Here’s What The Unemployment Rate Looks Like If You Add Back Labor Force Dropouts

Well then shut the fuck up. I dont want to hear liberals crying about the job situation when obama caused the problem in the first place.
Obama caused the recession that started before he became President?

Funny,I dont remember all you liberals crying 24-7 when booooooosh was in office.
Me personally I hope all you liberals end up under a bridge and begging on street corners. It's what you deserve.
According to welfare and food stamp rates, it's more likely for that to happen to people in states run by republicans.

Dont care. Those are the liberals and they need to be thinned out.
Starve asshole.
Wow, homicidal huh?

So dumbass liberals starving is somehow my fault.
You obviously dont know what that word means.
Dont care. Those are the liberals and they need to be thinned out.
Starve asshole.
"Starve asshole." I think that pretty much sums up what republicans want for America.

If you cant manage to take care of yourself? Fuck off and die.
You seem to have a lot of anger issues. I'd suggest seeing a therapist.

Nope. I'm happy as a pig in shit. I just no longer give a rats ass about liberals and their stupidity.
You morons keep making decisions that are detrimental to your own survival and I refuse to care anymore.
It wont effect me one way or another so go ahead with your self destruction.
Only a sick mind is happy about being irritable restless, and discontent...or angry

Nope. Not giving a shit about parasites and what happens to em is freeing.
"Starve asshole." I think that pretty much sums up what republicans want for America.

If you cant manage to take care of yourself? Fuck off and die.
You seem to have a lot of anger issues. I'd suggest seeing a therapist.

Nope. I'm happy as a pig in shit. I just no longer give a rats ass about liberals and their stupidity.
You morons keep making decisions that are detrimental to your own survival and I refuse to care anymore.
It wont effect me one way or another so go ahead with your self destruction.
Only a sick mind is happy about being irritable restless, and discontent...or angry

Nope. Not giving a shit about parasites and what happens to em is freeing.
Free to be a hateful filthy bigot?

That's a great way to live a life.....
Okay, Staph go back and do the same thing with some of W's stats. I expect it will be tripple digits, if it is possible.....You really are trying hard though. I guess if you don't have a life, this is what keeps you going......GOD BLESS!
If you cant manage to take care of yourself? Fuck off and die.
You seem to have a lot of anger issues. I'd suggest seeing a therapist.

Nope. I'm happy as a pig in shit. I just no longer give a rats ass about liberals and their stupidity.
You morons keep making decisions that are detrimental to your own survival and I refuse to care anymore.
It wont effect me one way or another so go ahead with your self destruction.
Only a sick mind is happy about being irritable restless, and discontent...or angry

Nope. Not giving a shit about parasites and what happens to em is freeing.
Free to be a hateful filthy bigot?

That's a great way to live a life.....

Who said anything about race? Ya fucken bigot...
"Here’s What The Unemployment Rate Looks Like If You Add Back Labor Force Dropouts"

No, here's what a rightwing partisan hack looks like.

It's sad to consider that many on the right want Americans to continue to suffer so conservatives might realize some delusional partisan gain.
"Here’s What The Unemployment Rate Looks Like If You Add Back Labor Force Dropouts"

No, here's what a rightwing partisan hack looks like.

It's sad to consider that many on the right want Americans to continue to suffer so conservatives might realize some delusional partisan gain.

Not Americans...progressives.
Thankfully the majority of the people aren't falling for the crap being put out under this deceitful administration anymore. It's more ugly than you think.


March 6, 2015 By Sean Davis
The Department of Labor announced today that the official unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent last month, the lowest it’s been since Spring of 2008. Good news, right? Well, kind of. The official unemployment rate masks a problem that’s been plaguing the economy since shortly before the 2009 recession: a continuing decline in the labor force participation rate, which basically measures the percentage of the able-bodied population that’s either working or looking for work. After holding steady at roughly 66 percent from 2004 through late 2008, the labor force participation has been falling, and falling, and falling some more, with no end in sight.

