Hey Libs...why do tax cuts for our most productive suck?

Obviously neither do you. So your supposition is a mute point. However, the averag taxpayer pays about $40 per year to welfare. The average recipient gets $300 per month. So their parents would have had to work for roughly 7.5 years to cover their expense, but seeing that those payments were not reserved solely for their kids it would be much longer. The other hole in your argument is, I highly doubt any one making $1,000,000 per year would have a kid on welfare. This is way to easy!

But you are assuming this is a single generational thing. It's not. If I had a great-grandparent that paid in 100 years ago, do you know how much money that would be with 100 year's interest? Not to mention each year and each generation?
Considering that welfare ( not as we know it today ) didn’t start until 1935 and was completely different then, you are just grasping at straws. The government has raided the pantry’s of all programs, so there is no interest and very little principle. Plus you keep forgetting or at least acknowledging that others have benefited from those deposits. It wasn’t a bank account directly for their kids. These programs are set up for “ the common good”. Please try again..


80 years or 100 years... you look like the one grasping at straws here.
You haven’t addressed the simple math or the simple truth. What you put in to the fund is not reserved for your family. It seems you are challenged. Maybe your next door neighbor can help you. When I put money in my bank account, it is mine and my families. When I put money in the tax system it is for all of America thus it get diluted. Please tell me if this concept is to difficult for you to follow.

Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.
But you are assuming this is a single generational thing. It's not. If I had a great-grandparent that paid in 100 years ago, do you know how much money that would be with 100 year's interest? Not to mention each year and each generation?
Considering that welfare ( not as we know it today ) didn’t start until 1935 and was completely different then, you are just grasping at straws. The government has raided the pantry’s of all programs, so there is no interest and very little principle. Plus you keep forgetting or at least acknowledging that others have benefited from those deposits. It wasn’t a bank account directly for their kids. These programs are set up for “ the common good”. Please try again..


80 years or 100 years... you look like the one grasping at straws here.
You haven’t addressed the simple math or the simple truth. What you put in to the fund is not reserved for your family. It seems you are challenged. Maybe your next door neighbor can help you. When I put money in my bank account, it is mine and my families. When I put money in the tax system it is for all of America thus it get diluted. Please tell me if this concept is to difficult for you to follow.

Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

My aren’t you misinformed. They only people that get tax cuts inherited their wealth? Are you prepar d to prove that? Likewise are you prepared to show how the midterms will change all of this to the point where a bunch of Prlisi clones will run things?

"Prlisi clones"? What is that?

It's time for some honesty on the issue of taxes and their benefits. The R's once claimed the Democratic Party was the party of tax and spend. That talking point is long gone, since neither GW Bush nor Donald Trump were physically responsible.

Obama was an outlier, since he needed to get the country moving again; he used a Keynesian hybrid to get banks to loan and stop the rising unemployment, but also reduced the number of federal government employees by attrition. It worked.
Fat fingers in an iPhone combin d with auto correct. Should be Pelosi clones. But to address your statement. Obama’s legacy is tax and Spend, since when he came into office the deficit was 10.6 trillion and when he left it was 20 trillion..
Considering that welfare ( not as we know it today ) didn’t start until 1935 and was completely different then, you are just grasping at straws. The government has raided the pantry’s of all programs, so there is no interest and very little principle. Plus you keep forgetting or at least acknowledging that others have benefited from those deposits. It wasn’t a bank account directly for their kids. These programs are set up for “ the common good”. Please try again..


80 years or 100 years... you look like the one grasping at straws here.
You haven’t addressed the simple math or the simple truth. What you put in to the fund is not reserved for your family. It seems you are challenged. Maybe your next door neighbor can help you. When I put money in my bank account, it is mine and my families. When I put money in the tax system it is for all of America thus it get diluted. Please tell me if this concept is to difficult for you to follow.

Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working? Please don’t help your kids with math or comprehension study.
80 years or 100 years... you look like the one grasping at straws here.
You haven’t addressed the simple math or the simple truth. What you put in to the fund is not reserved for your family. It seems you are challenged. Maybe your next door neighbor can help you. When I put money in my bank account, it is mine and my families. When I put money in the tax system it is for all of America thus it get diluted. Please tell me if this concept is to difficult for you to follow.

Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working?

Is Paris Hilton a productive victim of taxes?
You haven’t addressed the simple math or the simple truth. What you put in to the fund is not reserved for your family. It seems you are challenged. Maybe your next door neighbor can help you. When I put money in my bank account, it is mine and my families. When I put money in the tax system it is for all of America thus it get diluted. Please tell me if this concept is to difficult for you to follow.

Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working?

Is Paris Hilton a productive victim of taxes?
Nice deflection from the conversation at hand, however now that you brought it up her family created wealth and deferred in part it to her ( even though she is an idiot), it is the families money and they are allowed to invest and use that money to their and others benefit. There are tax considerations to be made for that. Same follows for Nacy Pelosi’s kids as well as Oprah and all the other rich liberals. That money is direct to the family, undiluted since it is their acvount(s). The money you and I, our parents and grandparents were assessed in welfare tak went into a pool. That pool pays for millions of people so the apology you make between the two is not valid. Please try to follow.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job
Are you paying attention? I simply put forth the same argument from the other side as the OP made about the transferring of productivity through inheritance.
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working?

Is Paris Hilton a productive victim of taxes?
Nice deflection from the conversation at hand, however now that you brought it up her family created wealth and deferred in part it to her ( even though she is an idiot), it is the families money and they are allowed to invest and use that money to their and others benefit. There are tax considerations to be made for that. Same follows for Nacy Pelosi’s kids as well as Oprah and all the other rich liberals. That money is direct to the family, undiluted since it is their acvount(s). The money you and I, our parents and grandparents were assessed in welfare tak went into a pool. That pool pays for millions of people so the apology you make between the two is not valid. Please try to follow.

It is not a deflection.. it is the main point! To think the productivity is transferred with money is a freaking ridiculous statement to make! :abgg2q.jpg:
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?
First they are not necessary in a strong economy
Second, we raised the deficit to pay for them
Third, the money is pulled from our economy

Why not demand less .GOV spending...doesn’t that make more sense?
Again...why cut spending in a strong economy?
This is not the time for austerity
I call BULLSHIT right now.
A licensed Loan Officer is in fact a Fiduciary. He/she is regulated by the Department Of Real Estate and is required to adhere to all legal mandates set forth by the DRE.
Further, you’re doing exactly what Lefties do...deflect blame and self accountability.
You wackos will never change.
What is better for a society. the government putting out rules that prevent mortgage loans being issued to people who can't pay for it? Or not doing so and having to pay out billions of tax payers money when the system goes bust?
The federal government forced banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them, you fucking dumbas.
Lol sure. The government forced banks to issue subprime mortgages. Think this can be categorized as a lie people want to believe.
Lenders were blinded by greed and the government looked the other way
Greed made them give out mortgages to people who couldn't pay them? Why do you leftwing imbeciles always blame everything on greed?
That’s what drove the subprime frenzy
It was not poor people looking for their first home, it was speculators willing to pay any price and lenders looking to bundle bad mortgages in with good ones
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.
My aren’t you misinformed. They only people that get tax cuts inherited their wealth? Are you prepar d to prove that? Likewise are you prepared to show how the midterms will change all of this to the point where a bunch of Prlisi clones will run things?

Only the upper 1% and large corporations benefit from the great tax cut scam. The lowest 20% actually get a tax hike, and the next 40% will being paying more taxes starting next year, and everyone but the upper income bracket will be paying higher taxes in 5 years.

The only people in America who are productive take a shower after work, and are the working class Americans, that carry a lunch box to work every day.

Every one else is a parasite that was born on third base and think they hit a triple.

“The lowest 20% actually get a tax hike”
You people really struggle to understand the most basic of things...the “lowest 20%” have a 0% effective tax rate...how do you cut anything from 0%?
I am paying attention. Your argument is flawed so it isn’t the same argument. When you pay in to the system, the government doesn’t open a bank account for lewdog to be paid to leedog Jr. Those funds are distributed among millions. When an individual put money into a private account, that money can indeed be directed to the benefit of a single person. You seem to have a problem understanding that.

It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working?

