is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion. Your post is invalid and you lose.

Obviously you have no rebuttal to my last post and thus it stands as the final word, at least until you muster the courage to address it's argument.

Here it si again, so we avoid the common lefty tactic of burying the truth under bs.

I don't think it was a lie.

In real life, people drop or flip or misuse words sometimes. IN real life, real people, from context pick up on their actual intent. That is what the Original Tree did.

You are a lawyer aren't you? That would explain your not knowing this.

BUT, I pointed out that the phrase, as you heard it, makes absolutely no sense.

UNLESS you believe that this nazis considers "giving your daughter to a jew" as a sign of "more capable".

Which is utterly absurd.

But you will hold to that position because it serves your partisan purpose.

You have no point. You don't know what the guy said. You confessed you didn't watch the video.

NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.

The question was not whether the German nation was socialist at that time, but whether the Nazis were.

The People's Car, a massive government program to build cheap affordable cars for the People, shows that they were quite socialist.

The nazis had been in control at that point for 5 years. It shows their ideological thinking. Which was/is heavily socialist.
And that doesn't make them socialist as they allowed for private competition.
NO HE DID NOT act more socialist than fascist! THAT is simply bonkers! :cuckoo:

Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.

The question was not whether the German nation was socialist at that time, but whether the Nazis were.

The People's Car, a massive government program to build cheap affordable cars for the People, shows that they were quite socialist.

The nazis had been in control at that point for 5 years. It shows their ideological thinking. Which was/is heavily socialist.
Nazi Germany were both Socialist and Fascist just like Communist Soviet Union was both Communist and Fascist.
This is why they could ally themselves together for a short time, and also were at odds with each other over competing Totalitarian Ideologies.
Amazing that The Left Embraces both of these IDIOTS.
Amazing how The Left in the end always comes to defend The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
But that's what you'll have when you think you need Fascists and Communists Thugs to terrorized the masses in to agreeing to The Leftists' Way Of Thinking.
Tell it to the People's Car, or Volkswagen as HItler named it. Created as a government program to make cheap cars for the people.

Pretty socialist to me.

And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.

The question was not whether the German nation was socialist at that time, but whether the Nazis were.

The People's Car, a massive government program to build cheap affordable cars for the People, shows that they were quite socialist.

The nazis had been in control at that point for 5 years. It shows their ideological thinking. Which was/is heavily socialist.
Nazi Germany were both Socialist and Fascist just like Communist Soviet Union was both Communist and Fascist.
This is why they could ally themselves together for a short time, and also were at odds with each other over competing Totalitarian Ideologies.
Amazing that The Left Embraces both of these IDIOTS.
You're an imbecile. You're actually idiotically claiming the left embraces fascism in a thread about the left attacking fascism. :cuckoo:
While the Right is represented by Trump, who steadfastly defends the lunatics marching with torches and Nazi salutes, 2018 is going to be a disaster for Republicans.
Trump placed himself in the middle. There were good people on both sides, but some went over the "Line of Peace" and agitated those opposing protesters. Blame goes to both sides. Especially the mayor, governor and police commissioners who help the police at bay and proved to be part of the very large problem.

We should make federal guidelines ( or laws) that participants must follow if the are going to be at a peaceful protest. Opposing sides need to be a city block apart (maybe even more); they cannot be in the street stopping traffic, no shields, torches or clubs. Anyone with a gun displayed should be removed and anyone partaking in violence need to be behind bars for at least 6 months.
And there were no other private car companies?

Don't know. Why do you ask?

Because there were other private car companies. Volkswagon is not evidence of a socialist society.

The question was not whether the German nation was socialist at that time, but whether the Nazis were.

The People's Car, a massive government program to build cheap affordable cars for the People, shows that they were quite socialist.

The nazis had been in control at that point for 5 years. It shows their ideological thinking. Which was/is heavily socialist.
Nazi Germany were both Socialist and Fascist just like Communist Soviet Union was both Communist and Fascist.
This is why they could ally themselves together for a short time, and also were at odds with each other over competing Totalitarian Ideologies.
Amazing that The Left Embraces both of these IDIOTS.
You're an imbecile. You're actually idiotically claiming the left embraces fascism in a thread about the left attacking fascism. :cuckoo:
Absolutely I am claiming that, because it's the Truth. It's not my fault your Fascists and Communists can only hold their alliances together for a short while.

THE KKK was founded by THE LEFT. The KKK continues to support the DNC financially. They are nothing but agitators and bait dogs for the other Totalitarian Groups THE DNC Supports.

  • ANTIFA-Communist-Totalitarian-Racial Identity Politics
  • THE KKK-Fascist-Totalitarian-Racial Identity Politics
  • BLM Communist-Totalitarian-Racial Identity Politics
  • Reconquista FASCIST-Totalitarian-Racial Identity Politics
  • LaRaza-Communist-Totalitarian-Racial Identity Politics
Several dozen torch-wielding protesters gathered Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., chanting Nazi rhetoric as well as "Russia is our friend." Mayor Mike Signer has issued a statement likening the event to a KKK demonstration.

The group congregated in Lee Park by a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which is slated to be removed from the premises later this year following a February city council vote. Earlier in the day, protesters had also gathered at nearby Jackson Park, voicing their commitment to protecting what they called their "white heritage."

The KKK is allowed to peacefully demonstrate in America! I don't agree with their views... I don't agree with Black Lives Matter... but they have Freedom of Speech! What part of this are you not comprehending?

I don't care if you write twenty pages of accusations of what they said or symbolized... unless they called for violence or made imminent threats, they have every right to speak in the public square... just like YOU do! That's fucking AMERICA!
I agree with you, they can say whatever they want, as long as they do not threaten or get violent, and from what all the Pastors said who were meeting at a nearby church, they got violent and these church goers were scared to death and then the anti fascists came in and as far as they are concerned, saved their lives and got them to safety!

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