This decline has significant effects on the official unemployment rate. People who are unemployed and eventually stop looking for work are no longer counted as being part of the labor force, which means they’re no longer counted by U.S. statistical agencies as being unemployed (you can read in detail about the math underlying this dynamic here). The result? An artificially low official unemployment rate.

So what does the unemployment rate picture look like if you take into account all of the labor force droputs since the end of the recession in June of 2009? Not pretty

ALL of it here:

This Chart Shows How Labor Force Dropouts Mask The Unemployment Rate
Never mind the fact that Republican politicians nationwide have always used the "official" unemployment numbers to crow about how low unemployment is when they're in office...but...

If someone isn't looking for a job, that's called retired, or if they need one, and aren't looking, that's called lazy...and those people shouldn't be counted as unemployed.

Only people looking for work, or working, should figure into those numbers. That's why they don't count children, retired people, and lazy people.

Well then shut the fuck up. I dont want to hear liberals crying about the job situation when obama caused the problem in the first place.
Yeah Obama sure left a mess of the economy when his presidency ended in 2008.

Have you skipped your Alzheimers meds?...or been getting too much Rush and Fox News?
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.
Yes, some on the left call it a moral of "goodwill toward men"; what does the right call such a "moral"?
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
First of all, I never made any reference to how many of the 90+ million might be "leeches," but lets total up the ones of the 90+ million you admit are not leeches.

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees
21 million college students
10.5 million stay at home moms
9 million high school students over 16
9 million disabled
1 million stay at home dads

I haven't found a number for those adults staying home to care for a sick or aging family member yet, but the numbers I have found so far come to 90.5 million non leeches at a minimum among the less than 93 million not in the labor force.
We do know from the BLS that there are 732,000 discouraged workers among the leeches in that 90+ million not in the labor force, but that is the only amount we are sure of. We also can deduce that 2 million leeches is probably the max.
Last edited:
It is employers who don't have an employment ethic that discourages labor from being that equal for pay purposes.
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
First of all, I never made any reference to how many of the 90+ million might be "leeches," but lets total up the ones of the 90+ million you admit are not leeches.

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees
21 million college students
10.5 million stay at home moms
9 million high school students over 16
9 million disabled
1 million stay at home dads

I haven't found a number for those adults staying home to care for a sick or aging family member yet, but the numbers I have found so far come to 90.5 million non leeches at a minimum among the less than 93 million not in the labor force.
We do know from the BLS that there are 732,000 discouraged workers among the leeches in that 90+ million not in the labor force, but that is the only amount we are sure of. We also can deduce that 2 million leeches is probably the max.

2 million or 90 million. If it's ONE, it's ONE too many.
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
First of all, I never made any reference to how many of the 90+ million might be "leeches," but lets total up the ones of the 90+ million you admit are not leeches.

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees
21 million college students
10.5 million stay at home moms
9 million high school students over 16
9 million disabled
1 million stay at home dads

I haven't found a number for those adults staying home to care for a sick or aging family member yet, but the numbers I have found so far come to 90.5 million non leeches at a minimum among the less than 93 million not in the labor force.
We do know from the BLS that there are 732,000 discouraged workers among the leeches in that 90+ million not in the labor force, but that is the only amount we are sure of. We also can deduce that 2 million leeches is probably the max.

2 million or 90 million. If it's ONE, it's ONE too many. Whatever the number is, it's the exact number of leeches I'd led starve.
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
First of all, I never made any reference to how many of the 90+ million might be "leeches," but lets total up the ones of the 90+ million you admit are not leeches.

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees
21 million college students
10.5 million stay at home moms
9 million high school students over 16
9 million disabled
1 million stay at home dads

I haven't found a number for those adults staying home to care for a sick or aging family member yet, but the numbers I have found so far come to 90.5 million non leeches at a minimum among the less than 93 million not in the labor force.
We do know from the BLS that there are 732,000 discouraged workers among the leeches in that 90+ million not in the labor force, but that is the only amount we are sure of. We also can deduce that 2 million leeches is probably the max.

You're forgetting the independently fund babies, lottery winners, etc.