Is Paris Hilton a productive victim of taxes?
Nice deflection from the conversation at hand, however now that you brought it up her family created wealth and deferred in part it to her ( even though she is an idiot), it is the families money and they are allowed to invest and use that money to their and others benefit. There are tax considerations to be made for that. Same follows for Nacy Pelosi’s kids as well as Oprah and all the other rich liberals. That money is direct to the family, undiluted since it is their acvount(s). The money you and I, our parents and grandparents were assessed in welfare tak went into a pool. That pool pays for millions of people so the apology you make between the two is not valid. Please try to follow.

It is not a deflection.. it is the main point! To think the productivity is transferred with money is a freaking ridiculous statement to make! :abgg2q.jpg:
It is a deflection. You spoke about direct input into a system vs direct input into an investment into a family. I never stated that productivity is transferred with wealth. You can put all the little laughing dogs you want into the thread, it doesn’t change the illogical statements you have made. If you want to stay on subject I wil, talk if you want to change, I am not interested. You can’t substantiate your foolish statements and now you want to change the subject.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job
I am ahead. Why aren’t you?
It is the same because it is one family member paying in and another taking it out.

Funny how you aren't arguing about how productivity can be transferred through the inheritance of money. It's a silly argument the OP is making.
It isn’t the same as I have shown you. What part of your brain isn’t working?

Is Paris Hilton a productive victim of taxes?
Nice deflection from the conversation at hand, however now that you brought it up her family created wealth and deferred in part it to her ( even though she is an idiot), it is the families money and they are allowed to invest and use that money to their and others benefit. There are tax considerations to be made for that. Same follows for Nacy Pelosi’s kids as well as Oprah and all the other rich liberals. That money is direct to the family, undiluted since it is their acvount(s). The money you and I, our parents and grandparents were assessed in welfare tak went into a pool. That pool pays for millions of people so the apology you make between the two is not valid. Please try to follow.

It is not a deflection.. it is the main point! To think the productivity is transferred with money is a freaking ridiculous statement to make! :abgg2q.jpg:
It is a deflection. You spoke about direct input into a system vs direct input into an investment into a family. I never stated that productivity is transferred with wealth. You can put all the little laughing dogs you want into the thread, it doesn’t change the illogical statements you have made. If you want to stay on subject I wil, talk if you want to change, I am not interested. You can’t substantiate your foolish statements and now you want to change the subject.

I’ve bowed out...I don’t have the time or energy to try to reason with ignorant, irrational, unreasonable fools. Good on you for trying though.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job

Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job
I am ahead. Why aren’t you?
Inflation. Trumps tariffs will raise car prices $3000. There goes my tax break there alone. Imagine all the other things that will go up in price. So the middle class won’t be better off. Certainly not great again
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job

Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
Give everyone a tax break then cost of living goes up always soon after so the only ones who really benefit are the people who are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax breaks or millions.

Further widening the gap between rich and rest of us
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job

Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job
Considering the current inflation rate is 2.9% you are making over $100k per year if indeed what you say is true about you going backwards. You can’t live on $100k per year?
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

That depends on wether you're rich or or not and what your views are on things like equality, the national debt, welfare etc.

So, if you're in love with the 1% and think people like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg or the Koch Brothers are bigly productive you probably think it's a wonderful idea

On the other hand, if you already have a $20 trillion debt and a yearly deficit of hundreds of $billions you might think that it would be a good idea to do something about that first before handing out more tax cuts to the 'productive' oligarchy

Shit for brains, You do realize that the debt is unpayable?
There is not enough money in the world to pay the worlds debt
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

The most productive didn't get tax cuts.

Only worthless inheritance kids that never worked a day in their worthless lives from the time the whores who birthed them.

Trump being one of them.

But just 100 more days until the midterms. When the Dems get back control of the House, the money dries up, day one.

Nice thread you got here though.

Consult with Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about that. I’m thinking neither are “inheritance kids”.
You people prove just how twisted and lost you really are in nearly every single post. Thanks for that.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job

Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
Give everyone a tax break then cost of living goes up always soon after so the only ones who really benefit are the people who are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax breaks or millions.

Further widening the gap between rich and rest of us
Really. Please show us all the math that supports your theory.

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