Herman Cain passed away from COVID

Herman Cain was a good man.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:

Of course not. The Democrat media controlling sentiment in the wider black community could not possibly spin honoring Herman Cain to support the opinions they work so hard to shape.
Herman Cain made pizza. John Lewis changed history. See if you can spot the difference.

Many others got their heads cracked that day. He just managed to turn it into a Congressional career.
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:
He did not do what John Lewis did.
No. To his credit, he didnt. He was an actual contributor to America and not a government leech
John Lewis championed voter's rights. Do you support voter's rights?
I don't think liberals are capable of making intelligent choices at the voting booth.

Look how blue cities and states turn out
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:
He did not do what John Lewis did.
No. To his credit, he didnt. He was an actual contributor to America and not a government leech
John Lewis championed voter's rights. Do you support voter's rights?
I don't think liberals are capable of making intelligent choices at the voting booth.

Look how blue cities and states turn out
We're not Mississippi! We're not West Virginia! We're not Alabama!

So you do not support voter's rights. What about America do you love? It sure isn't Americans!
Racist Much.

Fucking Shit For Brains Cain Died Because he Shit For Brains Stupid Enough NOT TO WEAR A FUCKING MASK.

He did NOT wear a mask in Tulsa, now he is dead. GOOD. That Stupid Fuck Wad Got What That Stupid Fuck Wad Deserved.

Got tourette's, shitbag?
I guess "the flu" got him. Rest in Peace.
The flu kills people too. But you knew that. Playing stupid again.
Your blob didn’t know that. Thanks for calling your blob “stupid”
Link....otherwise leave this board forever.
If I post a video of him saying it do you leave forever?
That he says "The flu doesn't kill people"? Or he didn't know....BIG DIFFERENCE.

Be specific.
You're retreating so fast you're leaving skid marks. Your blob is stupid. You're dumb for supporting him. Here he is saying that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Now you're going to split hairs and swear that he never said it. Then again, you also don't think the blob is a hypocrite.

You're worthless and hopeless.

The thread is about Herman Cain....stop injecting your TDS " blob" BS.

You're so tiresome

Aww, poor baby...did I hurt your feelings? Run off to a safe space quickly.
If you hurt her feelings that means she must be a pissy libtard. The only feelings hurt are you pussy libtards.
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:
He did not do what John Lewis did.
No. To his credit, he didnt. He was an actual contributor to America and not a government leech
John Lewis championed voter's rights. Do you support voter's rights?
I don't think liberals are capable of making intelligent choices at the voting booth.

Look how blue cities and states turn out
We're not Mississippi! We're not West Virginia! We're not Alabama!

So you do not support voter's rights. What about America do you love? It sure isn't Americans!
Voters rights to you guys means voter fraud. If you want voters rights, support voter ID.
Won't they have him lie in state with a eulogy by Obama?
Of course not. He sold Pizza. John Lewis changed history. What a stupid fucking question, which means we will hear it 1000 times today from you cultists.

I can't imagine Mr. Cain calling a president a rac
Cain won't be the only victim of Trump's ignorance and arrogance from that Tulsa rally.
He was Dx one week after attending it.

Sure, blame Trump. How about you call out President Xi and his cowardly, POS henchman? There is a reason it was flown from Wuhan all around the word, but not flown from Wuhan to the other shytehole provinces in China.
Well that would be interesting, if it wasn't dead ass wrong. Stop making shit up.

You can stand up for the concentration camp running communists all you'd like, your Social Credit score is always just one wrong word away from being damaged...
Everyone dies of COVID,you could get hit by a bus and the shit head Democrats would say it was a COVID death.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The USA has just lost one of its finest men. After Herman Cain's death earlier today, due to the coronavirus, tributes poured in for the former Republican presidential candidate, businessman, associate minister and U.S. Navy rocket scientist.

"He's one of the nicest guys I ever met,". I mean he just had this affability, this kindness, this hearty big laugh about him. I mean he lit up rooms where he was. He's just an enchanting man.." (former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer.)

"His American Dream story is one for the history books. Overcame absolute destitution, genuine discrimination, stage IV cancer and so much hardship in between. Rose up the ranks of America's biggest corporations, advised presidential campaigns, chaired a Federal Reserve bank... After successfully completing college as a 'Morehouse Man,' a distinction he proudly carried with him his whole life, he became a rocket scientist for the Dept. of the Navy. Quite literally a rocket scientist. I guess that degree in math and physics helped." (Ellen Carmichael, the former communications director for Cain's presidential campaign)

"Herman Cain embodied the American Dream and represented the very best of the American spirit. Our hearts grieve for his loved ones, and they will remain in our prayers at this time. We will never forget his legacy of grace, patriotism, and faith." (White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany )

Daily Beast columnist Matt Lewis shared an ad for Cain's presidential campaign that was based on an interview he did with the former candidate in 2011. In the clip, Cain talks about how he and his brother once drank from both the "white" and "colored" drinking fountains in segregated Atlanta, Ga. Their reaction: "The water tastes the same! What's the big deal?!"

Herman was my top choice in ‘12. He would have made a great President. He had a better command of the economy when compared to Obama. Obama and the Left were scared shitless of Obama running against Cain. Their race card would have been stripped. This is why they put attack dog David Axelrod to go find women Cain had affairs with. I can see Trump attending his funeral when choosing not to attend the funeral of John Lewis. All Black lives matter.
I really wish he had been the GOP candidate in 2012 instead of that traitor Romney. He would have beaten the moonbat messiah and our country would not have suffered the full 8 years of stagnation and malaise we dealt with.

You bumbling disingenuous twat left out the context of my post. that is some awesome work, tossface.
do you think you can persuade anyone but your fellow trumptards that i am the racist in this scenario. LOL
Out of context? :boo_hoo14: You just said some people can't distinguish individuals from skin color. Clearly a racist statement. BTW who made YOU the arbiter of who and who is not racist? Narcissism much?

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