Here's what they don't grasp: We don't support Trump, we support his non PC backlash.

Yes there are better candidates but the duopoly of establishment Republocrats and Democans wont let the best become nominees by design. They want someone they can manipulate and if anyone qualified, say a billionaire businessman who has made billions in his life time, or a man that has mastered TV entertainment business or is a recognized authority on making business deals, that person would be raked across the coals by both parties elites because THEY WANT SOMEONE THEY CAN CONTROL.

And you would swallow their lies like a cold soda on a hot summer day. Then that ends the 'best man' for the job because of people like yourself who trusts the corporate owned media to be telling him the Truth.

I agree with much of what you say. But Trump is not the independent you think he is. Populists like Trump say what people want to hear at any given moment. The problem with this is that there are no foundational values underpinning the rhetoric.
T-Rump picking up endorsements
this is a T-Rump Political Juggernaut..the Germans don't even have a word for Juggernaut...

Did you know that Trump agress with the NeoNazis that 2 + 2 = 4?

OMG, deport Trump!


You are truly and idiot. No one can control who says they agree with them. Stormfront is just trying to regain relevance by clinging to Trump coat tails.

They are living off the T rump nastiness
It means that instead of vetting a Muslim to see if there is anything in their background that red flags them, allow only Muslims that do not agree with or practice Sharia Law, will not wear head dresses and prove they are neutral by NOT going to mosques. Mosques should be considered breeding grounds for terrorism. If an entering Muslim cannot live without their mosque, the USA is not for them.
How about we ask the Wahhabi Muslim clergy to swear that they do not agree with forceful conversions, murder, or waging jihad on innocent people? If they wont, deport them. IF a mosque has no clergy left, then shut it down and if it stays open get warrants and keep it under surveillance?

Going to mosque is not the problem, but believing you will have Heaven promised to you for killing innocent civilians is.
But Muslims lie.

Show me how many Trump supporters have joined the KKK as a result of Trumps directing them to do so.

Lol, you are such a fucking liar.

The fact that they trot this kind of idiocy out just demonstrates how desperate they are.

Besides, Tyroneslurpscum is the bottom of the barrel for the left. Most dims are embarrassed by the shit he posts.
I agree with much of what you say. But Trump is not the independent you think he is. Populists like Trump say what people want to hear at any given moment. The problem with this is that there are no foundational values underpinning the rhetoric.
I dont think Trump has thought through what his foundational values are, and so he is not a reflective conservative, but he is conservative enough to oppose those who need opposing.

I am more interested in a man who takes action and has a long record of successful activities than some wonk who is only practiced at giving Wonk Word Salad speeches.

Show me how many Trump supporters have joined the KKK as a result of Trumps directing them to do so.

Lol, you are such a fucking liar.

The fact that they trot this kind of idiocy out just demonstrates how desperate they are.

Besides, Tyroneslurpscum is the bottom of the barrel for the left. Most dims are embarrassed by the shit he posts.
are you crying now bro ....
But all muslims's in their koran.

They dont necessarily all lie, but the Quran gives them a pass to lie to infidels like you.
So how do we tell who's lying and who is not?
How does anyone tell when anyone lies?

Verification of their claims, validation of their logic and underlying facts, and look for a track record of keeping their word with those not in their ethnic group.
Larry Sabato: “The Trump effect is now probably long-term, meaning that even if he falls by the wayside in the nomination contest, he will continue to be a factor. Maybe he will run as an independent. Maybe he will make life difficult for the eventual GOP nominee from his permanent headquarters on Twitter. Or maybe it’s simply the accumulation of his offensive statements on videotape that will be used by Democrats to taint the fall Republican ticket.
The Trump Effect

"I don't know what you've heard about me,
but I am gooper loathing VIP
that makes zero sense.....

I've heard others say the same thing. A lot of people are disgusted and sick of Washington.

I heard one Iowa voter say that "he wanted someone like Trump, just not Trump."

And as much as I loathe Trump, I don't blame people for thinking that.
  1. Americans Muslims are 5,000 Percent More Likely to Commit a Terror Attack
  2. ISIS Is Already Everywhere In the United States
  3. 51% of American Muslims Back Some Form of Sharia
  4. 1 Quarter of American Muslims Are Comfortable With Violenc
  5. Disturbing Percentages of the World’s Muslims Support ISIS
  6. Disturbing Percentages of the World’s Muslims Support Suicide Bombings
  7. Only 81% of American Muslims Agree That Violence Against Civilians Is Never Justified
  8. Disturbing Percentages of the World’s Muslims Back Sharia Law
  9. America Admits Thousand of Immigrants From Countries Where Muslim Favor Sharia

  10. Comment count on this article reflects comments made on and Facebook. Visit Breitbart's Facebook Page.


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Matt Bai: “The interesting question is what happens from here, because the way I see it, the cold war between Trump and the Republican governing establishment, which everyone hoped throughout the summer and fall might just resolve itself, has now become a zero-sum contest. And Republicans find themselves faced with an existential threat that has no parallel for either party in my lifetime.”

“Either Trump or the Republican Party as we’ve known it can come out of this election without having been politically destroyed — but almost certainly not both.”
I dont think Trump has thought through what his foundational values are, and so he is not a reflective conservative, but he is conservative enough to oppose those who need opposing.

I am more interested in a man who takes action and has a long record of successful activities than some wonk who is only practiced at giving Wonk Word Salad speeches.

I don't think Trump is conservative in any way, shape, or form. His economic policies are closer to Hillary than to Reagan. That Trump defies the democrats war on civil liberty that is Political Correctness makes people cheer him, including me. I love to see tyrannical thugs kicked in the nuts as much as the next guy does. But the few proposals for government that Trump has actually provided, fall well left of center. The 14.5% tax on assets is something I would expect from Obama, or Karl Marx, not from a supposed Republican.
It appears some people are starting to feel silly for supporting Trump so now they are making excuses and claiming they don't support him just what he symbolizes. What a crock of shit!

Who is feeling silly? TRUMP JUST WENT UP EIGHT MORE POINTS, dude!

Bucs apparently or he wouldn't have started this thread.

I dont see him saying he is feeling silly at all, only that he is holding his nose and supporting Trump because the corrupt political system we have today wont give him a better choice.

Why is that silly to you?

And you think Trump can change our corrupt political system? I sure as hell don't. When people give up their slavish devotion to the Democratic and Republican Party will we see a true change. Until then...not so much.

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