Hey GORE.. how will seas rise if global cooling is occurring???

When "Global Warming" started looking shaky, the switch was quickly made to "Climate Change," which of course can mean anything and therefore means nothing. Whew! A whole lotta folks must have seen their grants flash before their eyes until the doublespeak was fixed.

Have you any idea of how foolish this kind of talk sounds?

Global warming creates climate change, as the jet stream is altered, and the Hadley cells move north and south. It is you denialists that are practicing doublespeak. Not only that, you are the ones that are flapping yap with nothing credible to back up your noise.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

The desperate, agenda-driven doublespeak does sound foolish alright.
Have you anything at all to do other than flap-yap? How about some credible scientific sources to back up your opinion?
When "Global Warming" started looking shaky, the switch was quickly made to "Climate Change," which of course can mean anything and therefore means nothing. Whew! A whole lotta folks must have seen their grants flash before their eyes until the doublespeak was fixed.

Well, there's one of the most idiotic denier cult myths ever. From, apparently, one of the dumbest denier cult retards ever.

Global warming is still accelerating, not "looking shaky", you poor deluded fool. The two terms, 'global warming' and 'climate change', have different meanings and both have both been in use in the scientific community since the 1970s or earlier. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established in 1988, nitwit.

Orwell would be proud, almost as proud as some of these scientists' accountants.

Orwell would be proud, almost as proud as some of these scientists' accountants.

I love it when people who've probably never set foot on a college campus or have spoken to an actual scientist conjecture about how concern for their grants must be skewing their results.
Seawalls goin' up around NASA space centers...
Scientists: Rising Sea Levels Threaten NASA Space Centers
May 20, 2014 ~ U.S. scientists say global warming is forcing NASA to build seawalls near major flight and research centers along the U.S. coasts.
A report by the Union of Concerned Scientists says rising sea levels are the greatest threat to the historic Kennedy Space Center, along the Atlantic Ocean in Florida. It says other NASA facilities already have faced costly damage from erosion and hurricanes.


An Ares test rocket sits on a launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

NASA says it is essential that launching pads be located near water if a test flight has to be aborted in mid-air or a technical problem forces astronauts to make an emergency return to Earth.

Other key NASA facilities are located along the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific. The report says rising seas threaten other historic sites, including colonial Boston, Hawaiian state parks, and Liberty Island in New York Harbor.

Scientists: Rising Sea Levels Threaten NASA Space Centers
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When "Global Warming" started looking shaky, the switch was quickly made to "Climate Change," which of course can mean anything and therefore means nothing. Whew! A whole lotta folks must have seen their grants flash before their eyes until the doublespeak was fixed.
That's a pant load of "dripping poop."

Global warming is still called global warming, climate change is a consequence of global warming, like rising sea levels.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit
The desperate, agenda-driven doublespeak does sound foolish alright.

If all you have in the way of an argument is the appearance of the term "climate change" in the popular media, you have no argument at all.
When "Global Warming" started looking shaky, the switch was quickly made to "Climate Change," which of course can mean anything and therefore means nothing. Whew! A whole lotta folks must have seen their grants flash before their eyes until the doublespeak was fixed.
That's a pant load of "dripping poop."

Global warming is still called global warming, climate change is a consequence of global warming, like rising sea levels.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit

And I was going to make a comment about the chance that his hairdo could lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) or a condition of the neck where constantly flipping one's hair out of one's face makes one side stronger than the other and starts to pull the head to one side. But dripping poop porno is way better. On a previous message board we had a fellow who posted videos of such things. I can't tell you the admiration it produced in us. I really can't.
When "Global Warming" started looking shaky, the switch was quickly made to "Climate Change," which of course can mean anything and therefore means nothing. Whew! A whole lotta folks must have seen their grants flash before their eyes until the doublespeak was fixed.
That's a pant load of "dripping poop."

Global warming is still called global warming, climate change is a consequence of global warming, like rising sea levels.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit

And I was going to make a comment about the chance that his hairdo could lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) or a condition of the neck where constantly flipping one's hair out of one's face makes one side stronger than the other and starts to pull the head to one side. But dripping poop porno is way better. On a previous message board we had a fellow who posted videos of such things. I can't tell you the admiration it produced in us. I really can't.
What, that you enjoy looking at piles of poop on video?
That's not what I said, now, is it.

I'll try to be less subtle in the future if you think it'll help.

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