But how are we qualifying "leeches?" Someone couch-surfing and mooching off friends? 20-something living off or their parents? Are we really concerned unless they're recieving public funds?
Here's the thing you missed. I addressed toxicmedia's statement that retired people, children, and the lazy who don't want to work don't count. My response didn't address the children or retired people. If you're too young to work or, like my parents, that are in their seventies and worked from the time they were 15, you shouldn't count. However, if you able to work, choose not to, then request that you be supported by taxpayers through various social programs, you're a leechy and a taker. If you're a parent staying at home taking care of your kids and the spouse is supporting the family, you're not a taker. If you can but won't work, you're a lazy leech if the rest of us support you.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work or who are in a situation not of their own doing. However, if you can but won't work or caused your own problem now demanding someone else pay the price, I'll watch you go without before giving you a penny.
That's a crock. The Right are calling ALL 90+ million leeches and takers because their MessiahRushie has been telling them that for years! Just like the Nazis they admire the Right sees the 90+ million as USELESS EATERS!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.

We are? Interesting. I acknowledged that there are those who truly can't work. Interesting that you don't consider any of them as leeches when the truth is that there are people who won't work. I see that group as useless and would watch them go without.
First of all, I never made any reference to how many of the 90+ million might be "leeches," but lets total up the ones of the 90+ million you admit are not leeches.

I'm rounding off to make it easy:

40 million retirees
21 million college students
10.5 million stay at home moms
9 million high school students over 16
9 million disabled
1 million stay at home dads

I haven't found a number for those adults staying home to care for a sick or aging family member yet, but the numbers I have found so far come to 90.5 million non leeches at a minimum among the less than 93 million not in the labor force.
We do know from the BLS that there are 732,000 discouraged workers among the leeches in that 90+ million not in the labor force, but that is the only amount we are sure of. We also can deduce that 2 million leeches is probably the max.
OK, I found out that there are 44 million unpaid family caregivers, 10% of whom quit or took early retirement from a job and 17% who took a leave of absence from their job to care for a sick or aging family member. Almost 10 million of them overlap with caring for school age or younger children, the so called "sandwich generation," so subtracting them from the above number because they were already counted as stay at home spouses, that leaves about 2 million who count as non leeches added to the above total.

So that leaves just the 732,000 discouraged workers who dropped out of the workforce that can be honestly considered able bodied leeches from among the 93 million not in the labor force. Counting those 732,000 discouraged workers as unemployed rather than out of the workforce brings the UE rate to 6%.
You seem to have a lot of anger issues. I'd suggest seeing a therapist.

Nope. I'm happy as a pig in shit. I just no longer give a rats ass about liberals and their stupidity.
You morons keep making decisions that are detrimental to your own survival and I refuse to care anymore.
It wont effect me one way or another so go ahead with your self destruction.
Only a sick mind is happy about being irritable restless, and discontent...or angry

Nope. Not giving a shit about parasites and what happens to em is freeing.
Free to be a hateful filthy bigot?

That's a great way to live a life.....

Who said anything about race? Ya fucken bigot...
You just used the word "race" for the first time by either of us in this exchange.

So, I suggest you get some dental work done, lose the worthless Stormfronter friends from that trailer park, and try out a community college for a few years. If Obama gets his way, it'll be free, so you can afford it.
Nope. I'm happy as a pig in shit. I just no longer give a rats ass about liberals and their stupidity.
You morons keep making decisions that are detrimental to your own survival and I refuse to care anymore.
It wont effect me one way or another so go ahead with your self destruction.
Only a sick mind is happy about being irritable restless, and discontent...or angry

Nope. Not giving a shit about parasites and what happens to em is freeing.
Free to be a hateful filthy bigot?

That's a great way to live a life.....

Who said anything about race? Ya fucken bigot...
You just used the word "race" for the first time by either of us in this exchange.

So, I suggest you get some dental work done, lose the worthless Stormfronter friends from that trailer park, and try out a community college for a few years. If Obama gets his way, it'll be free, so you can afford it.

1. a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race

Fucken retard.....

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